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School Staffing.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 15 December 2009

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Questions (387, 388)

Denis Naughten


407 Deputy Denis Naughten asked the Minister for Education and Science the number of whole-time equivalent language support teachers for migrant pupils employed in the primary school system in September 2006, 2007, 2008 and to date in 2009; the total number of pupils in receipt of such support in each year; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [47165/09]

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Denis Naughten


408 Deputy Denis Naughten asked the Minister for Education and Science the total number of whole-time equivalent language support teachers for migrant pupils employed in the post-primary school system in September 2006, 2007, 2008 and to date in 2009; the total number of pupils in receipt of such support in each year; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [47166/09]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 407 and 408 together.

The level of extra teaching support provided in respect of language support to any school is determined by the numbers of eligible pupils enrolled and the associated assessed levels of these pupils' language proficiency. This is done through an annual application process in the Spring/Summer of each year. Following on from the Government decision in Budget 2009 in relation to language support provision my Department published Circular 0015/2009 which sets out a structured and transparent process for the allocation of up to 4 language support teachers to schools. The Department's circular also states that additional support is available for those schools which have at least 25% of their total enrolment made up of pupils that require language support.

Such applications for additional language support are dealt with through the Staffing Appeals process which resulted for the current school year in the allocation of 73 additional language support posts to 64 schools. This resulted in some of these schools having up to 5 or 6 EAL teachers because their specific needs were deemed to warrant this intensive support. Overall, the total number of whole time equivalent Language Support posts in the current school year is 1,182 at primary level and 365 at post-primary level. The challenge for schools is to ensure that this very significant resource is used to maximum effect. The number of whole time equivalent language support posts allocated to primary and post primary schools for the past three years is as follows:

Primary Post-Primary 2006/07 1,168 388 2007/08 1,517 479 2008/09 1,620 560

My Department's centralised record of the applications for language support for the current school year show that about 32,200 pupils at primary level and about 6,200 pupils at second level are currently benefiting from English language support in our schools. Similar information for the previous three years is held on individual school files and would take an inordinate amount of administrative time to compile.
