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Wednesday, 15 Jan 2014

Written Answers Nos. 598 - 613

Legislative Measures

Questions (598)

Denis Naughten


598. Deputy Denis Naughten asked the Minister for Justice and Equality if he will confirm that the provisions of the Criminal Law (Incest) (Amendment) Bill 2012 are incorporated into the approved heads of the Criminal Justice (Sexual Offences) Bill; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1717/14]

View answer

Written answers

I can confirm to the Deputy that the General Scheme of the Sexual Offences Bill includes a provision to increase the penalty for incest by a female to life imprisonment in order to bring into line with the penalty for incest by a male. I announced on 17 December last that the General Scheme will be published by the end of this month.

Court Accommodation Refurbishment

Questions (599)

Ciara Conway


599. Deputy Ciara Conway asked the Minister for Justice and Equality if he will provide a commitment that while renovations are carried out in Waterford Courthouse, the District Court, Circuit Criminal Court, Family and Civil Court and High Court will each continue to sit in Waterford and will not be transferred out of the city to Kilkenny; if he will confirm that, on completion of works in Waterford Courthouse, all the aforementioned court sittings will be reinstated and held at Waterford Courthouse as was the norm before renovation works. [1733/14]

View answer

Written answers

As the Deputy is aware, under the provisions of the Courts Service Act 1998, management of the courts, including the provision of accommodation for court sittings, is the responsibility of the Courts Service which is independent in exercising its functions.

However, in order to be of assistance to the Deputy, I have had enquiries made and the Courts Service has informed me that they are at an advanced stage in planning the refurbishment and extension of the courthouse in Waterford as part of the Government's infrastructure stimulus package. This will be delivered by way of Public Private Partnership along with six other courthouse projects. Construction is expected to commence during 2015 with the project being completed and the courthouse becoming operational during 2016 or early in 2017. I am informed that temporary courtroom and office accommodation will be required for the construction period as the courthouse will have to be vacated. The Courts Service is currently looking at options for temporary accommodation and has indicated that, at this stage, it is not possible to say what arrangements will be in place for any particular court sittings until all options have been fully examined. I am informed that the courthouse development project will result in an increase in courtroom capacity in the city, from the current two courtrooms to a total of six courtrooms. This will allow the courts to return to significantly improved facilities following completion of the project.

Crime Prevention

Questions (600)

Niall Collins


600. Deputy Niall Collins asked the Minister for Justice and Equality if he will seek assurances from the Garda authorities that effective action will be taken in respect of the reported increase in burglaries in an area (details supplied) in Dublin 24 which have been the subject of public meetings; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1738/14]

View answer

Written answers

I am informed by the Garda authorities that the area referred to is in the Tallaght Garda District. Local Garda management is aware of the current crime levels in respect of burglary offences in the area. In this regard I am advised that in early December 2013 the District Officer in Tallaght met with a Residents Committee in the area in question and explained the measures in place to combat various types of crime. In addition, Gardaí in Tallaght launched a Crime Prevention Campaign during December, making use of the Crimecall television programme with the District Officer making an appeal to people to be aware of general crime prevention measures.

I am further informed that Garda data shows a decrease in burglaries in the Tallaght District, in line with the national trend. As the Deputy may be aware the latest crime statistics show that the rate of burglary has decreased by 10.4% nationally for the twelve months ending 30 September 2013 and this underlines the impact being made by Gardaí under Operation Fiacla. As part of the measures which are coordinated under Operation Fiacla, Operation Acer is in force throughout the Dublin Metropolitan Region, including Tallaght. It is an intelligence driven operation and includes analysis led checkpoints and patrols to target specific areas and case manage targeted offenders. These arrangements are kept under review to ensure adjustments are made to maintain the effective focus of the operation.

Operation Acer operates alongside ongoing community policing measures, incorporating problem solving with local communities and ongoing liaison with schools, businesses and households in providing crime prevention advice and assistance to victims of burglary, including the initiatives in Tallaght referred to above.

Local Garda management closely monitor the allocation of all resources in the context of crime trends, policing needs and other operational strategies in place on a District, Divisional and Regional level, to ensure optimum use is made of Garda resources, and the best possible Garda service is provided to the public.

Questions Nos. 601 and 602 answered with Question No. 563.

