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Family Income Supplement Eligibility

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 23 April 2013

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Questions (389)

Jack Wall


389. Deputy Jack Wall asked the Minister for Social Protection if changes in a persons (details supplied) in County Kildare one parent family allowance payment will be taken into account when their family income supplement will be reviewed; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [18909/13]

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The Family Income Supplement (FIS) payment is designed to provide cash income for employees with families who are on low earnings. Once the level of FIS payment is determined, it continues to be payable at that rate for a period of 52 weeks, provided that the person remains in full-time employment. The rate of payment may be increased if an additional child is born in the course of the 52 weeks. On the other hand, the rate of payment will not change if there is an increase or decrease in the recipient’s earnings or other income. When the 52 week period has expired, customers are invited to re-apply. If at that stage they continue to satisfy the basic qualifying conditions their up-to-date family income is assessed for FIS purposes and a change in rate is approved if appropriate.

In the case of the person concerned their last 52 week payment period for FIS expired on 13 March 2013. The income assessment for their renewal application was based on their family income as it stood in March 2013 and initially their application was refused as the weekly family income exceeded the prescribed income level for the family size. However, it has subsequently transpired that their rate of One Parent Family Payment is being reduced from 25 April 2013. Accordingly their family income has been re-assessed and FIS has now been awarded at the weekly rate of €20 for the 52 week period from 25 April 2013 to 23 April 2014. The person concerned will be notified directly of this decision.
