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Thursday, 7 Nov 2013

Written Answers Nos. 108-118

Residential Institutions

Questions (108)

Clare Daly


108. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for Education and Skills in relation to the fact that a number of concerns have been raised about the State funded groups which claim to represent institutional abuse victims not actually reflecting the views of survivors, if he will facilitate and attend a national meeting with the survivors of abuse in relation to the statutory fund, the idea of a memorial and the way their files will be dealt with. [47617/13]

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I am aware that there are a range of views among the survivors of institutional abuse. Some 15,000 survivors have received awards from the Residential Institutions Redress Board and some 60% of applications are from survivors living in Ireland. I have no plans to facilitate a national meeting of survivors as proposed. The legislation establishing the Residential Institutions Statutory Fund followed an extensive consultation process undertaken by my Department, which involved meetings with the religious congregations, groups representing survivors of residential institutional child abuse and a number of other interested parties. Press advertisements invited views, which could be forwarded by post, email or by a Freefone Service, which was operated by Barnardos, on behalf of my Department. A report on the consultation process is available on my Department's website. I also met with groups representing survivors of residential institutional abuse in July 2011, when we discussed the Government's approach to the proposed Statutory Fund. The Memorial Committee, established to oversee the commissioning of the Memorial, undertook a public consultation process as well as meeting with survivor groups and interested parties, before launching its competition in July 2011. The Government has agreed in principle to my bringing forward legislative proposals to allow for the retention of the records of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse (CICA), the Residential Institutions Redress Board (RIRB) and the Review Committee, subject to their being sealed for possibly 75 years.

National Lottery Funding Disbursement

Questions (109)

Jerry Buttimer


109. Deputy Jerry Buttimer asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform if he will provide details of his commitment to developing a proposed convention centre in Cork; if there is a timeline envisaged for the development of this important infrastructural project; the anticipated tourism and economic benefits of this commitment; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [47460/13]

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On Budget day this year, I announced additional investment of €200m from the proceeds of the National Lottery Licence transaction. This investment will be used to progress a number of additional projects and programmes in 2014 including the project to which the Deputy refers. The precise allocation of the proceeds to the Departments concerned is being determined at present and will be published in the Revised Estimates for Public Services 2014 which will be published in December. My Department will not have any involvement in the management and/or roll-out of this or any of the other projects to be funded from the Lottery Licence transaction. That will be a matter for the relevant Minister and his/her Department.

Of course, Departments must ensure that, as with all capital projects, those to be funded through this additional investment are appraised in line with the processes set out in the Public Spending Code.

Office of Public Works Properties

Questions (110)

Patrick Nulty


110. Deputy Patrick Nulty asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform further to Parliamentary Question No. 335 of 11 June 2013, if he will consider allowing local community groups to tender for use of the building referred to therein in view of the fact that the Office of Public Works has agreed to do this in the case of old Garda stations. [47504/13]

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The Office of Public Works is in the process of selling this property on the open market and has engaged estate agents to manage the sale. Any community group is welcome to bid for the property.

Child Care Services Provision

Questions (111)

Eric J. Byrne


111. Deputy Eric Byrne asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform further to Parliamentary Question No. 122 of 23 October 2013, if he will clarify the situation regarding the provision of crèche facilities (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [47413/13]

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As the Deputy will appreciate several of the specific issues raised in the details supplied for this question relate to confidential matters between an individual and a crèche and as such it would not be appropriate for me to comment or take any action potentially impinging on the contractual situation.

As set out in the previous reply on this matter, arising from the decision taken to discontinue the Civil Service Childcare Initiative following a Focused Policy Assessment in 2012, there have been detailed negotiations between OPW and the civil service crèche operators. These negotiations were complex, involving three operators, seven buildings, the Chief State Solicitor's Office and the solicitors of the operators. In light of these circumstances, I am satisfied that they were completed in an appropriately timely manner resulting in the continued operation of the crèches under a revised commercial licence. Given that the crèches will be operating under a commercial licence and there is no longer any subsidy provided by the State, the fees charged by the crèche services are strictly a commercial matter for the relevant operators, in respect of which I, as Minister for Public Expenditure, have no role.

In relation to the issue raised concerning the period of notice given to parents, as I set out in my previous reply, since agreement on the interim licence arrangement was reached with the existing operators during the summer of 2013, the Civil Service Childcare Initiative Board and OPW have been active in ensuring that operators inform parents of the new arrangements. My Department has been advised by the operator that in this specific case parents were informed on the 25th June 2013 of the potential for fee changes if the crèche was successful in its negotiations with the OPW. Parents were also advised at that time that the operator would give parents two months' notice of a change to the fees. I also understand that there were further communications to parents on the 5th September 2013 outlining that there would be a fee increase and that parents would be given two months' notice of these increases. The actual notification of the fee increase was issued on the 10th October to the parents advising them of the new fee structure which is proposed to take effect from 1 January, 2014.

Polasaí don Ghaeilge

Questions (112)

Aengus Ó Snodaigh


112. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Aengus Ó Snodaigh den Aire Caiteachais Phoiblí agus Athchóirithe cén bunús taighde nó sochtheangeolaíoch atá leis an gcinneadh atá glactha ag an Rialtas maidir le cumas na Gaeilge ó thaobh earcaíochta sa Státseirbhís a athrú; agus cén chaoi a dtacaíonn sé seo leis an Straitéis Fiche Bliain don Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn. [47434/13]

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In developing a new policy approach to the Irish language proficiency aspect for recruitment to the civil service my Department - working collaboratively in particular with the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht - was strongly guided by the evidence that the pre-existing approach of providing for bonus marks in all competitions for Irish language ability was clearly not achieving its objective. In particular the uptake of the scheme was low and those awarded bonus marks were not being utilised to provide services through Irish. The key imperative informing the new approach is, therefore, to put in place a coherent sent of measures underpinning service delivery through Irish.

