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Departmental Expenditure

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 5 November 2013

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Questions (1006)

Mary Lou McDonald


1006. Deputy Mary Lou McDonald asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if she will provide, in tabular form, the partial year and the full year monetary effect of the Department's budget 2014 reductions in expenditure. [47072/13]

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The Estimate provision for my Department in 2014 amounts to €449 million. This level of investment demonstrates that, while operating within difficult Budgetary constraints, this Government is strongly committed to delivering important reforms and service developments to support Ireland’s children and families.

In relation to the specific question asked by the Deputy, my Department will continue to implement savings in 2014 to programme areas identified in the 2011 Comprehensive Review of Expenditure (CRE). To the greatest extent possible, these are being achieved through increased operating efficiencies and value-for-money to protect frontline services. The table below sets out the full year impact of the savings to be achieved in 2014:


Savings in 2014


Youth Programmes


School Completion programme


National Longitudinal Study


National Children's Strategy and Other Programmes


Early Intervention Programme


Family Support Agency




In tandem with this approach, additional funding in 2014 has been secured to:

Support reform of child welfare and protection services;

Scaling back of overall reduction in Youth services;

Implement a preschool quality agenda; and

Address child poverty through the Area Based Childhood programme.
