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Tuesday, 9 Jul 2013

Written Answers Nos. 435-450

Garda Operations

Questions (435)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn


435. Deputy Pádraig Mac Lochlainn asked the Minister for Justice and Equality if there is a minimum age requirement for persons whose details are entered into the Garda PULSE system; and the age of the youngest person whose details have been entered into the Garda PULSE system. [33482/13]

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I have requested the information sought by the Deputy from the Garda Commissioner and as soon as it is to hand I will pass it on to the Deputy.

Garda Deployment

Questions (436)

Michael McGrath


436. Deputy Michael McGrath asked the Minister for Justice and Equality if he will provide details of the number of staff members currently working at the Garda Bureau of Fraud Investigation; the number of staff holding professional qualifications in the areas of forensic accounting, criminal law and other areas relevant to the body's work; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33488/13]

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The allocation of all resources, including personnel, within the Force rests with the Garda Commissioner, in consultation with his senior management team and I have no direct function in that matter. The Commissioner has informed me that the current personnel strength of the Garda Bureau of Fraud Investigation (GBFI) is 86. Of these, 70 are members of the Garda Síochána, 2 are Professional Accountants and there are 14 administrative staff. 12 members of staff hold professional qualifications in a mixture of Accounting and Finance, Professional Accountancy, Economics and Finance, Legal Studies, Business and Legal Studies and Criminology. In addition to the foregoing, as recently as 30th May, 2013, I received sanction from the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform for the recruitment of two additional forensic accountants for the GBFI.

Garda Investigations

Questions (437)

Finian McGrath


437. Deputy Finian McGrath asked the Minister for Justice and Equality if he will support proposals in investigating into the banking fraudulent practices and crime by establishing a special task force similar to CAB (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33539/13]

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A specialist Bureau with An Garda Síochána, the Garda Bureau of Fraud Investigation (GBFI), is charged with investigating serious and complex fraud matters and has the resources and expertise to carry out this function. In light of this I have no plans to establish a task force or other agency with responsibilities in this field. The Bureau is staffed by specialist Garda and civilian personnel including two full-time forensic accountants and works closely with other bodies which relevant enforcement functions including the Criminal Assets Bureau, Revenue Commissioners, the Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement, the Competition Authority and the Financial Regulator. I am in regular contact with the Garda Commissioner concerning all aspects of serious crime, and he has assured me that there are sufficient resources available to the GBFI, particularly with respect to the major banking investigations. Notwithstanding this, I have made it clear to the Commissioner that if at any stage he believed that additional resources were required for these investigations I would respond immediately, to ensure that the GBFI can continue to carry out its functions effectively.

Anti-Social Behaviour

Questions (438)

Finian McGrath


438. Deputy Finian McGrath asked the Minister for Justice and Equality if he will advise a family who are being intimidated by a teenage gang in the Dublin 13 area in securing their person and home safely. [33540/13]

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The issues raised by the Deputy are ones which are appropriately dealt with by An Garda Síochána. In this regard I am informed by the Garda authorities that it is the policy of An Garda Síochána to deploy personnel to establish a highly visible and accessible service to communities to tackle crime, the fear of crime and anti-social behaviour.

In the absence of specific details as to the nature of the intimidation referred to, it is not possible to provide a specific response from the Garda authorities on this matter. However, if a person feels that a crime has been committed they should contact their local Garda station. All crimes that are reported to Gardaí are fully and thoroughly investigated and offenders brought to justice wherever possible. As well as contacting the Gardaí directly, information can be provided to An Garda Síochána by way of the Garda confidential line, 1800 666 111, which is a monitored freephone line that allows members of the public to contact An Garda Síochána with information of a confidential nature.

Insofar as the use of intimidation in local communities as a result of drug-related debt is concerned, under the National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016 a framework for tackling this problem has been put in place by An Garda Síochána. Under this framework a ‘Drug-Related Intimidation Programme’ has been established by the Garda National Drugs Unit in conjunction with the community based National Family Support Network (FSN) with the support of the HSE Social Inclusion Unit. The purpose of this programme is to respond to the needs of drug users, their family members and/or friends who experience drug-related intimidation to repay drug debts.

Under the programme, nominated Garda Inspectors have been selected by the Garda Commissioner across the country to deal to the issue of drug related intimidation. These Inspectors act as a point of contact for any individuals (or for representatives of the FSN acting on individuals' behalf) in responding to any issues of drug related intimidation being experienced.

