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Asylum Applications.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 9 December 2004

Thursday, 9 December 2004

Questions (185)

Mary Upton


182 Dr. Upton asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will review the deportation order and asylum application on behalf of a person (details supplied). [32870/04]

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The person concerned, who claims to be an Angolan national, entered the State on 22 August 2001 and applied for asylum. His application was refused following consideration of his case by the Office of the Refugee Applications Commissioner on 20 June 2002 and on appeal by the Refugee Appeals Tribunal on 27 September 2002.

In accordance with section 3 of the Immigration Act 1999, as amended, the person concerned was informed on 21 November 2002 that it was proposed to make a deportation order in respect of him and he was given the following options: to make written representations within 15 working days to the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform setting out reasons as to why he should not be deported; to voluntarily leave the State or to consent to deportation. An application for leave to remain in the State was received from his legal representatives on 16 December 2002.

Following consideration of the case under section 3 of the Immigration Act 1999, as amended, and section 5 of the Refugee Act 1996, prohibition of refoulement, including all representations received on his behalf, a deportation order was signed on 28 June 2004 in respect of the person concerned requiring him to leave the State. An interlocutory injunction has been obtained in the High Court today preventing the deportation of the person concerned from the State before 17 January 2005. As the matter is now sub judice, I cannot comment further on the case.
