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Schools Building Projects.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 18 May 2004

Tuesday, 18 May 2004

Questions (30)

Paul Nicholas Gogarty


42 Mr. Gogarty asked the Minister for Education and Science further to Question No. 12 of 19 February 2004, in reply to which he stated that Adamstown was a separate entity to Lucan, if this means there are plans to set up a new second level school within the Lucan area as opposed to opening an existing designated Adamstown site earlier; and if the position remains that students who cannot obtain a co-educational, single sex or other place in the Lucan area will have to attend schools in Palmerstown, Clondalkin and Leixlip. [14381/04]

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The position in the matter to which the Deputy refers is as I outlined to the House in February 2004. The educational infrastructural needs of the Adamstown area as it develops are separate and distinct from those of the Lucan area and clearly cannot alleviate any current difficulties that may exist in the Lucan area.

Swift and decisive actions have been taken to address the demands that have emerged from the rapid development of Lucan over recent years. Within the last five years a total sum of €19 million has been invested in providing and upgrading educational provision in Lucan, €12 million at primary level and €7 million at post-primary level.

This expansion is set to continue with three new schools due to commence construction this year, two at primary level and one at post-primary level. Specifically at post-primary level, a new school for Coláiste Cois Life will proceed to tender and construction this year. This will provide places for 600 pupils, some 400 additional places relative to existing capacity.

Capacity at Coláiste Phádraig will be increased by 300 pupil places with the completion of the major extension project at the school. A further extension project at St. Joseph's College will also be completed this year, which will provide an overall capacity of 725 pupil places. This is deemed sufficient to meet demand from pupils in its catchment area.

With regard to pupils from the Lucan area attending schools in areas such as Palmerstown and Leixlip, the position is that it is the current practice, particularly in Dublin, that post-primary students tend to travel some distance to attend a post-primary school. It is therefore not unreasonable that my Department should seek to optimise the use of existing surplus capacity at post-primary schools in the general vicinity of Lucan as part of a range of measures to address any shortfall for post-primary places that may emerge in Lucan.

In summary, on foot of this unprecedented level of investment in schools in the Lucan area, pupil places will be increased overall by 25% over a period of five to six years. Accordingly, I am satisfied that my Department has been dealing in a comprehensive way with the needs of this developing area. I can assure the Deputy that my Department will continue to review demographic change in the area.
