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Wednesday, 18 Sep 2013

Written Answers Nos. 1-20

Limistéir Gaeltachta

Questions (12)

Niall Collins


12. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Niall Collins den Aire Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta cad é an staid reatha maidir le haon limistéir Ghaeltachta nua atá beartaithe; agus an ndéanfaidh sé ráiteas ina thaobh. [38458/13]

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Written answers

Is é an staid reatha ná go bhfuil roinnt céimeanna idir lámha ag mo Roinn i gcomhar le hÚdarás na Gaeltachta agus le Foras na Gaeilge maidir leis an phróiseas pleanála teanga faoi Acht na Gaeltachta 2012.

-Shínigh mé inné na Rialacháin chun critéir pleanála teanga a fhorordú faoi alt 12 den Acht. Beidh na critéir seo riachtanach chun measúnú a dhéanamh amach anseo ar na pleananna teanga a ullmhófar do na limistéir pleanála teanga Ghaeltachta, do na bailte seirbhíse Gaeltachta agus do na líonraí Gaeilge.

-Tá mo Roinn ag obair i gcomhar le hÚdarás na Gaeltachta ar na fógraí faoi alt 7(3) den Acht, a dhéanfaidh sainiú ar na toghranna éagsúla a bheidh i gceist sna 26 limistéar pleanála teanga Gaeltachta.

-Tá Údarás na Gaeltachta agus Foras na Gaeilge ag leagan amach córas trédhearcach faoina roghnófar eagraíochtaí chun pleananna teanga a ullmhú agus a fheidhmiú i gcomhar leis an bpobal sna ceantair éagsúla.

-I ndeireadh báire, tá mo Roinn ag obair ar threoirlínte, i gcomhar le hÚdarás na Gaeltachta agus le Foras na Gaeilge, a leagfaidh síos próiseas trédhearcach d'ullmhú, d'fheidhmiú agus do mheasúnú na bpleananna teanga sna limistéir, sna bailte agus sna líonraí, rud a chabhróidh leis na heagraíochtaí pobail agus iad ag tabhairt faoin phróiseas pleanála teanga ar an talamh.

Commemorative Events

Questions (13)

Éamon Ó Cuív


13. Deputy Éamon Ó Cuív asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the total expenditure of his Department to commemorate the 1913 Lock-out; the further plans he has to commemorate the event; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38484/13]

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In the development of the commemorative programme relating to the period 1912 to 1922, I place great importance on encouraging public participation and developing partnerships with national organisations, local authorities, military heritage and history societies, as well as civil society groups. I believe that every institution, region and group can make a distinct and valuable contribution in relation to this important period of our history. I continue to be impressed by the variety and quality of the proposals being formulated by all these interested parties.

The commemorative programme this year has placed particular emphasis on the centenary of the 1913 Lockout and I would like to acknowledge the achievements of the Lockout 1913 Committee in bringing forward a comprehensive programme that continues to be rolled out. Supported by the State, and working with partners including Dublin City Council, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, the national cultural institutions, universities and VECs, and active groups at community and local level, the Lockout programme attests to the enduring interest in our national history and sets an example for what can be achieved in the coming years.

I was pleased to be present along with other Ministerial colleagues and public representatives at the Jim Larkin statue in O'Connell Street in Dublin on 31st August last for the National Commemoration of the Lockout, presided over by President Higgins, at what was a very community-oriented commemoration.

I was pleased also that my Department was able last year to provide financial assistance to enable work to commence on the Lockout Tapestry, which is being developed by a large group of volunteers under the supervision of the National College of Art and Design and artists Robert Ballagh and Cathy Henderson. Our partnership will continue with several panels from the Tapestry being exhibited at the National Ploughing Championships next week. The completed result of this tremendous collaborative effort will be displayed in the National Museum of Ireland, Collins Barracks, from 9 October next, when the Museum will also host an exhibition of banners of the labour movement. I am also pleased to note the special exhibition on the Lockout which has been arranged in conjunction with ICTU at the National Library of Ireland.

While official support to the Lockout programme has been largely provided through collaborative arrangements, the financial support to the tapestry project amounted to €30,000 and I will also arrange assistance with the costs arising from the recent re-enactment of Bloody Sunday.

With projects like the Tenement Museum and through the literature of Strumpet City , the Lockout 1913 Committee has illustrated for today's citizens the context and events of this troubled time. Their programme continues, keeping pace with the historic timeline, with the next event marking the support received in Dublin from British workers.