Naval Service Vessels

Questions (439)

Andrew Doyle


439. Deputy Andrew Doyle asked the Minister for Defence further to Parliamentary Question No. 181 of 23 May 2013 the process he, in conjunction with the Irish Naval Service, will use for the naming of the two new vessels to be delivered in early 2014 and 2015 to replace the LE Emer and LE Aoife; if a decision has been made on the matter yet; when he expects a decision to be made; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33185/13]

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A decision has been made to name the two new ships. The first of the two ships scheduled for delivery in January 2014 will be named L.E. Samuel Beckett. The second ship scheduled for delivery in early 2015 will be named L.E. James Joyce. The naming of the new ships after world renowned Irish literary figures will facilitate greater recognition of the ships when they visit foreign ports and when they are operating in the international maritime domain. It is my view that these names portray a very strong sovereign link between the State and the Naval Service and sets the tone both domestically and abroad in reflecting on a more modern Ireland and Naval Service organisation.

Forestry Premium Payments

Questions (440, 441)

Brendan Griffin


440. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine when a legal matter pertaining to the forestry plantation of a person (details supplied) in County Kerry will be finalised; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32905/13]

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Brendan Griffin


441. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine when a forestry payment will issue in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Kerry; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32906/13]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 440 and 441 together.

The legal issues that arose in relation to the application by the person named under the afforestation grant and premium scheme have now been resolved. His application has now been approved and payment will issue very shortly.

Departmental Schemes

Questions (442)

Pat Deering


442. Deputy Pat Deering asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if there will be a neighbour wood scheme in 2013; and if so, when it will be announced. [32915/13]

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There are no plans to re-open the Neighbour Wood Scheme in 2013. The position will be reviewed in 2014 having regard to the allocation of funding for the Forestry Programme in the 2014 budget.

Agri-Environment Options Scheme Payments

Questions (443)

Heather Humphreys


443. Deputy Heather Humphreys asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine when a person (details supplied) in County Cavan will receive an agri-environment options scheme payment; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32924/13]

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The person named was approved for participation in the Agri-Environment Options Scheme with effect from 1 November 2010 and full payments issued in respect of 2010 and 2011 respectively. The file was selected for a ground inspection which took place on 16 October 2012. During this inspection, issues of non compliance with the terms and conditions of the scheme were noted in relation to the Wild Bird Cover, Planting of New Hedgerow and Tree Planting – Whips actions, which resulted in a penalty being imposed. A letter issued to the person named informing his of this penalty and giving him the option to appeal the decision. There is no record on the file of any appeal having been lodged and my officials are finalising the processing of the application on the basis of the inspection findings and payment will issue shortly.

Suckler Welfare Scheme Eligibility

Questions (444)

Michael Healy-Rae


444. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the reason a person (details supplied) in County Kerry applied for 11 calves at €40 per calf and was refused; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32935/13]

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The person named registered 12 beef breed animals under the 2012 Suckler Welfare Scheme. A letter issued on 25 June 2013 to the participant setting out the issues which prevented payment (failure to observe the Terms and Conditions in regard to phased weaning and also, notification of measures taken). The participant was also notified of the available appeal processes.

Beef Technology Adoption Programme Payments

Questions (445)

John O'Mahony


445. Deputy John O'Mahony asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine further to Parliamentary Question No. 203 of 21 February 2012, the reason the person has not received payment; when this payment will be made; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32937/13]

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Following my reply of 21 February 2013 in this case, unfortunately, a number of technical issues have delayed payment. However, I can now confirm that payment under the 2012 Beef Technology Adoption Programme issued on 8 July to the nominated bank account.

Agri-Environment Options Scheme Payments

Questions (446)

Finian McGrath


446. Deputy Finian McGrath asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine when an agri-environment options scheme payment will be made to a person (details supplied) in County Galway; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33011/13]

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The person named was approved for participation in the 2011 Agri-Environment Options Scheme with effect from 1 September 2011 and full payment totalling €1,333.30 issued in respect of 2011. The administrative checks for the 2012 payment year established that the person named did not proceed with the Tree Planting – Standard, Tree Planting – Whips, Conservation of Genetic Resources, Water Trough Installation and Planting of New Hedgerows measures in the approved plan which will result in a 40% penalty being applied. The file was also selected for a ground inspection which took place on 25 April 2013. This inspection found areas of non- compliance with the terms and conditions in relation to the Laying of Hedgerow and Coppicing of Hedgerow actions which will result in further penalties being applied. The application will now be processed for payment on this basis with the intention of issuing payment in respect of 2012 at the earliest opportunity.

