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Interdepartmental Committees.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 20 May 2004

Thursday, 20 May 2004

Questions (218)

John Bruton


218 Mr. J. Bruton asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he will list the number of meetings in the past year of each interdepartmental committee or body on which his Department is represented; the frequency and location of the meetings; and where the meetings will take place after decentralisation. [15016/04]

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Written answers

Interdepartmental committees are listed in the following table A. My Department is also represented on a number of agencies sponsored by it as per table B.

My officials also serve on a range of interdepartmental committees and groups operating under the auspices of other Departments. The details are being compiled and will be sent to the Deputy.

Lists of the number, frequency and duration of such meetings are not readily available. The compilation of such information would require a disproportionate allocation of staff resources.

It is not possible to predict the pattern of future meetings for such groups.


Name of Committee

Interdepartmental Task force on the Integration of Local Government and Local Development Systems

Flood Policy Review Group

Steering Group on the implementation of Branching Out

EU Chemicals Strategy Interdepartmental Committee

NDP-CSF: Environment Co-ordinating Committee

Committee of Departments of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and of Agriculture and Food in relation to designated conservation areas and commonages

Interdepartmental Committee on the Implementation of National Heritage and National Biodiversity Plan

Consultative Committee on Nuclear Emergency Planning

Nuclear Emergency Response Co-ordination Committee

Interdepartmental Committee on Monitoring of Sellafield Arbitrations

Interdepartmental Climate Change Team

National Allocations Plan Steering Committee

Inventory Data Users Sub Groups

Committee to review Wind Farms Development Guidelines

Monitoring Committee on Implementation of Recommendations of Task Force on the Travelling Community

National Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee

Environmental Network of Government Departments

Interdepartmental Committee on Implementation of the National Spatial Strategy

Working Group on Implementation of Directive 2002/91/EC on Energy Performance of Buildings

Ad Hoc Interdepartmental Group on Ispat Matters

Cross Departmental Team on Homelessness

Expert Group on Dangerous Substances

Nitrates Expert Committee

EU Water Framework Directive Interdepartmental Steering Group

EU Water Framework Directive Co-ordination Group

National Waste Prevention Committee

Market Development Group (for Recyclables)

Housing Forum

Committee to Review Management-Development (Planning)

Working Group on Voluntary Housing


Building Regulations Advisory Board

Dublin Docklands Development Authority

Fire Services Council

Housing Finance Agency

Local Government Computer Services Board

Local Government Management Services Board

National Building Agency

Irish Water Safety Association


Private Residential Tenancies Board

Heritage Council

Forum of the Construction Industry
