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Proposed Legislation.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 24 November 2004

Wednesday, 24 November 2004

Questions (41)

Olwyn Enright


27 Ms Enright asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs his legislative programme for the remainder of the term of this Government; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [30062/04]

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As the Deputy may be aware, the Department of Foreign Affairs is not a Department which brings forward a significant body of legislation. Nonetheless, there are two areas where legislation is envisaged at present.

The first of these relates to the ratification of the European constitution. Under the terms of the European constitution, signed in Rome on 29 October 2004, member states have agreed to complete the ratification process by 1 November 2006. In due course, the Minister for Foreign Affairs will introduce a Bill to amend the Constitution of Ireland to enable ratification of the European Constitution. The proposed amendment of the Constitution of Ireland will be subject to referendum. If the referendum result indicates approval of the European constitution, it will be necessary, before it enters into force, to amend the European Communities Act 1972, as amended, to reflect the changes which the European constitution will make to the legal instruments of the European Union.

In addition, a Bill to amend the Diplomatic Relations and Immunities Acts 1967 and 1976 is currently being drafted. Under the 1967 Act, the Government may, by order, make provision for international organisations and bodies and related persons to have privileges and immunities in the context of international relations. It is proposed to amend the 1967 and 1976 Acts in a way which would define these provisions, while not impinging upon the general prerogative of the Government to make orders. It remains possible that other legislation may become a priority in the coming years.
