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Agriculture and Food Sector.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 27 January 2005

Thursday, 27 January 2005

Questions (31)

Breeda Moynihan-Cronin


26 Ms B. Moynihan-Cronin asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food her views on the report of the Agri-Vision 2015 Committee which was published in December 2004; if she has proposals to make on foot of the report; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [1922/05]

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The Agri-Vision 2015 Committee was put in place last year to set out a vision for the agriculture and food sector over the next decade. This committee was given the task of building on the work of the 2010 committee, which had reported in 2000. The Agri-Vision 2015 Committee was set terms of reference which stated, among other things, that it should "Review the strategy and recommendations contained in the Agri-Food 2010 Report in the context of developments since that report was completed".

The committee was comprised of experts from the farming organisations, the food industry, research, academia, the State agencies and retailing under the chairmanship of the former Minister for Agriculture and Minister for Finance, Mr. Alan Dukes. It held regular meetings that covered a comprehensive range of topics and rightly identified the rapidly changing nature of Irish agriculture as a key consideration. Among the main issues facing the agriculture and food sectors over the coming decade are the full implementation of the Luxembourg Agreement, the economic effects of EU enlargement and the on-going WTO trade negotiations.

The report sets out a vision of the future for Irish agriculture; it outlines the changes that are required and Ireland's potential positioning in 2015. In particular, the report places great emphasis on meeting consumer requirements and the role of competitiveness in the context of an increasingly global market. While these themes are not new, the report highlights their importance and sets out the type of actions required to optimise the position of the agri-food sector in the coming decade.

By way of recommendations, the report of the Agri-Vision 2015 Committee covers a comprehensive range of areas. The 53 recommendations are grouped thematically. They include: the need to continue to develop a competitive Irish agriculture and food industry; building a knowledge based Irish agriculture and food industry; managing the regulatory environment; improving the all-island dimension; recognising and supporting the public goods output of agriculture; strengthening rural development; and the benefits of improved and integrated policy response.

It is important to note than many of the recommendations were directed not just at the public sector but are equally applicable to the private sector.

I have been examining the final report that was presented to me by the chairman of the Agri-Vision 2015 Committee in December 2004. A group has now been set up within my Department to examine the findings of the report. An implementation plan will be forthcoming shortly.