Within this overarching policy approach, Irish language proficiency policy for the civil service has been refocused to provide more meaningful and effective services through Irish. The Departments Implementation Plan for the 20 - Year Strategy for the Irish Language 2010-30 includes measures aimed at building capacity in the provision of Irish language services in the civil service. The workforce planning process will be revised to require Government Departments and Offices to identify posts and areas of work requiring functional bilinguals. In tandem with this panels of qualified personnel who are Irish proficient will be put in place from recruitment competitions as necessary from which the identified roles can be filled.

Please note, the Deputy will receive a reply in Irish as soon as possible.

Office of the Ombudsman Investigations

Questions (113)

Arthur Spring


113. Deputy Arthur Spring asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the mechanisms in place for questioning a decision of the Ombudsman; and his views on whether or not the process is transparent and accountable. [47479/13]

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The Ombudsman is legally independent and there is no statutory provision for appeals against individual decisions of the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is, however, legally obliged to report to the Houses of the Oireachtas annually on the performance of his/her functions. In addition, the Ombudsman has a reporting relationship with the Committee on Public Service Oversight and Petitions in accordance with that Committee's terms of reference.

The Office of the Ombudsman operates an internal non-statutory appeal process which is open to any complainant who is not satisfied with the Ombudsman's decision in their case. If an appeal or request for a review is received, it is the practice of that Office to have the matter considered afresh by a caseworker who is in a more senior position and who was not previously involved in the original decision. Complainants are invited by the Office's Appeals Manager to provide further information or argument which would benefit the Office in reviewing their case. The full details of the appeals procedure are available on the Ombudsman's website at

Coastal Protection

Questions (114)

Brendan Griffin


114. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform if his Department has any record of involvement in a project (details supplied) in County Kerry; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [47529/13]

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The management of coastal erosion in any particular area is a matter for the relevant local authority concerned in the first instance.

Our records show that in June 2006 the Office of Public Works wrote to Coiste Forbartha na Sceilge confirming that Ballinskellig Castle was not a national monument in State ownership or care and that the OPW did not have any responsibility for its maintenance. In June 2009 the then Chairman of the OPW in reply to representations from the then Ceann Comhairle, Mr John O'Donoghue, indicated that the OPW had no record of a submission from Kerry County Council in relation to the Castle and that the OPW was writing to all Councils including Kerry County Council asking them to identify their priorities in relation to coastal protection works. To date the OPW has not received an application for funding from Kerry County Council for coastal protection works at this location.

It is open to the Council to submit such an application under the OPW's Minor Works & Coastal Protection Scheme, if the Council considers it a priority to do so. Any application received will be assessed under the eligibility criteria for coastal protection measures, including a requirement that any measures are cost beneficial, and having regard to the overall availability of funding. Application forms and related guidelines are available on the OPW website under Flood Risk Management.

National Monuments

Questions (115)

Brendan Griffin


115. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform if he will consider taking charge of a site (details supplied) in County Kerry; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [47534/13]

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Staigue Fort is not in State ownership. It is in State guardianship and is therefore afforded legal protection in terms of its conservation and preservation in accordance with the National Monuments Acts, 1930 -1994. The land and approaches to the monument neither fall under the ownership nor the maintenance remit of the Office of Public Works.

Commercial Rates Impact

Questions (116)

Finian McGrath


116. Deputy Finian McGrath asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation the action being taken to assist small and medium enterprises that are forced to pay high commercial rates each year, which is costing jobs. [47517/13]

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The levying and collection of commercial rates is a reserved function of the Local Authorities which come under the policy remit of the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, Mr. Phil Hogan, T.D. The Annual Rate of Valuation (ARV) is decided by the elected members of each Local Authority in their annual budget.

This Government is committed to making Irish business keenly competitive in ever more challenging global markets. In order to help SMEs to be competitive, we are striving to keep all costs on businesses as low as possible. Government actions to support small and medium sized businesses in the domestic economy have been set out in the Action Plan for Jobs 2012 and 2013 and work will continue in this respect in the context of the Action Plan for Jobs 2014.

Significant progress has been made in a number of areas, including:

- Improving Access to Finance through the Credit Guarantee Scheme and the Microenterprise Loan Fund Scheme;

- Tackling the issue of late payments through the transposition of the EU Late Payment Directive into Irish legislation;

- Development of a Single Licensing Application Portal; and

- Reform of the County Enterprise Boards through the establishment of new Local Enterprise Offices.

The Action Plan 2014, which is currently being finalised, will seek to build on the progress already made and is set to deliver a further suite of actions to support enterprise. SMEs will continue to be a key focus of this process.

Proposed Legislation

Questions (117)

Denis Naughten


117. Deputy Denis Naughten asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation the timetable for implementing the programme for Government commitment to reform the current law on an employee's right to engage in collective bargaining under the Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2001; if the legislation will ensure compliance by the State with recent judgments of the European Court of Human Rights; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [47558/13]

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The Programme for Government contains a commitment to reform the current law on employees' right to engage in collective bargaining (the Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2001), so as to ensure compliance by the State with recent judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. With this in mind, in late 2012 I wrote to relevant stakeholders inviting their observations on the matter. Submissions were subsequently received and a series of initial first step meetings took place between Departmental officials and stakeholders around mid-2013. Discussions with stakeholders are ongoing.

I hope to be in a position to put proposals to Cabinet soon. In this context, I am certain that satisfactory arrangements can be put in place that will reconcile Ireland's constitutional, social and economic traditions, and international obligations, whilst at the same time ensuring continued success in building Ireland's domestic jobs-base and in attracting overseas investment into the economy.

Questions Nos. 118 and 119 withdrawn.