Seirbhísí Leathanbhanda

Questions (14)

Seán Crowe


14. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Seán Crowe den Aire Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta an raibh aon phlé aige leis an Roinn Cumarsáide faoi aon phleananna atá aige chun forbairt a dheánamh ar an ngréasán idirlín leathanbhanda sa Ghaeltacht, agus go háirithe faoi forbairt leathanbhanda i nGaeltacht na Rinne i bPort Láirge i bhfianaise thábhacht an tionscail faisnéise agus tionscal na meán sa Ghaeltacht sin; an leagfaidh sé amach an dul chun cinn atá déanta ar fhorbairt an ghréasáin sin go dtí seo; an dóigh leis go bhfuil tionchar ag an easpa idirlín leathanbhanda ar chruthú post; agus an ndéanfaidh sé ráiteas ina thaobh. [38497/13]

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D’írím aird an Teachta ar an bhfreagra a thug mé ar Cheist Dála Uimhir 36336 ar 18 Iúil 2013 faoin ábhar seo. Mar a thug mé le fios sa fhreagra sin, tuigim go rí-mhaith an tábhacht a bhaineann le soláthar leathanbhanda ardluais a bheith ar fáil sna ceantair Ghaeltachta éagsúla, Gaeltacht na Rinne san áireamh, ach go háirithe ag na príomhláithreáin fostaíochta. Sa chomhthéacs sin agus i gcomhthéacs an Phlean Náisiúnta Leathanbhanda a foilsíodh anuraidh, tá an t-ábhar seo á phlé ag oifigigh mo Roinne le hoifigigh na Roinne Cumarsáide, Fuinnimh agus Acmhainní Nádúrtha.

Ina theannta sin, tuigim ó Údarás na Gaeltachta go mbíonn cumarsáid leanúnach idir an tÚdarás agus an Roinn Cumarsáide maidir le cúrsaí leathanbhanda sa Ghaeltacht. Ag an gcruinniú is déanaí a bhí eatarthu, tuigim gur thug an Roinn Cumarsáide le fios don Údarás go bhfuiltear ag brú ar aghaidh leis an bPlean Náisiúnta Leathanbhanda agus go bhfuil 3 chéim i gceist leis an bplean seo:

-Éascú a dhéanamh ar an bpróiseas soláthar leathanbhanda trí roinnt de na constaicí a bhí aitheanta ag na soláthróirí leathanbhanda a bhaint as an mbealach;

-Eolas a bhailiú ó na soláthróirí leathanbhanda faoi cad iad na ceantair ina bhfuil sé i gceist acu soláthar leathanbhanda ardluais a sholáthar, ionas go bhféadfaí na ceantair nach bhfuil sé i gceist acu a chlúdach a aithint; agus

- Le cabhair airgid ón Eoraip, maoiniú a dhéanamh ar sholáthar leathanbhanda ardluais (30MB/s) do gach teach agus gnó nach bhfuil sé i gceist ag na soláthróirí leathanbhanda a chlúdach.

Tuigim ó Údarás na Gaeltachta go bhfuil siad ag fiosrú bealaí chun a chinntiú go mbeidh soláthar leathanbhanda ardluais ar fáil sna ceantair Ghaeltachta go dtí go mbeidh céim 3 den Phlean Náisiúnta Leathanbhanda tosaithe.

Seirbhísí Eitilte

Questions (15, 21)

Seán Kyne


15. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Seán Kyne den Aire Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta cén dul chun cinn atá déanta chun síneadh a chur leis an Oibleagáid Seirbhíse Poiblí maidir leis an aersheirbhís go dtí Oileáin Árann; agus an ndéanfaidh sé ráiteas ina thaobh. [38373/13]

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Barry Cowen


21. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Barry Cowen den Aire Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta cén dul chun cinn atá déanta maidir le seirbhísí iompair nua d’Oileáin Árann; agus an ndéanfaidh sé ráiteas ina thaobh. [38459/13]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 15 and 21 together.

Tá áthas orm a bheith ábalta a chur in iúl do na Teachtaí go bhfuil conradh bliana ón 1 Deireadh Fómhair 2013 go dtí 30 Meán Fómhair 2014 aontaithe ag mo Roinn chun seirbhís aeir a chur ar fáil d’Oileáin Árann. Beidh an tseirbhís á cur ar fáil ag an gcuideachta chéanna atá ag soláthar na seirbhíse faoi láthair. Beidh an líon céanna eitiltí ann faoin gconradh nua is atá faoin gconradh reatha, is é sin cúig thuras fillte in aghaidh an lae ó Luan go hAoine agus ceithre thuras fillte Dé Sathairn agus Dé Domhnaigh.

