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Departmental Procedures.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 20 May 2004

Thursday, 20 May 2004

Questions (83)

John Bruton


83 Mr. J. Bruton asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if a management information framework as recommended by the Mullarkey committee has been put in place in his Department; and if he will explain the way it works. [15037/04]

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My Department is at an advanced stage in the implementation of the management information framework and an internal steering committee has been established to oversee its further development. The Department has installed a modern and flexible accounts system which is capable of generating information on both a cash and accruals basis. The system was further upgraded in 2003 to provide for additional functionality in the areas of asset management, purchase order processing and accounts receivable. To date, over 1,000 staff members have been trained in the use of the system for processing transactions and producing financial management information. My Department will also soon commence the implementation of an expanded financial management training programme for key staff. The Department has also developed a range of performance indicators as part of its business planning and customer service processes. This work is being further refined in the context of the implementation of the management information framework.