Garda Retirements

Questions (603)

Robert Dowds


603. Deputy Robert Dowds asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the number of gardaí he expects to retire in each of the years 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. [1743/14]

View answer

Written answers

Generally speaking, members of An Garda Síochána may retire on a voluntary basis once they have reached 50 years of age and have accrued 30 years service. Members must retire on compulsory age grounds on reaching the age of 60.

In actual fact, most Gardaí take voluntary retirement ahead of their compulsory retirement age and it is not possible to predict with any certainty the number of Gardaí who will leave the Force during the course of any one year.

Garda Reports

Questions (604)

Dominic Hannigan


604. Deputy Dominic Hannigan asked the Minister for Justice and Equality if he will provide the work of the Garda Síochána analysis service, GSAS, on youth crime; if the service's reports in this area will be published; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1793/14]

View answer

Written answers

The Garda Síochána Analysis Service (GSAS) was established in 2007. The role of the GSAS is to assist An Garda Síochána by supporting policing excellence through:

- Assisting with policing operations by researching, collating and analysing information from all relevant sources,

- Using crime pattern analysis techniques to determine patterns, trends and hot spots,

- Formulating practical, evidence-based recommendations,

- Evaluating the effectiveness of policing operations and techniques.

GSAS has also provided statistical information on youth crime in particular catchment areas to assist in the preparation of annual plans by Garda Youth Diversion Projects. The public aspect of the work of the GSAS on youth crime can be seen in the Annual Report of the Committee appointed to monitor the effectiveness of the Diversion Programme. The latest report for 2012 is available on the website of the Irish Youth justice Service ( ).

In relation to the GSAS, the Committee recommended that it continue to work with the Garda Youth Diversion Office to profile high crime areas in order to target more effective and efficient responses and interventions for young people and that the Garda Youth Diversion Office utilise the expertise of GSAS to enable tracking of children through the system in support of the National Strategy for Research and Data on Children's lives 2011-2016.

Defence Forces Records

Questions (605)

Bernard Durkan


605. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Defence if and when further recruitment to the Defence Forces, including the Permanent Defence Force and Reserve Defence Force, will be contemplated with a view to ensuring optimum strength; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [55293/13]

View answer

Written answers

I am advised by the Military Authorities that the strength of the Permanent Defence Force, at 30 November 2013, the latest date for which details are available, was 9,286, comprising, 7,478 Army, 775 Air Corps and, 1,033 Naval Service personnel. Recruitment of personnel to the Army, Naval Service and Air Corps is determined in line with the operational requirements of each of the three services. As the Permanent Defence Force is currently below the agreed stabilised strength of 9,500, it is my intention that targeted recruitment will continue within the resource envelope allocated to Defence. It is planned to run a new General Service recruitment competition in the first half of 2014. Details will be made available on the Defence Forces website when the competition commences.

As regards the Reserve Defence Force, work is continuing on the implementation of the reorganisation and the development of the single force concept and a review of the number of active members of the RDF is currently being compiled. In addition, the criteria for participation in the RDF are being reviewed and updated and a recruitment plan is being developed. I anticipate that consideration of these issues will be completed in the near future. With the support of the Chief of Staff and within the resources available, I intend to retain the capacity of the Defence Forces to operate effectively across all roles and to undertake the tasks laid down by Government both at home and overseas.

Defence Forces Reserve Strength

Questions (606)

Bernard Durkan


606. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Defence the current strength of the Reserve Defence Force; the number of Reserve Defence Force members who completed annual training of seven days, 14 days and 21 days or more in 2013; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [55350/13]

View answer

Written answers

The total strength of the Reserve Defence Force at 30 November 2012, the latest date for which figures are available was 4,773. This figure comprises 3,782 men and 991 women. I am advised that following completion of the recent re-organisation of the Reserve Defence Force, up to date strength figures for the Reserve Defence Force are not currently available. I will provide this information directly to the Deputy once it comes to hand.

The total number of Reserve Defence Force personnel who undertook paid training in 2013 was 1,734. The breakdown of those who completed 7 days, 14 days and 21 days or more is as follows:

No. of days


1 to 7 days:  


8 to 14 days:    


15 to 20 days


21 days or more:


Departmental Staff Data

Questions (607)

Bernard Durkan


607. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Defence the extent to which agency staff have been used in his Department in each of the past five years for the purpose of answering and transferring calls on their switchdesk; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [55431/13]

View answer

Written answers

Since the relocation in 2010 of the Department’s Dublin-based staff to Newbridge, Co. Kildare under the Government’s Decentralisation Programme, my Department has not engaged any agency staff to provide a switchboard service.

