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Outdoor Events.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 22 June 2004

Tuesday, 22 June 2004

Questions (125)

Tony Gregory


116 Mr. Gregory asked the Minister for Finance , further to Parliamentary Question No. 226 of 27 November 2002, if each of the concerts held in the Phoenix Park, Dublin 7, since then has met the criteria within the policy framework; if the attendance limit of 100,000 has been adhered to in each case; the action that is taken to ensure these limits are adhered to; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18470/04]

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Each of the concerts held in the Phoenix Park since 27 November 2002 has adhered to the terms of the policy document dated May 1997 outlining the policy framework relating to the use of the Phoenix Park for large-scale public, cultural, musical and heritage events.

Each concert also secured a licence under Part 16 of the Planning and Development Regulations, 2001, for public outdoor events. There is no specific limit in the policy framework document on numbers attending these events. Numbers attending events are limited by the capacity of the venue and health and safety concerns.
