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Garda Deployment.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 30 September 2004

Thursday, 30 September 2004

Questions (199)

Tony Gregory


200 Mr. Gregory asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of gardaí assigned to Fitzgibbon Street Garda station in Dublin 1; the number of community gardaí at same; the number of community gardaí assigned to patrol the Ballybough and Clonliffe areas of Dublin 3; if there are regular Garda foot and mobile patrols covering the Ballybough and Clonliffe areas; if there have been arrests following the spate of house break-ins in the Tolka Road and Clonliffe area in the week ending 25 September 2004; the action the gardaí are taking to counter this spate of house break-ins; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [23051/04]

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I have been informed by the Garda authorities who are responsible for the detailed allocation of resources, including personnel, that the current personnel strength of Fitzgibbon Street Garda station, all ranks, as at the 29 September 2004 is 119.

The situation will be kept under review and when additional personnel next becomes available the needs of Fitzgibbon Street Garda Station will be fully considered within the overall context of the needs of Garda stations throughout the country. There are currently two sergeants and 13 gardaí assigned to community policing in Fitzgibbon Street with three vacancies to be filled in the near future. Two community gardaí are assigned to the Ballybough and Clonliffe areas and this area is covered regularly on mobile and foot patrols by plain clothes and uniformed gardaí. In addition, divisional mobile units also pay regular attention to the area concerned. No arrests have been made in respect of any burglaries committed in the areas mentioned in the week ending 25 September 2004. This issue was discussed, inter alia, with approximately 200 residents of the area, at a meeting held by local Garda management on 28 September at the Tivoli Centre. At that meeting local Garda management assured the residents that Garda resources and higher Garda visibility would be directed to the areas concerned. A further meeting has been arranged for two weeks’ time.