Agri-Environment Options Scheme Applications

Questions (447)

Charlie McConalogue


447. Deputy Charlie McConalogue asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the position regarding an application under the agri-environment options scheme 3 in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Donegal; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33030/13]

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An application under the Agri-Environment Options Scheme from the person named was received in my Department on 20 November 2012. The person named was admitted to the scheme and on 27 May 2013 a letter issued informing him that his application to join the AEOS Scheme was successful and notified him of his contract commencement date of 1 May 2013. During the checking process on the application a query was identified. My Officials are working to resolve this issue and in the event that further information is required they will be in direct contact with the person named.

Afforestation Programme

Questions (448)

Michael Colreavy


448. Deputy Michael Colreavy asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if there is a limit on afforestation within a particular area; if such limits should be introduced; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33086/13]

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While there are no specific limits on afforestation within a particular area, in some parts of the country silvicultural and/or environmental constraints will limit the suitability of the area for forestry. All applications submitted to my Department for approval to undertake afforestation are examined to determine the suitability of the site from a silvicultural and environmental perspective. The range of issues considered includes an examination of silvicultural issues such as soil type; soil fertility; exposure and access; and an assessment of any potential environmental impact of the project on, inter alia, the human population, water quality, designated conservation areas, archaeology and landscape.

My Department also has a legal responsibility to ensure that every hectare approved for afforestation complies with requirements set out under the various European environmental Directives such as the Birds and Habitats Directives, the EIA Directive and the Water Framework Directive, and with corresponding national legislation. This will ensure that the ongoing expansion of the national forest resource is compatible with the protection of Ireland’s environment. My Department is in regular communications with the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and with other bodies, to ensure an ongoing streamlining of procedures to ensure the afforestation programme is compliant with the legislation outlined above.

Forestry Premium Payments

Questions (449)

Brendan Griffin


449. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine when a forestry premium payment will issue to a person (details supplied) in County Kerry; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33126/13]

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Remedial works on the applicant’s plantation were requested by the Forest Service in March 2013. The works have been reported as completed and the Forest Service inspector has confirmed the plantation is now up to standard. It is expected that the applicant should receive payment of the outstanding premium in the week beginning 15 July 2013.

Animal Breeding Regulations

Questions (450)

Ciara Conway


450. Deputy Ciara Conway asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the position regarding recent policy changes pertaining to meat-feeding licences for greyhound owners with respect to what now constitutes a breeding establishment for the purposes of the meat-feeding licence; if the obligation to hold a meat-feeding licence has now been broadened in any way to include more greyhound owners compared with previous rules and conditions; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33153/13]

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The current proposed measures in relation to the feeding of animal by-products (ABP) to dogs are intended to improve the implementation of the relevant provisions of the EU ABP Regulations (EC) No. 1069/2009, to reduce potential risk to public and animal health and to protect the human food chain. This policy has no impact on the definition of a breeding establishment nor on the obligation to hold a Meat Feeder Licence (MFL) as such a licence is required where a dog owner uses raw ABP under regulatory derogation as a source of feed, irrespective of the type of dog involved.

The EU ABP Regulation allows the possibility of feeding raw ABP to dogs under a number of headings. In particular the derogation under Article 18(1)(f) allows specified categories (Category 2 and Category 3) of ABP to be fed to “dogs from recognised kennels and packs of hounds”; and the derogation under Article 18(1)(g) allows the same for dogs in shelters. Raw ABP is potentially a valuable source of feed for dogs in kennels, shelters and for packs of hounds. However, it can also represent a potential risk to both public and animal health, particularly the Category 2 material which is derived from fallen animals. In light of the foregoing, it is proposed to introduce measures to facilitate an extension of the supply chain for the lower risk Category 3 material and over time to confine the availability of the higher risk Category 2 material. It is proposed that the restriction of supply of Category 2 material will be introduced on a gradual basis, as current MFLs expire over a three year period. The proposal will be the subject of a consultation process before being finalised.

