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Strategic Management Initiative.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 20 May 2004

Thursday, 20 May 2004

Questions (82)

John Bruton


82 Mr. J. Bruton asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the action taken by his Department on each recommendation of the PA Consultancy report on the implementation of the strategic management initiative. [15022/04]

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The key recommendations contained in the PA consultancy report, in so far as they relate to my Department, have been implemented or are being progressed. My Department has been progressive in developing financial management systems, in further developing quality customer service initiatives and in participating in pilot projects in relation to the strategic management initiative. A comprehensive report on progress made on the initiative in 2003 has been prepared by my Department for the Civil Service performance verification group. This report is available on the Department of Finance website. I refer the Deputy to this site at which also contains the progress reports prepared by all Departments on this issue. Further progress reports will be published on this web site in June 2004.
