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Thursday, 21 Feb 2013

Written Answers Nos. 41-51

Jobs Data

Questions (41)

Bernard Durkan


41. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation the number of jobs created or lost in both the manufacturing or services sectors in the past 12 months; his projections for the current year in this regard; the extent to which he is satisfied regarding the availability of adequately qualified job applicants for the positions available; if particular or specific action is required to address any deficiency in this regard; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9216/13]

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The number of jobs created in the manufacturing and services sectors in the past twelve months has not yet been finalised.

The total number of jobs lost and gained, and the total of net new full-time jobs created in manufacturing, for the period 2006-2011 is set out as follows.







Job Gains







Job Losses







Net Change







There are now 205,700 people directly employed in manufacturing (both full-time and part-time), and a similar number of people employed indirectly: the total supported within the sector is therefore just over 400,000.

The following provides details of gains and losses in the services sector in agency supported companies.

Job Gains







All Agencies incl Udaras







Job Losses







All Agencies incl Udaras







However, in recent years there has been a decisive move towards an economy based on Services rather than Manufacturing. The Services sector accounts for two thirds of total employment. While the majority of service firms were not supported by the State, 125,644 persons were employed in Agency supported firms in 2011, an increase of 4.6% on 2010. 46,634 were employed by Irish companies with growth particularly strong in areas including business services, ICT and financial services.

Regarding the availability of appropriate skills for manufacturing positions, the Expert Group on Futures Skills Needs (EGFSN) and Forfás have recently undertaken detailed analyses of the skill needs in this sector. The recommendations in their report will be pursued in conjunction with the implementation of the separate Forfás Manufacturing Strategy to be finalised shortly. Where appropriate, specific actions to address skills issues in the manufacturing sector will be incorporated into the Action Plan for Jobs 2013, which will be published in the coming days. The combined work of the Manufacturing Development Forum, Forfás and the EGFSN will provide a solid grounding for the achievement of sustainable growth in employment in manufacturing companies in the short term.

Foreign Direct Investment

Questions (42)

Gerry Adams


42. Deputy Gerry Adams asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation the number and percentage of foreign direct investment jobs created in the 13 counties with the highest unemployment. [9048/13]

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The Quarterly National Household Survey (QNHS) is the official source of estimates of unemployment in the State. QNHS estimates are published by NUTS3 Region and are not available at county level.

The CSO Live Register is published by county and Social Welfare Local Office. The Live Register is not designed to measure unemployment. It includes part-time workers (those who work up to three days per week), seasonal and casual workers entitled to Jobseeker's Benefit or Allowance .

An analysis done by the Central Statistics Office following on from the 2011 Census, which is available on the CSO website, shows that the 13 counties with the highest unemployment rate are Donegal, Longford, Wexford, Louth, Carlow, Offaly, Waterford, Laois, Cavan Westmeath, Limerick South Tipperary and Monaghan. Details of the number of IDA supported jobs created in each of those counties in 2012 are set out on the following tabular statement.

Table showing the number of IDA supported jobs created in 2012 in each of the following counties;- Donegal, Longford, Wexford, Louth, Carlow, Offaly, Waterford, Laois, Cavan Westmeath, Limerick South Tipperary and Monaghan.


Number of IDA supported jobs created in 2012























South Tipperary




Question No. 43 answered with Question No. 38.
Question No. 44 answered with Question No. 25.

Business Regulation

Questions (45, 47)

Michael McGrath


45. Deputy Michael McGrath asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation the measures that have been taken to reduce the number of licences required by businesses; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9089/13]

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Brendan Smith


47. Deputy Brendan Smith asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation the progress that has been made in reducing the multiplicity of licences required by businesses on foot of the Forfás report last year; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9074/13]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 45 and 47 together.

The Forfás report on "The Review and Audit of Licences", which recommends the introduction of an integrated licensing system, was discussed by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Recovery and Jobs on 17 December 2012 and 14 January 2013. The committee, which is chaired by An Taoiseach, considered an action plan for the introduction of such a system and agreed that an integrated licensing system for the retail sector be delivered by the end of this year.