Agri-Environment Options Scheme Applications

Questions (451)

John O'Mahony


451. Deputy John O'Mahony asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the reason a person (details supplied) in County Mayo was turned down for agri-environment option scheme 3; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33159/13]

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An application under the Agri-Environment Options Scheme from the person named was received in my Department on 29 November 2012. The process of ranking and selecting all AEOS applicants was clearly set out in the scheme documentation. Acceptance into the scheme was established using the pre-determined selection criteria as follows:

1. farmers in the Boora region of Co. Offaly who chose Wild Bird Cover Option B (Grey Partridge) as one of their selected options,

2. farmers with a minimum of 0.5 hectares of designated land,

4. farmers who previously participated in REPS commencing with smallest farms, and

5. others based on farm size (again favouring smaller holdings).

The person named was a previous participant in REPS. Based on the funding available farmers in category 4 with 22.06 hectares of utilisable agricultural area and below were successful. As the farm size of the person named is 33.74, the application was unsuccessful. On 27 May 2013, a letter issued to the person named informing him that he was not successful and setting out the reasons.

Fish Exports

Questions (452)

Thomas P. Broughan


452. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the position regarding Irish seafood exports to the United States of America and the current value of this industry to the Irish economy; and his plans for expanding the size of Ireland's market share in this industry. [33180/13]

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The US is a growing market for Irish seafood exports, dominated by sales of fresh and smoked salmon and more recently processed shellfish. In 2012, the total value of exports was in the region of €4.3 million, representing significant growth from 2011, with some exporters more than doubling their exports during this period. Bord Bia is working on a range of initiatives to increase the penetration of Irish seafood in this market. It organised a market study visit to Boston in March of this year which gave Irish companies an opportunity for one to one meetings with 3 of the largest foodservice distributors in the US market.

Following on from this initiative, Bord Bia coordinated the showcasing of seafood product samples from Irish suppliers in Phoenix on 25 June. Bord Bia will coordinate an Irish Pavilion at the Boston Seafood Show to be held in March 2014. This show is North America’s largest seafood trade exposition featuring the leading buyers and decision makers from the retail, wholesale and foodservice channels. On 26 September, Bord Bia will be hosting a select group of some 300 international visitors, including from the US, for a one day International Conference entitled “Our Food, Our Future. Sustainability: The Bottom Line”. During the course of this event, a dedicated seafood itinerary will be organised for US buyers, with visits to seafood processing sites and fish farms.

Bord Bia supports export development into the US market through its Fellowship Programme which runs annually and provides seafood clients with access to a dedicated sales and marketing resource for a 10 month period based in the market. A range of seafood processors have benefitted from this particular programme over the last 4 years. Bord Bia, through its New York office, also works on a one to one basis with seafood clients asissting them with identifying potential importers and brokers, coordinating market itineraries and undertaking store audits.

Agri-Environment Options Scheme Applications

Questions (453)

Pat Breen


453. Deputy Pat Breen asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the position regarding an application in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Clare; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33187/13]

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An application under the Agri-Environment Options Scheme from the person named was received in my Department on 5 December 2012. The process of ranking and selecting all AEOS applicants was clearly set out in the scheme documentation. Acceptance into the scheme was established using the pre-determined selection criteria as follows: 1. farmers in the Boora region of Co. Offaly who chose Wild Bird Cover Option B (Grey Partridge) as one of their selected options, 2. farmers with a minimum of 0.5 hectares of designated land, 3. farm partnerships, 4. farmers who previously participated in REPS commencing with smallest farm, and 5. others based on farm size (again favouring smaller holdings).

The person named was a previous participant in REPS. Based on the funding available farmers in category 4 with 22.06 hectares of utilisable agricultural area and below were successful. As the farm size of the person named is 25.88, the application was unsuccessful. On 27 May 2013, a letter issued to the person named informing him that he was not successful and setting out the reasons. The person was also informed of right of appeal to AEOS Section. An appeal was received from the person named and it is currently being considered. The person named will be notified in writing of the outcome of this appeal once a decision has been made.