Prior to decentralisation, my Department engaged the services of agency staff through a contract for services on a limited basis from time to time to provide temporary switchboard cover for staff absences.

Departmental Consultations

Questions (608)

Terence Flanagan


608. Deputy Terence Flanagan asked the Minister for Defence the number of submissions his Department received on the publication of the Green Paper on Defence in 2013; if he will provide a full list of the persons and organisations from whom these submissions came; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1218/14]

View answer

Written answers

The Green Paper on Defence, which was published in July 2013, initiated a public consultation process which will inform the development of the next White Paper on Defence. A total of 122 submissions were received. A full list of the persons and organisations from whom these submissions were received is attached herewith.

I do not propose to publish the submissions at present. They form part of the ongoing deliberative process in the preparation of the White Paper on Defence and are subject to normal data protection and Freedom of Information considerations.

As part of the consultative process, a number of people who made written submissions have met with civil and military staff of the Department of Defence and the Defence Forces. These meetings are ongoing.

The White Paper on Defence is due to be completed and submitted to Government for approval later this year.

List of the persons and organisations from whom submissions were received .

Mr. John Morris

Mr. Tony Brown

Mr. Peter Savage

Maritime Analysis and Operations Centre (Narcotics) MAOC (N)

Mr. John B. Dillon

Mr. Mark Egan

Syncreon Transport & Forwarding, Ireland

Mr. Maurice Ball

Captain Noel Carey (Retired)

The Irish Maritime Forum (x 2)

Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

Ms. Elizabeth Smith

Mr. Damien Gaumont

Mr. Declan Fleming

Mr. Andy McSharry

Mr. Robert Gilbey

Mr. John Kelly

Mr. Seamus Wall

Mr. Hugh Conlon

Mr. Paul Murphy

Mr. Charles E. Breslin

Mr. David France

Mr. Christopher Dorman-O’Gowan

Mr. Eoin B. Scarlett

British Irish Chamber of Commerce

Ms. Margaretta D’arcy

The Nautical Institute (Ireland Branch)

Peace and Neutrality Alliance (PANA)

Commander (GS) Pasi Staff

Professor Stephen Cusack

Mr. Jack Kavanagh

Port of Cork Company

Mr. Tom McBennett

Mr. Brian Ahern

Mr. Brian O’ Neill

Mr. Joseph Doherty

Halpin Centre for Research & Innovation at NMCI

Association of Retired Commissioned Officers (ARCO)

The Edward M. Kennedy Institute for Conflict Intervention, NUI Maynooth

Dr. Ian Speller, NUI Maynooth

Fishing for Justice

Col. Dorcha Lee, (Retired)

Mr. Barry Foley

Messrs. Sean A. Flood, Michael Murphy, Seamus O’Carroll, Peter McKenna and Harry Whelehan. (Collective submission)

National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)

The Irish Institute of Master Mariners

Mr. Conor Galvin

Commodore Frank Lynch (Retired)

Mr. Anthony Gurnee

Mr. Peter Kennedy

Organisation of National Ex-Servicemen and Women

Bord Iascaigh Mhara

Marine Renewables Industry Association (MRIA), Atlantic Ocean Energy Alliance (OEA) and National Offshore Wind Association of Ireland (Collective submission)

Commander Brian Fitzgerald

Mr. Pat Sweeney

Maritime Institute of Ireland

Councillor Jim Finucane

European Fisheries Control Agency

Mr. Michael McGrath, T.D.