I gcomhréir le Rialacháin an Aontais Eorpaigh, tá i gceist ag mo Roinn tabhairt faoi staidéar chun riachtanas na seirbhíse aeir chuig na hOileáin Árann a mheas. Táthar i mbun ullmhúcháin faoi láthair chun téarmaí tagartha don staidéar a réiteach agus chun comhairleoirí a cheapadh chun tabhairt faoin staidéar. Táthar ag súil an próiseas tairisceana seo a fhógairt go luath.

Cé gur lorg mo Roinn tairiscintí i gcóir sheirbhís farantóireachta do phaisinéirí d’Inis Mór, ní bhfuarthas aon tairiscint. Tuigtear, áfach, go bhfuil an farantóir ag leanúint leis an tseirbhís chéanna a sholáthar gan aon chúnamh Stáit agus go bhfuil i gceist ag an bhfarantóir é sin a dhéanamh go leanúnach.

Tá conradh lastais d’Oileáin Árann i bhfeidhm ag mo Roinn chomh maith le conradh farantóireachta do phaisinéirí d’Inis Meáin agus d'Inis Oírr faoin a gcuirtear dhá sheoladh fillte ar fáil in aghaidh an lae.

Ós rud é go bhfuil mo Roinn ag tabhairt fóirdheontais chun seirbhísí cuimsitheacha iompair a sholáthar do na hOileáin Árann faoi láthair, níl aon phleananna ag mo Roinn seirbhísí iompair nua a chur ar fáil.

Scéim Labhairt na Gaeilge

Questions (16)

Gerry Adams


16. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Gerry Adams den Aire Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta an bhfuil sé i gceist aige an scéim “Líofa 2015” a chur ar bun sa stát seo; agus mura bhfuil, an dtabharfaidh sé míniú ina thaobh. [38488/13]

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Tuigtear dom go bhfuil ag éirí go maith leis an tionscnamh Líofa 2015 a sheol an tAire Cultúir, Ealaíon agus Fóillíochta i dTuaisceart Éireann i mí Meán Fhómhair 2011 agus fáiltím roimh an deis seo chun tréaslú leis an Aire Ní Chuilín as an tionscnamh seo a fhorbairt.

Tuigim ó Fhoras na Gaeilge go bhfuil cinneadh tógtha aige a mhacasamhail de thionscnamh a fhorbairt sa dlínse seo i gcomhar le hÚdarás na Gaeltachta agus le heagraíochtaí Gaeilge ábhartha eile. Tuigim go bhfuil an obair phleanála ina leith sin ar siúl ag an bhForas faoi láthair agus go bhfuil sé beartaithe ag an bhForas an tionscnamh a sheoladh faoi dheireadh na bliana seo nó go luath an bhliain seo chugainn. Ar ndóigh, tá an fhorbairt atá beartaithe ag an bhForas ag teacht lena chuid feidhmeanna reachtúla an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn ar bhonn uile-oileáin.

Ag aithint an stádais éagsúil a bhaineann leis an nGaeilge sa dlínse seo, tá sé mar sprioc ag an Straitéis 20 Bliain don Ghaeilge 2010-2030 go mbeidh 250,000 duine ag labhairt Gaeilge ar bhonn laethúil faoin mbliain 2030. Táthar ag súil go spreagfaidh tionscnamh an Fhorais níos mó daoine chun an Ghaeilge a fhoghlaim agus a úsáid ar bhonn laethúil agus muid ag dul i dtreo spriocanna na Straitéise a bhaint amach.

Ministerial Appointments

Questions (17)

John McGuinness


17. Deputy John McGuinness asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the procedure that is followed by his Department when appointing members of the public to State boards or other agencies under the aegis of his Department; if he could outline all appointments made by him to all boards or agencies since March 2011; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38475/13]

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Since revised procedures were introduced by this Government, appointments to boards of State bodies funded from my Department's Vote Group are made in accordance with public appointment procedures whereby my Department seeks expressions of interest from the public by advertising on its website and proposed appointees to the position of Chairperson are required to make themselves available to appear before the relevant Oireachtas committee. It may be noted that, as Minister, I am not bound by the list of applicants when making appointments. I can also approach candidates that may, in my view, have a contribution to make and be willing to serve.

In the case of Údarás na Gaeltachta, five of the appointees are nominated by local authorities under the terms of the relevant legislation.

The details requested by the Deputy regarding appointments to State boards under the aegis of my Department since my appointment as Minister are reflected in the table.