Horse Slaughter Statistics

Questions (454)

Michelle Mulherin


454. Deputy Michelle Mulherin asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the breakdown of the average cost of disposal of an abandoned horse; the cost of picking up the horse and thereafter the cost of keeping and feeding the animal, putting it down and the removal and disposal of the remains; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33298/13]

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Abandoned horses come under the scope of the Control of Horses Act 1996 which contains a comprehensive range of measures aimed at addressing problems caused by wandering and abandoned horses. Local authorities have extensive powers under the Act and my Department makes grants available to them towards expenses incurred by them in implementing the provisions of the Act. In view of the fact that some local authorities operate their own Pounds and others engage private contractors to carry out operations under the Act, it is not possible to determine an exact cost incurred per seized horse as seizure, livery and disposal costs vary between local authority areas. However based on funding paid in recent years to local authorities, my Department’s contribution towards the removal of horses under the Act has been reducing with average cost per horse seized/disposed for first quarter of 2013 amounting to €685 whereas the average costs for the previous three years was €890. My Department agreed a protocol with local authorities in 2012 with a view to them achieving savings and efficiencies in implementation of the Act and this has resulted in a number of local authorities making significant efforts towards controlling their costs. My officials are continuing to work with all local authorities in achieving further savings and in reducing reliance on funding from my Department towards the implementation of their responsibilities under the Act.

Single Payment Scheme Appeals

Questions (455)

Willie Penrose


455. Deputy Willie Penrose asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine when an appeal by a person (details supplied) in County Westmeath against the non-payment of single farm payment which is due to them will take place; if same will be expedited; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33345/13]

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The Agriculture Appeals Office received an appeal from the person named on 8 May 2013. Once the file has been received, the appeal will be assigned to an Appeals Officer for consideration.

Milk Quota Applications

Questions (456)

Jim Daly


456. Deputy Jim Daly asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine further to Parliamentary Question No. 210 of 26 June 2013, if he will confirm if the following application for new entrants milk quota for a person (details supplied) in County Cork has been received by his Department; the reference number that has been allocated to this file; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33348/13]

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I can confirm that an application in respect of the named person, for an allocation of milk quota under Category A of the 2013 Scheme for New Entrants to Dairying, has been received in my Department. The reference number assigned to this application is 13/NEA/0116. All applications are currently being processed and will be forwarded in due course to the Assessment Group. The Group is scheduled to convene in early August to examine all eligible applications. I intend to announce the results of the Scheme towards the end of that month.

Forestry Management

Questions (457)

Brendan Griffin


457. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if there are requirements for alkalinity testing for hardwood forestry plantations; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33356/13]

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The Forest Service and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have an agreed protocol for the determination of the acid sensitivity of surface water in the context of afforestation. Applications submitted for afforestation in areas described as being potentially acid sensitive must be accompanied by the results of water sampling taken from the receiving watercourse in the months of February, March, April and May. These results present a measure of alkalinity, reflecting the capacity of the surface water to buffer against acidification that may be connected to afforestation, and which may otherwise affect fish and other forms of aquatic life. Under the protocol, afforestation is not permitted if any one of the four samples falls below a threshold level of alkalinity, which indicates that the sampled watercourse is sensitive to acidification. As a result of this protocol, afforestation has been generally restricted within these Acid Sensitive Areas.

Up to recently, the agreed acid sensitivity protocol applied to all afforestation projects under the various support schemes available from my Department, including the planting of hardwoods (or broadleaves) under the general Afforestation Scheme. However, in February of this year, my Department secured the agreement of the EPA to amend the protocol to allow applications under the Native Woodland Establishment Scheme, without the requirement for water sampling. This amendment, supported by Inland Fisheries Ireland, the National Parks and Wildlife Service, the Heritage Council and the Woodlands of Ireland, was based on the ecological focus and the unique approach to establishment and management underpinning the Native Woodland Scheme, and the wide range of eco-system services new native woodlands can deliver, including the protection of water quality and aquatic life.

It is important to highlight that quality hardwood production is strongly encouraged under the Native Woodland Establishment Scheme, where ecologically compatible and where realized using various ‘close-to-nature’ forest management systems. Wood production is a stated objective of many of the new native woodland projects funded under the scheme to date, and specific guidelines on establishing and management native woodlands for timber are available. The Native Woodland Establishment Scheme offers farmers and other landowners located within Acid Sensitive Areas – and within other ecologically sensitive locations – an opportunity to avail of an afforestation scheme and associated grants and premiums, and to create a woodland resource compatible with various environmental sensitivities and capable of providing future revenue through the realization of quality hardwood. In partnership with Woodlands of Ireland, the Forest Service will be holding training days for professional foresters over the coming weeks and months, aimed at promoting this use of the scheme as an option for farmers and other landowners within Acid Sensitive Areas and other sensitive locations.

