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Community Employment Schemes

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 18 April 2012

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Questions (525)

Michael Healy-Rae


533 Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Social Protection if she will consider extending the time limits for employment under the community employment scheme; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [18127/12]

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The length of time a person can remain on CE is dictated by a number of factors (as governed by the rules of CE):

What age the person is;

What DSP (Social Welfare) payment they are in receipt of;

How long they have been in receipt of the DSFA payment;

Previous participation on CE since April 2000;

Whether they are considered job-ready at the end of each year's CE participation;

Budgetary limitations.

The maximum participation limits for CE are 3 years for those under 55 years of age, and 6 years for those of 55 to 65 years of age.

Persons in receipt of a qualifying disability-related DSP payment are eligible for one additional year on top of these two limits, i.e., 4 years for those under 55 and 7 years for those of 55 to 65.

Persons in receipt of a qualifying DSP payment for 12 months (on entry to CE) may participate on CE for 1 year before having to leave CE and re-qualify, subject to the age-related maximum participation caps above. In exceptional circumstances, a percentage of participants may be retained for an additional subsequent year, subject to budget limits and personal training needs. Persons in receipt of a qualifying payment for 3 years or more (on entry to CE) may be eligible for up to 3 years on CE (en bloc), subject to annual renewal, based on job-readiness assessment and personal training requirements. There is no entitlement to remain for the 3 years if the person is considered job-ready when assessed by the CE Supervisor at the end of each annual contract. At the end of the 3 years (if fully utilized), the person will have to leave CE and re-qualify for CE in the normal way.

I have no plans to extend the existing participation limits.
