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Thursday, 19 Sep 2013

Written Answers Nos. 179 - 186

Medical Card Eligibility

Questions (179)

Sandra McLellan


179. Deputy Sandra McLellan asked the Minister for Health if he will reinstate a medical card currently under review in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Cork; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38848/13]

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The Health Service Executive has been asked to examine this matter and to reply to the Deputy as soon as possible. The Health Service Executive operates the General Medical Services scheme, which includes medical cards and GP visit cards, under the Health Act 1970, as amended. It has established a dedicated contact service for members of the Oireachtas specifically for queries relating to medical cards and GP visit cards, which the Deputy may wish to use for an earlier response. Contact information has issued to Oireachtas members.

Hospital Appointment Status

Questions (180)

John Browne


180. Deputy John Browne asked the Minister for Health when a hospital appointment will issue in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Wexford; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38850/13]

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Improving access to outpatient services is a key priority for the Government. Collaborating with individual hospitals, the SDU, together with the National Treatment Purchase Fund (NTPF) and the HSE, has developed the outpatient waiting list minimum dataset. This allows data to be submitted to the NTPF from hospitals on a weekly basis and, for the first time, outpatient data is available on For 2013, a maximum waiting time target has been set of 12 months for a first time consultant-led outpatient appointment and this is reflected in the HSE service plan. The SDU and the NTPF will work closely with hospitals towards achievement of the maximum waiting time.

Should a patient's general practitioner consider that the patient's condition warrants an earlier appointment, he or she would be in the best position to take the matter up with the consultant and hospital involved. In relation to the specific hospital appointment query raised by the Deputy, as this is a service matter it has been referred to the HSE for direct reply.

Medical Card Eligibility

Questions (181)

Andrew Doyle


181. Deputy Andrew Doyle asked the Minister for Health if he will confirm that a person (details supplied) in County Wicklow will continue to retain their medical card once the current card expires in October 2013; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38864/13]

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The Health Service Executive has been asked to examine this matter and to reply to the Deputy as soon as possible.The Health Service Executive operates the General Medical Services scheme, which includes medical cards and GP visit cards, under the Health Act 1970, as amended. It has established a dedicated contact service for members of the Oireachtas specifically for queries relating to medical cards and GP visit cards, which the Deputy may wish to use for an earlier response. Contact information has issued to Oireachtas members.

Hospital Facilities

Questions (182)

Tom Fleming


182. Deputy Tom Fleming asked the Minister for Health if he will provide a detailed, up to date progress report on the new cystic fibrosis unit at Cork University Hospital; when the project will be complete; the total cost of same; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38875/13]

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This Government's policy to ensure that patients with cystic fibrosis receive the right care at the right time and in the right environment – that is, dedicated accommodation in an environment which allows appropriate isolation for improved infection control. There have been a number of developments in this area in recent years including the new Nutley Wing (opened summer 2012) at St Vincent’s University Hospital (SVUH); a new purpose-built dedicated Ambulatory Outpatient facility at Beaumont for patients with Cystic Fibrosis; the provision of specialist adult and paediatric centres at a number of hospitals and screening of newborns for cystic fibrosis.

In relation to Cork University Hospital I am informed that the hospital is both an Adult and a Paediatric centre for patients with CF. Currently the Adult centre caters for approximately 160 adults and the Paediatric centre approximately 90 children with CF. The CUH Centre is the second largest centre in the country for patients with CF catering for the clinical needs of almost 25% of the entire CF population in Ireland.

Outpatient facilities

In October 2011 a Cystic Fibrosis outpatient facility was opened which provides dedicated facilities which are state of the art. This day care unit has the following facilities:

- Reception 7 waiting area

- Patient review rooms x 5

- Patient Gym

- Patient Facilities

- Staff Facilities

- Multidisciplinary team meeting room

In-patient Facilities

The CUH Executive Management Board is committed to developing an Adult CF unit which will be incorporated into a new Respiratory ward. The unit is to be provided in the main ward block of CUH. CUH is in a unique position to progress this development with the support of local philanthropic support. ‘Build 4 Life’ (a support group for the development of capital resources in Adult CF for the CUH) has raised approximately €2.2 million, including funding made available from my Department's allocation of National Lottery funding. In addition, enhanced paediatric CF facilities will be developed as part of the new paediatric unit. The final design plans have been signed off by the project group and tender documentation has been collated and signed off. It is proposed to issue the tender in the coming weeks the equipment list has been prepared and costed and the estimated completion date of the project is March 2014.