Animal Welfare Issues

Questions (458)

Maureen O'Sullivan


458. Deputy Maureen O'Sullivan asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine in view of the fact that world travelling circuses in Ireland are unable to provide adequately for the animals in their care, if he will consider backing a ban on the use of animals in Irish circuses in favour of a circus industry without animals, putting Ireland in line with dozens of countries around the world that have banned animal-act circuses, the most recent being Colombia and the UK; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33454/13]

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Concerns relating to conditions under which circus animals are kept and managed come under the scope of the Protection of Animals Act 1911 and the Protection of Animals (Amendment) Act 1965. These are the main statutes governing issues of cruelty to all animals. This legislation is enforced by An Garda Síochána and will be replaced by the Animal Health and Welfare Act 2013 in due course. Any complaints relating to the treatment of circus animals should be made to the Garda Siochána. There are no plans at this juncture to ban animals from performing in circuses in this country.

Juvenile Offenders

Questions (459)

Thomas Pringle


459. Deputy Thomas Pringle asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if she will provide a timeframe for the completion of the young offenders' facility in Oberstown in north County Dublin, including the transfer of all minors to this facility; and if she will consider expediting its completion in view of the decision to transfer all current inmates to Wheatfield Prison, Dublin. [33352/13]

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The Oberstown capital project is required in order to give effect to the Programme for Government commitment to end the practice of detaining children in adult prison facilities. I have outlined my commitment to this project on many different occasions and it remains at the top of my agenda. The Deputy will be aware that shortly after taking responsibility for the children's detention schools last year, I introduced the legislative changes to transfer responsibility for 16 year old boys from St. Patrick's Institution to Oberstown. I also put in place the required funding package for the major capital development of the Oberstown facilities. My officials have, in conjunction with the Office of Public Works, completed the design process and secured planning permission for the capital development. The tender process is ongoing at present and this is being overseen by a steering group of officials from my Department and the Office of Public Works. A further announcement on the outcome of the tendering process will be made shortly.

Youth Services Provision

Questions (460)

Thomas Pringle


460. Deputy Thomas Pringle asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if she will commit to securing the necessary funding to ensure that the Big Brother Big Sister Programme will continue to provide a vital service to the 3,200 young persons who benefit from the programme each year; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [32872/13]

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The Youth Affairs Unit of my Department provides a range of funding schemes, programmes and supports to the youth sector. Funding of some €53.498 million is available in 2013 to support the provision of youth services and programmes to young people throughout the country including those from disadvantaged communities. Targeted supports for disadvantaged, marginalised and at risk young people are provided through the Special Projects for Youth Scheme, the Young Peoples Facilities and Services Fund Rounds 1 and 2 and Local Drugs Task Force Projects. In 2013, funding amounting to €5,930,009 was allocated to Foróige to support the wide range of activities including educational projects, leadership programmes and other support services for some 56,000 young people throughout the country. The funding includes an amount of some €300,000 in respect of Foróige’s Big Brother Big Sister youth mentoring programme which is also funded by Foróige’s philanthropic partners.

The savings required under the Comprehensive Review of Expenditure in respect of 2013 amounted to €5.393 million on 2012 funding available for the provision of youth services and in 2014 a further savings of €2.97 million is required in the youth budget. My Department has tried to be as equitable as possible in achieving these savings and to ensure that, in the determination process for the allocations, the front line youth services, particularly those for the most vulnerable young people are protected as far as is possible from the impact of any necessary reductions in funding. In considering how best to manage within the reduced budgets available, organisations are being asked to consider the scope for reducing administration costs and overheads, if this is at all possible, in order to maintain the front line youth services for young people.

I have met, and continue to meet with, many youth organisations and groups to try and see how we can work together to minimise the impact of these necessary savings in order to ensure that the provision of quality youth services to young people is sustained in these challenging times. Officials from my Department have recently met with Foróige about the organisations plans for the future of the Big Brother, Big Sister programme having regard to the challenging funding situation that the programme faces from 2014 onwards on account of the cessation of philanthropic funding. My Department is committed to continue working with Foróige to assist in devising our expenditure and funding strategy that can secure the long term sustainability of this worthwhile programme which has been proven to improve outcomes for vulnerable young people.

My Department is developing a new youth policy framework for publication later this year. The new youth policy framework will aim to enhance the provision of youth services and activities and it will, inter alia, promote co-ordination between government departments and youth sector organisations with a view to maximising the effectiveness of the State funding available to support services for young people in future years.