For completeness, I should add that appointments to the North South Implementation Body, An Foras Teanga, comprising Foras na Gaeilge (16 members) and the Ulster-Scots Agency (8 members), are made by the North South Ministerial Council, arising from nominations on a 50:50 basis from each jurisdiction. Relevant board details, including fees, are published on the websites and

State board

Board members appointed since March 2011

Arts Council

Éimear O'Connor

Ciarán Walsh

Mark O'Regan

John Fanning

Heritage Council

Conor Newman (Chair)

Ciara Breathnach

Kieran O’Conor

Ted Creedon

Catherine Heaney

Fidelma Mullane

Michael Parsons

National Concert Hall

Kieran Tobin (Chair)*

Dearbhla Collins

John McGrane

Laurie Cearr

Gina Menzies

Bruce Arnold

Margaret Ryan

Ray Bates

Alma Hynes

Artemis Kent

Deborah Kelleher

Peter McEvoy

Pat Heneghan

Rachel Holstead

Patricia Slavin

National Gallery of Ireland

Fred Krehbiel

Irish Film Board

Bill O’Herlihy


Maurice Sweeney

Annie Doona

John Rice

Kate O’Toole

Seamus Deasy

Katie Holly

Crawford Art Gallery

John R. Bowen (Chair)

Sheila Maguire

Noel O'Keefe

Úna Feely

Jim Corr

Tim Brosnan

Tim Lucey

Chester Beatty Library

Patricia Donlon

Declan Downey

National Archives Advisory Council

Paul Rousse

Mary McAuliffe

Irish Manuscripts Commission

James McGuire (Chair)

Nicholas Canny

David Dickson

David Edwards

Chris Flynn

Greta Jones

James Kelly

Michael Kennedy

Máire Mac Conghail

John McCafferty

Aileen McClintock

Deirdre McMahon

Donal Moore

Thomas O'Connor

Dáibhí Ó Cróinín

Ruan O'Donnell

Mary O'Dowd

Jane Ohlmeyer

Fiona Ross

Údarás na Gaeltachta

Anna Ní Ghallachair (Chair)

Dairíona Nic Con Iomaire

Pádraig Ó hAinifín

Fiachra Ó Céilleachair

Eunan Mac Cuinneagáin

Micheál Ó Scanaill

Séamus Cosaí Mac Gearailt

Seán Ó Cuireán

Seosamh Ó Laoi

Ian Mac Aindriú

Cathal Seoighe

Daithí Alcorn

*On 26 April 2013, Ms Margaret Ryan was appointed Chair of the National Concert Hall due to the temporary absence of Mr Kieran Tobin for personal reasons.

Annals of Inisfallen

Questions (18)

Seán Ó Fearghaíl


18. Deputy Seán Ó Fearghaíl asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the progress he has made in securing the return of the Annals of Inisfallen to the Irish State; the communications has he had with the University of Oxford in this matter; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38454/13]

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The Annals of Inisfallen are part of the collection of the Bodleian Library in Oxford. The Annals were first written in AD 1092 in Emly, Co. Tipperary, and later at other Munster religious houses, including, it is thought, Tuamgraney, Killaloe and Lismore, before passing to Inisfallen in the middle of the 12th Century.

Copies of the facsimile of the Annals of Inisfallen, published by the Royal Irish Academy in 1933, and copies of the manuscript are available at the National Library of Ireland and at three of our major universities - Trinity College Dublin, University College Cork and NUI Galway. A full transcript of the text of the Annals of Inisfallen is available online through the good work of the CELT website (based at UCC) -

I understand that the Annals have previously been loaned for exhibition in Ireland by the Bodleian Library. In the context of the refurbishment of Muckross House in Killarney, it is my intention to raise the matter with the library authorities at the appropriate time to ascertain the conditions under which the Annals of Inisfallen might be exhibited close to the location from which they derive their name.

Commemorative Events

Questions (19, 39, 42, 55, 60)

Willie O'Dea


19. Deputy Willie O'Dea asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the discussions he has had with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in relation to issuing an invitation to members of the British royal family to the centenary commemoration of the 1916 Easter Rising; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38483/13]

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Michael Moynihan


39. Deputy Michael Moynihan asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht his plans to commemorate the contribution of women to the 1916 Easter Rising; his further plans to commemorate in particular the contribution of Cumann na mBan in the fight for Irish independence; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38485/13]

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Peter Mathews


42. Deputy Peter Mathews asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the measures he is taking to commemorate the 1916 Easter Rising; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38411/13]

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Lucinda Creighton


55. Deputy Lucinda Creighton asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the discussions which his Department has held with other Government Departments and State agencies surrounding the commemoration of the events of Easter 1916; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38416/13]

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Peter Mathews


60. Deputy Peter Mathews asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the discussions his Department has held with Dublin City Council regarding the commemoration of the events of Easter 1916; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38413/13]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 19, 39, 42, 60 and 55 together.