Hospital Appointment Status

Questions (183)

Andrew Doyle


183. Deputy Andrew Doyle asked the Minister for Health if he will ensure that a person (details supplied) in County Wicklow receives a hospital appointment as soon as possible; if he will expedite this case; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38883/13]

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The National Waiting List Management Policy, A standardised approach to managing scheduled care treatment for in-patient, day case and planned procedures, January 2013, has been developed to ensure that all administrative, managerial and clinical staff follow an agreed national minimum standard for the management and administration of waiting lists for scheduled care. This policy, which has been adopted by the HSE, sets out the processes that hospitals are to implement to manage waiting lists. In relation to this particular query raised by the Deputy, I have asked the Health Service Executive to investigate the situation and respond directly to the Deputy in this matter.

Health Services Expenditure

Questions (184)

Jerry Buttimer


184. Deputy Jerry Buttimer asked the Minister for Health the total health budget each year from 1996 to date; the budget over-run each year since 1996; the total number of staff in the health system, his Department and Health Service Executive each year since 1996; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38901/13]

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The information requested by the Deputy is set out in the following table.

Total Gross Health Budget

Supplementary Estimate

Staff Numbers*













































































Data for the Health Budget has been taken from the Revised Estimates Volumes 1996 -2013. Figures from 1997 - 2001 have been converted to Euro. From 2008 - 2010 the Health Group of Votes included the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs (OMC).

* The numbers are WTE and include staff of the HSE, Voluntary Hospitals and agencies funded under Section 38 of the Health Act 2004. Figures for agencies funded under Section 39 of the Health Act are included from 2008 as they were not routinely collected prior to that year. Please note that the 2008 figure does not include staffing for the Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS). Figures in relation to the Department of Health are currently being compiled and will be provided to the Deputy as soon as possible.

Health Services Allowances

Questions (185)

Michael Lowry


185. Deputy Michael Lowry asked the Minister for Health if he will provide details of the cuts to the rehab training allowance over the past three years; the current rate of the allowance; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38906/13]

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The Rehabilitative Training (RT) allowance is paid to trainees attending RT programmes funded by the Health Service Executive (HSE). The payment is in addition to any other State payment the individual receives, such as the Disability Allowance. RT programmes are operated by the HSE or on its behalf by specialist service providers. There are 2,800 (whole-time equivalent) RT places with approximately 3,000 people attending training programmes each year - some trainees attend on a part-basis.

Participants are referred to training centres through the HSE’s Occupational Guidance Services, and the range of programmes provided at training centres cater for people with intellectual disabilities, mental health disabilities, and those with physical and sensory disabilities. Rehabilitative programmes provide foundation level training which focuses on the development of an individual's life skills, social skills and basic work skills with the objective of enhancing the trainee's quality of life and general work capacity.

There have been no cuts to the Rehabilitative Training (RT) allowance over the past three years and the rate of payment remains at €31.80. Payment is made on a pro-rata basis if the trainee attends on a part-time basis. The trainee is entitled to the payment for the duration of their attendance at an RT course. The length of time which a trainee spends on an RT training course varies depending on the nature of the course and the trainees’ needs and abilities, but is typically from 2 to 4 years.

Medical Card Applications

Questions (186)

Bernard Durkan


186. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Health if and when a medical card will issue in the case of a person (details supplied) in County Westmeath; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38907/13]

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Written answers

The Health Service Executive has been asked to examine this matter and to reply to the Deputy as soon as possible. The Health Service Executive operates the General Medical Services scheme, which includes medical cards and GP visit cards, under the Health Act 1970, as amended. It has established a dedicated contact service for members of the Oireachtas specifically for queries relating to medical cards and GP visit cards, which the Deputy may wish to use for an earlier response. Contact information has issued to Oireachtas members.