Early Child Care Education Issues

Questions (461)

Shane Ross


461. Deputy Shane Ross asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if there will be a recognition in her plans for reform of child care and pre-school care facilities for staff members and creche owners whose child care qualifications are prior to FETAC and whose montessori diploma have been granted a FETAC 5 equivalent; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [32908/13]

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The Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) programme introduced the first-ever requirement for minimum qual ifications for staff working in the childcare sector. Under the programme, the pre-school leader must currently hold a qualification in childcare/early education at a minimum of Level 5 on the National Framework of Qualifications of Ireland (NFQ), or a nationally-recognised qualification equivalent to FETAC Level 5 or a higher award in the childcare/early education field. A higher capitation rate is payable under the ECCE programme to services where all of the pre-school leaders hold a bachelor degree in childhood/early education (minimum of Level 7 on the NFQ) and have three years experience working in the sector, and where all of the pre-school assistants hold a relevant major award in childcare/early education at Level 5 on the NFQ.

I have indicated my intention to increase the qualification requirements for all staff working in pre-school services. The minimum requirement of Level 5 or equivalent for pre-school leaders delivering the pre-school year will be increased to Level 6 or equivalent. In addition, all pre-school assistants, and all other staff caring for children in a pre-school service, will be subject to a minimum requirement of Level 5. This requirement will be effective from September 2014 for new services, and from September 2015 for existing services. While I recognise the valuable experience which many childcare staff may have accrued, it is now essential that all staff have qualifications on a formal recognised basis. My Department is currently examining measures to support training for childcare staff in line with the increased qualification requirements.

Child Care Services Funding

Questions (462)

John O'Mahony


462. Deputy John O'Mahony asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will receive a decision on their application for child care subvention; the reason for the delay in issuing a decision; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [32911/13]

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My Department implements the Community Childcare Subvention (CCS) programme which provides funding to community childcare services to enable them to charge reduced childcare rates to low income and disadvantaged families. Community childcare services qualify for grant aid on the basis of the level of service they provide and the profile of the parents benefiting from their service. Parental declaration forms are submitted in the Autumn of each year to my Department and the PPS numbers of those parents are transmitted to the Department of Social Protection (DPS) and the HSE for verification. Information supplied by the DSP and HSE is used to determine the level of subvention which applies to each individual parent. Following verification, letters issue to participating services confirming the total annual CCS subvention amount approved for that service together with a list of qualifying parents and confirmation of the subvention level applied to each parent. Services are also advised that if any parent disagrees with the level of subvention applied to them, they have a right of appeal. The deadline for the submission of appeals was 1st February last. In the region of 5,000 appeals were received and were examined by officials in my Department. I understand that the appeal against the initial determination of subvention submitted by this person has been successful. The service has been advised of this outcome.

Aftercare Services

Questions (463)

Róisín Shortall


463. Deputy Róisín Shortall asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs in view of her Department's willingness to fund a FETAC level 6 course for a person (details supplied) in Dublin 13 the reason they are unwilling to provide the same funding to this person during the first two years of a degree course in the same discipline; if this is in line with the national aftercare policy's commitment to provide aftercare services to young persons in education up to the age of 23; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [32977/13]

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As this is a service matter, I have asked the Health Service Executive to respond directly to the Deputy with the most up-to-date information.

Child Care Services Inspections

Questions (464)

Michael Lowry


464. Deputy Michael Lowry asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if she will detail the reasons that inspection reports for child care facilities have not been published online to date, despite promises to the contrary; the reasons for the delay in publishing these important reports; her views on whether such a delay is acceptable; if she will provide an update on the creation of a register of child care facilities; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [32989/13]

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Pre-school services are governed by the Child Care (Pre-School Services) (No 2) Regulations 2006 as provided for under the Child Care Act 1991. Pre-school inspections, which are the responsibility of the Health Service Executive (HSE), are necessary to ensure compliance with the Regulations and the delivery of quality childcare services. In relation to the publication of pre-school service inspection reports, the HSE Pre-School Inspectorate is working to put these online. In the first instance the reports will be available from the Pobal website via a direct link on the HSE website. The commitment which I gave recently was to have new reports, once completed, put online from 1 July 2013 and this is being adhered to. I understand that the first of these will be placed online shortly. Work is ongoing to have reports on all services online by the end of the year and my Department is supporting the HSE and Pobal in this work. A new registration system will be introduced in September of this year and new services wishing to open will be required to register with the HSE. The HSE will determine whether the childcare service is compliant in terms suitability and service design before the service will be permitted to operate. Following commencement of the service, actual care and welfare practices will be inspected.

