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Departmental Consultations

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 12 February 2013

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Questions (352)

Alan Farrell


352. Deputy Alan Farrell asked the Minister for Social Protection her views on the increase in calls to the St. Vincent de Paul in 2012; the engagement that she has had with the society in order to pin point opportunities in which her Department may reform supports effectively in order to combat poverty; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [6578/13]

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As part of my preparations for Budget 2013, I held a pre-Budget forum on 12 October 2012. I invited thirty five community and voluntary groups to the forum, including the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SVP). I listened carefully to their views and proposals in relation to Budget 2013 and the issues affecting the people who use their services.

In addition, the SVP is a member of the Department’s Technical Advisory Group, which was established under the National Action Plan for Social Inclusion 2007-2016. The group assists the Social Inclusion Division in the development and implementation of comprehensive data strategies and research to inform anti-poverty and social inclusion policies and practice and to facilitate improved monitoring of outcomes. It identifies data sources, gaps and the most effective approaches to poverty measurement. It advises on the on-going development of indicators and data to monitor poverty trends and targets. The group also promotes synergies, as appropriate, between its activities, those of its constituent bodies and the activities of other bodies in this area, including work undertaken at EU and international level.

Finally, three SVP representatives are on the Department’s general mailing list for notice of events and publications. They are sent advance notices and invitations to attend conferences, seminars, workshops, consultative meetings etc.

I look forward to on-going engagement with the SVP, both on a Ministerial and Departmental level, in the year ahead.
