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Thursday, 28 Nov 2013

Written Answers Nos. 1 - 13

Social Welfare Fraud Investigations

Questions (10)

Denis Naughten


10. Deputy Denis Naughten asked the Minister for Social Protection her plans to review the monitoring mechanisms employed to reduce fraudulent payment of child benefit; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [50609/13]

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The control strategy in operation on the child benefit scheme ensures that payment is only made in respect of children where there is an ongoing entitlement. The Department carried out a Fraud and Error survey on child benefit in 2012 which confirmed the Department’s view that the child benefit scheme is a low risk scheme in terms of fraud and error and that the existing control policy is effective.

Child benefit is a universal monthly payment made to the parents/guardians of children that assists families with the cost associated with raising children. Child benefit is paid to around 606,000 families in respect of some 1.15 million children with an estimated expenditure of around €1.9 billion in 2013. I am very conscious of the requirement to safeguard the Child Benefit budget and, in this regard, my Department has taken a proactive approach to ensuring that it is only paid to eligible families. A control strategy has been adopted and operated by the Department which includes risk assessment, surveys of the levels of fraud and error, scheme specific review policies, data matching initiatives with both external and internal parties and investigation of anonymous reports. These control tools ensure that review activity is targeted in the most effective manner and the results are monitored.

One of the main features of the child benefit control programme is the issue of continuing eligibility certificates to customers. Another key measure, for customers who are paid at their local post office, is the monthly check carried out where the customer must certify that they qualify for the payment. The Department has also begun the phased roll out of the Public Service Card which features photographic identification of the customer. The Department commenced the issue of eligibility certificates to parents in 2008 and the control policy for the child benefit scheme was again reviewed in 2010. The percentage of savings arising from the eligibility certificates has been falling year on year proving the effectiveness of the control programme. The child benefit control programme is kept under regular review based on the outcomes achieved.

Rent Supplement Scheme Administration

Questions (11, 12, 31, 36, 39)

Joan Collins


11. Deputy Joan Collins asked the Minister for Social Protection her views on the increase in rents, particularly in the Dublin area, which is pushing beyond the reach of those in receipt of rent supplement from social welfare access to private rented accommodation. [50841/13]

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Bernard Durkan


12. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Social Protection the extent to which adequate funds remain available to her Department to meet the requirements of rent support for those families on local authority housing lists and currently renting from the private sector in view of the increased housing demand likely to lead to higher rents; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [50787/13]

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Richard Boyd Barrett


31. Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett asked the Minister for Social Protection her plans to review the rent allowance caps again in view of the recent reports of rent increases in the urban centres around the country; if not, the advice she would give to the thousands of housing applicants and homeless persons who cannot find suitable accommodation; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [50742/13]

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Richard Boyd Barrett


36. Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett asked the Minister for Social Protection the advice she would give to housing applicants and persons facing homelessness across the country particularly in urban areas such as Dublin where rents are increasing dramatically and where little if any private rented accommodation is available within the Department's rent allowance caps; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [50741/13]

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Aengus Ó Snodaigh


39. Deputy Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Social Protection if she will provide update on plans to transfer responsibility for rent supplement to a new housing assistance payment; the steps she will take in the interim to address the situation whereby rent supplement recipients are being priced out of the rental market in Dublin where rents have been rising steeply. [50774/13]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 11, 12, 31, 36 and 39 together.

There are currently approximately 81,000 persons in receipt of rent supplement for which the Government has provided €403 million in 2013. Revised rent limits under the rent supplement scheme came into effect from Monday 17 June 2013 and will be in place until 31 December 2014. The new rent limits have been determined following an extensive review of the private rental market based on the most up-to-date data available. There have been increases in the maximum rent limits in Dublin and Galway and some reductions across a number of counties, reflecting the market conditions in those areas.

The cost of the rent limit review for 2013 is some €7 million which can be met from within the overall provision for the scheme. The Department continues to monitor rent levels throughout the country and officials dealing with rent supplement tenants will continue to ensure that their accommodation needs are met. I have no plans to further revise the rent limits at this time. The Department’s strategic policy direction is to return rent supplement to its original purpose of a short term income support. In July 2013 the Government approved the introduction of the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP). Under HAP, responsibility for recipients of rent supplement with a long-term housing need will transfer from the Department of Social Protection to local authorities. Officials in the Department are working with those in the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government, who are leading the project, in developing the necessary legal, policy and operational requirements to give effect to this transfer. The Department is advised that following the enactment of the relevant legislation, HAP testing will be carried out in selected local authorities during 2014.

Community Welfare Services

Questions (13)

Joan Collins


13. Deputy Joan Collins asked the Minister for Social Protection if she will consider opening a new community welfare office in Crumlin. [50844/13]

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The Department is in the process of major organisational change following the transfer of responsibility for the Community Welfare Services and FÁS employment and community employment services. The Department is committed to developing and implementing a case management approach, across the full range of its services, with a focus on working with the person rather than administering a range of benefits. In implementing this challenging programme of change, the objective is to ensure that all services provided are co-ordinated and support customers through the development of improved processes and the concentration of staff and resources in integrated units. Skilled and knowledgeable case managers will work with individuals in need, to ensure that they not only receive the appropriate income supports but are also helped to find a way in which they can participate to the fullest extent possible in their community, economy and workforce. A case management approach with a focus on the individual, and the development of a tailored plan for each person will produce better outcomes than the traditional transaction focused delivery of scheme services.

It is in this context that the delivery of Community Welfare Services in Dublin 12 has changed. The Department is progressing a number of elements to integrate services and to deliver a more efficient and effective service. Rationalisation and reorganisation in Dublin 12 has occurred over the past 6 months and continues to be under review. Rent and Mortgage Supplements are now dealt with centrally through a phone and postal service. An integrated decision making process has been introduced in Bishop’s Square Intreo Office, where people applying for primary payments such as jobseeker’s allowance, jobseeker’s benefit and one parent family payment now no longer need to present to a local Community Welfare Officer for an interim payment.

The remainder of the Community Welfare Service for Dublin 12 is now being delivered through the formation of a Hub (team based approach). This Hub was to be permanently located in Parnell Road Health Centre but preparatory works uncovered a number of structural flaws in the building. It therefore became necessary to move this service to Castle Street in order to ensure continuity of service. Cashel Road Health Centre had already been designated by the Health Service Executive for closure.

Notwithstanding these changes the full range of Community Welfare Services continues to be delivered to Dublin 12. It also remains the intention of the Department to return this service in some form locally to Dublin 12 and options are being explored in order to facilitate this. The service offered from Castle Street includes public opening hours as follows: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 2.15pm-3.30pm, and Friday 2.15pm-3.00pm. An outreach clinic by appointment is operating from Dublin City Council offices in Crumlin Village. These services are also supplemented by home visits and by the phone and postal service. The staff and service will be operated in a flexible manner so as to accommodate people experiencing difficulties in accessing Castle Street whether this is for mobility reasons or other personal circumstance.