I am committed to working with all interested partners to ensure that the centenary commemorative programme is comprehensive, authentic and inclusive. The Easter Rising and the Proclamation of the Irish Republic will be at the centre of the programme and will be marked in 2016. In keeping with the development of an authentic programme, I anticipate that all the principal sites relating to the Rising and subsequent events will feature in the commemorations.

I am working with the Expert Advisory Group on Commemorations and partners in government to bring forward projects such as the online release of the Military Service Pensions Archive, which will provide unprecedented public access to primary source material about the Rising.

My Department is also working closely with Dublin City Council, which, in relation to the commemoration of the Easter Rising, has a special role in helping to achieve a balance of the various interests that exist in the city. As the national capital and the historic centre of the Rising, the city of Dublin will be the primary location of the centenary commemorations. Alongside the commemorations, however, the life of the city continues and the disruption of business, transport and services must be kept to a minimum. I believe that the centenary commemorations will have the goodwill and support of all and I will seek to facilitate a consultation process for all parties is established to ensure the optimal outcome. In recognition of the special position of Dublin in the commemorations, I arranged some time ago that officials and a member of Dublin City Council can attend at the meetings of the Oireachtas Group on Commemorations.

It is my firm belief that the Rising can best be commemorated by placing it in historical context and I have brought forward projects such as the RTE Century Ireland initiative, which is already charting the lives of the participants in the Rising from their first appearances in public life through to the Rising itself. The centenary of the founding of the Irish Volunteers will be commemorated in November next. Initiatives next year will include the founding of the Irish Citizens' Army and Cumann na mBan and special commemorative arrangements are being prepared for these organisations. I am particularly keen that the programme would give special attention to the economic and social conditions of the time. I am very grateful, therefore, for the support of the Women's History Association of Ireland in developing the arrangements for the centenary of Cumann na mBan and the wider issues of women in society at the time, including the campaign for electoral reform.

The particular arrangements to be brought forward for Easter 2016 are still under development. I will be very happy to provide more details regarding these arrangements as they are put in place in the lead-in to this important commemoration. However, in this, as with all commemoration events, the guiding principles that will be applied to this event will be inclusion, tolerance and respect.

As always, I would very much welcome the Deputies' views on the commemoration of the Rising and would be happy to discuss any proposals they might have.

State Properties

Questions (20)

Denis Naughten


20. Deputy Denis Naughten asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the steps he is taking to promote and provide public access to State controlled lands designated as being of scientific interest; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38415/13]

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My Department manages 6 National Parks and 78 Nature Reserves, 66 of which are in State ownership. The National Parks and the State-owned Reserves are open to the public all year round and are free to visit.

My Department’s network of National Parks and Nature Reserves is also a major part of Ireland’s tourism product. My Department is promoting the greater use of our parks and reserves in a manner which is compatible with conservation and protection of their biodiversity.

My Department will continue to develop visitor facilities where resources allow, such as walking and cycling routes, enhanced signage and interpretation. In recent years, my Department has opened modern visitor centres at Ballycroy National Park, Co. Mayo, and Clara Bog Nature Reserve, Co. Offaly, as well as a visitor information point for the Burren National Park in Corofin, Co. Clare.

Killarney House in Killarney National Park is currently undergoing a major refurbishment to transform it into the main visitor and interpretative centre for the National Park with a focus on interpreting the Park's natural wealth. This is a major project for my Department and involves collaboration with OPW as project managers and Fáilte Ireland, which has committed funding of €5.2 million towards the project, under its Tourism Investment Programme.

There are also approximately 750 national monuments in my ownership or guardianship, including Newgrange, the Rock of Cashel, and Kilmainham Gaol. The day-to-day operation of these national monuments is carried out by the Office of Public Works (OPW). National monument sites are, in general, freely accessible to the public and in many cases, dedicated visitor services, interpretive facilities and guided tours are available. Information about visitor services at national monuments is available on the OPW’s heritage services website at .

Finally, it should be noted that many areas identified as being of scientific interest, such as Special Protection Areas, Special Areas of Conservation and Natural Heritage Areas, are on private land. My Department works with many stakeholders in caring for, and raising awareness of, the importance of these areas. For example, the joint efforts of my Department, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and local community interests were recognised last week in the presentation, by the Council of Europe, of Ireland's first European Diploma of Protected Areas to the Burren in County Clare. The Burren includes both State-owned and private lands.
