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Organ Retention.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 29 September 2004

Wednesday, 29 September 2004

Questions (768)

John Perry


947 Mr. Perry asked the Minister for Health and Children if his attention has been drawn to the circumstances outlined in correspondence (details supplied); if he will reply to the eight questions raised; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22634/04]

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The terms of reference of the post-mortem inquiry are very broad and deal with all post-mortem policy, practice and procedure in the State since 1970, in particular, as it relates to organ removal, retention, storage and disposal. The inquiry is also mandated to examine any arrangements with pharmaceutical companies with regard to retained organs. The inquiry team has been examining thousands of documents and witness statements from a range of persons, including the pharmaceutical industry. The chairman has informed me that the inquiry has received considerable co-operation from each of the hospitals with which it is dealing at present and that the inquiry's non-statutory nature has not thus far significantly hampered its substantive work.

The persons who contacted the Deputy may wish to make contact with the relevant hospital for further details about the particular post-mortem that affects them.