The Government considers this project to be of significant importance. Such an integrated licensing system is a reformative step in reducing the administrative burdens for business. Delivering an integrated licensing system, in the first instance for the retail sector will require the firm and on-going commitment and engagement of the relevant licensing authorities to work closely with my Department and with Forfás.

A list of 30 core licences for the retail sector have been identified for the initial stages of this project involving up to 16 licensing authorities. My colleague Minister John Perry has invited all these authorities at the highest level to become members of the Steering Group for this project; the Steering Group will begin meeting shortly. Minister Perry will chair this group.

Furthermore, an audit of the statutory obligations and required administrative processes of those core licences identified for the retail sector is underway. This audit includes:

- A review of all the information that is required for each licence in terms of application, renewal and compliance.

- An assessment/understanding of the current systems for approval, authorisation, record keeping, security and personnel engaged.

- Further analysis to identify those licences that can be amalgamated / integrated.

- A review of the current underpinning IT frameworks.

The outputs of this audit process will inform the definition of an integrated licence management system that will include the technical infrastructure design, the detailed system design and security and risk analysis.

Question No. 47 answered with Question No. 45.

Question No. 46 answered with Question No. 13.

Financial Services Sector

Questions (48)

Denis Naughten


48. Deputy Denis Naughten asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation the progress made to date in finding a buyer for the MBNA UK loan book; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9035/13]

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The process regarding the sale of Bank of America's (BOA's) UK credit card businesses is ongoing.

IDA Ireland continues to monitor the situation closely and is providing relevant input into the process as it moves forward. BOA has not yet sold the UK MBNA portfolio supported out of Carrick-on-Shannon. IDA's understanding is that BOA is still searching for a buyer for the UK book as to date no buyer has been found.

There are approximately 225 employees continuing to service the UK clients from Carrick on Shannon. IDA is in regular contact with Bank of America management in Carrick-on-Shannon, Dublin and at headquarter level in the US and UK to monitor developments. IDA last met with BOA MBNA management in Carrick-on-Shannon on the 15th of February 2013.

IDA also met with senior executives of Apollo (purchaser of the BOA Irish credit card book) in London last November during the run-up to the transfer of the Carrick facility and staff to Apollo, when further investment opportunities for the group in Ireland were discussed.

We understand that the transfer of the Irish credit card business and staff to Apollo will be completed by mid-March. My Department and IDA Ireland will keep in close touch with the issue and will use whatever influence they can to seek to ensure a satisfactory outcome.

Question No. 49 answered with Question No. 21.

Cross-Border Enterprise Initiatives

Questions (50, 55)

Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin


50. Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation if he intends to make a response to the Cross-Border Economic Renewal Report of the Centre for Cross Border Studies. [9056/13]

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Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin


55. Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation the consideration being given to creating a special economic zone along the Border counties to counter the regional economic disparities; and if he will raise the issue with his counterpart in the Northern Executive. [9057/13]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 50 and 55 together.

This report, published last year, is an extensive body of research which identifies current cross-border economic realities and places them in their historical context. It represents an important contribution to our consideration of the various issues involved.

However its key recommendation, on the establishment of a Border Development Zone, raises considerable challenges, particularly in the current economic climate. The establishment of new structures would not appear warranted or practicable for various logistical, administrative and practical reasons. Given the fact that there are already a significant number of initiatives underway to deal with enterprise development in the border region, and that there is a strong level of cooperation between the relevant Development Agencies and other bodies, it is considered that initiating a new structure is not, at this time, a practical proposition

However I am aware that the Centre for Cross Border Studies have initiated further research to explore in more details the issues involved in initiating a Border Development Zone, as outlined in in their 2013 report and I look forward to the result of this research in due course. The matter will be kept under on-going review.

Question No. 51 answered with Question No. 37.