Child Care Services Regulation

Questions (465)

Michael Healy-Rae


465. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the reason there is a delay in publishing the regulations for stronger control in pre-schools and crèches; when the report will be printed; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [33052/13]

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The Child Care (Pre-School Services) (No. 2) Regulations 2006, which provide the regulatory framework for pre-school services in the State, were brought into effect in September 2007. New National Quality Standards for full daycare services have been prepared. Standards for the other childcare models, i.e. part-time, sessional, drop-in services, and childminders, will be available later this year. These standards will replace all current guidelines and will be implemented and inspected in line with the new registration system and improved inspection systems. To further strengthen the regulatory system, my Department is undertaking a review of the penalties currently in place for breach of the Child Care (Pre-School) Regulations, as provided for under the Child Care Act 1991. The review will look at increasing the range and severity of the existing penalties including the actions which can be taken by Inspectors without recourse to court prosecution, as is currently the case. In addition, my Department is working with the Pre-School Inspectorate to develop new protocols on regulatory compliance so that there is greater clarity and consistency of approach as to how inspection reports deal with findings of serious non-compliance vis a vis minor breaches and full compliance. The protocols will also inform the future suspension or termination of funding in the case of serious non-compliance.

Adoption Legislation

Questions (466)

John Paul Phelan


466. Deputy John Paul Phelan asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the current status of the proposed new Adoption Bill; if she will outline the principal areas that it is intended to deal with; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [33402/13]

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The General Scheme and Heads of Bill of the proposed Adoption (Amendment) Bill was published in September 2012 in conjunction with the publication of the referendum proposal to inform the public of proposed changes to adoption law if the Constitutional amendment was approved. The draft Bill provides for changing the criteria, under section 54 of the 2010 Act, where the High Court may authorise the making of an adoption order without parental consent, in the case of a child who is in the care of prospective adopters and where that child’s parents have failed in their parental duty to the child. The draft Bill will also provide for the voluntary placement for adoption of any child irrespective of the marital status of his or her parents. In the case of a child of married parents, both parents must place the child for adoption, and before doing so will be counselled and given information in accordance with the provisions of section 14 of the Adoption Act 2010. It is my intention to bring the Adoption (Amendment) Bill 2013 before the Houses of the Oireachtas as soon as possible, following conclusion of all proceedings and processes relevant to the Referendum.

Work is also continuing in relation to the preparation of the Heads of Bill of the Adoption (Information and Tracing) Bill. My view is that persons affected by adoption should be provided with a statutory right to as much information as possible within permissible Constitutional boundaries. It is intended that the Bill will provide for the Adoption Authority to be responsible for providing access to adoption records, in accordance with the provisions of the Bill. The Bill will provide for the Adoption Authority to establish and maintain a National Index of Adoption Records, the purpose of which is to help an applicant for adoption information to identify the location of his or her adoption records. The intention is that the Bill is to provide that the Adoption Authority, the HSE or an accredited body may hold adoption records, with the Authority having overall charge of those records.

It is also intended that the Bill will provide for placing the National Contact Preference Register on a statutory basis. The purpose of the Register is to allow a person affected by adoption to enter his or her name on the Register with a view to receiving information about another person from whom he or she has been separated as a result of adoption and also to indicate a preference as to whether or not contact is being sought with that person. A National Tracing Service will be established under the provisions of the Bill. It is intended that the Tracing Service is to be made available to an adopted person, a birth parent and a relative of either an adopted person or a birth parent, and that the Adoption Authority is to have overall responsibility for providing the tracing service. It is also intended that prior to the release of adoption information, counselling will be offered by the Adoption Authority, the HSE or by an accredited body to an adopted person, a birth parent or to an adoptive parent.

Complex legal and Constitutional issues have arisen during the course of preparation of the Heads of Bill, including the setting of criteria for balancing an adopted person's right to information about his or her identity as against a birth parent's right to privacy. These issues are currently receiving careful examination within my Department and in the Office of the Attorney General. I am anxious to bring the Heads of Bill before Government at the earliest possible date. However, there are undoubtedly challenges remaining in developing a workable framework which respects the Constitutional rights of all parties.
