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School Transport.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 17 November 2004

Wednesday, 17 November 2004

Questions (435)

Denis Naughten


476 Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for Education and Science if she will review the 3:2 ratio on school buses; her views on the level of overcrowding on post-primary buses; her views on whether the increase in childhood obesity has had an impact on overcrowding on school buses; if she has reviewed this situation; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [29101/04]

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The loading of all school buses is determined by the relevant sections of the road traffic regulations — construction, equipment and use of vehicles — which are laid down by the Department of Transport. The licensed carrying capacity of all vehicles engaged in school transport is based on a ratio of three pupils for every two adult seats, in accordance with the relevant legislation. I assure the Deputy that irrespective of the legal requirements, which are being fully complied with by Bus Éireann, safety on school buses is of paramount importance to my Department and Bus Éireann. As the Deputy will be aware, Bus Éireann has a very good safety record in the operation of school transport services on behalf of my Department and the company is fully committed to ensuring that the highest safety standards are maintained.

On the specific three for two seating accommodation arrangement, I want to dispel the myth that in some way this arrangement is contributing to an unsafe environment on vehicles used for school transport. While a one to one seating arrangement is desirable and indeed many vehicles providing school transport services carry less than the three for two permitted by law, I assure the Deputy that there is no question of safety being compromised. Great care is taken by Bus Éireann to ensure that the loading of school buses does not exceed the maximum legal carrying capacity on each vehicle in use. My Department and Bus Éireann will comply with all legal requirements of road traffic regulations. The regulations are a matter for my colleague, the Minister for Transport.