Mr. Liam Nolan

Reserve Defence Forces Representative Association (RDFRA) Naval Service Reserve Committee

Comdt. Michael Rowan (Retired)

Flying in Ireland magazine

Mr. John Maguire

Mr. Raymond Molony

Espion Group

Mr. Charles J. Lawn

The Mobile & Marine Research Centre (MMRRC), University of Limerick

Mr. Timothy F. Murphy

National Maritime College of Ireland (NMCI)

Mr. Brian Cassidy

County Manager, Cork County Council

Mr. John Treacy

Engineer’s Ireland

Dr. Aoife O’Donoghue

Mr. Philip Kennedy

Fianna Fáil

Mr. Gerard O Halloran

Irish Maritime and Energy Resource Cluster, (IMERC)

Irish United Nations Veterans Association (IUNVA)

Dr. Brendan Flynn, NUI Galway

Dr. Kiran Sarma, NUI Galway

Dr. Paul O’Connor, NUI Galway

Professor Ray Murphy, NUI Galway

Dr. Anthony Grehan, NUI Galway

Institute of Technology, Carlow

Mr. Arnaud Disant

Killybegs Fishermen’s Organisation Ltd

Sinn Féin

The Federation of Irish Fishermen

Irish Planning Institute

Mr. Liam Kenny

Irish Chamber of Shipping

Sea Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA)

Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA)

Mr. Ger O’Connor

Coastal and Marine Research Centre, University College Cork

Commissioners of Irish Lights

Mr. Horst Siedschlag

Mr. Neville Keery

Mr. James Bourke

Lt. Col. Peter G. Gibbons (Retired)

Mr. Jim Forde

Mr. Michael Kennelly

Pride of Ireland Trust

Mr. Edward J. Jacob

D’Amico Tankers Ltd.

Dr. Geoff King, Director, Pre-Hospital, Emergency Care Council

Mr. Eddie Mulligan

Civil Defence Officers Association

Dublin Port Company

Mr. Paul MacDonald

Mountain Rescue Ireland

Irish National Committee of the Blue Shield

Mr. Donal Burke

Lord Mayor of Cork

Permanent Defence Force Other Ranks Representative Association (PDFORRA)

Representative Association of Commissioned Officers (RACO)

Reserve Defence Forces Representative Association (RDFRA)

Irish Ports Association (affiliate of IBEC)

Mr. Peter Thomas Conlon

Defence Forces Properties

Questions (609)

Michael Healy-Rae


609. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Defence the reason the Christmas crib was allegedly removed from the Defence Forces Headquarters in Newbridge, County Kildare; the person who gave the order for the removal of the crib; the reason or thinking behind same; if this will be a trend in the Defence Forces in future; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1256/14]

View answer

Written answers

I am informed that the Department of Defence has not placed a crib in its public areas since 2009. Also, that this is in line with the practice in many other Government Departments. The Department manages its public areas in accordance with best practice across a range of requirements, such as health and safety, disability access and equality.

Public Sector Pensions

Questions (610)

Mary Lou McDonald


610. Deputy Mary Lou McDonald asked the Minister for Defence if he will provide, in tabular form and year on year, the occasions on which he has signed off on the awarding of added years to public sector workers between March 2011 and December 2013; the grade of the persons awarded the added years; and the number of added years awarded in each instance. [1357/14]

View answer

Written answers

There are a number of schemes which provide for the granting of added years of notional service for superannuation purposes, such as the ill health retirement scheme, the professional & technical added years scheme and other schemes under the Superannuation and Pensions Acts.

The process for the granting of such added years of notional service is set out in the respective schemes and does not require the sign off of the Minister for Defence.

The number of staff in my Department who have been granted this entitlement since March 2011 is 23. This figure excludes members of the Defence Forces. The data relating to the Defence Forces is currently being compiled and will be provided to the Deputy as soon as possible.

Appointments to State Boards

Questions (611)

Mary Lou McDonald


611. Deputy Mary Lou McDonald asked the Minister for Defence if he will provide, in tabular form and year on year, the number of commercial and non-commercial State agency board positions under the aegis of his Department filled between March 2011 and December 2013; the number of these positions that were publicly advertised; and the number of female appointments. [1373/14]

View answer

Written answers

The State Boards under the aegis of the Department of Defence when the Government took office were the Civil Defence Board, the Army Pensions Board and the Board of Coiste an Asgard.

The number of board positions filled and the gender breakdown for the period March 2011 to 31 December 2013 is set out in the table.















Civil Defence







Army Pensions Board







Coiste an Asgard







The Civil Defence Board was established in 2003. It was identified in the Public Service Reform Plan as a body to be abolished. I appointed an interim Board as a temporary measure in 2011 and in this context none of the positions were advertised. Legislation to dissolve the Board was passed by the Oireachtas in December 2012. Its functions have now transferred back to the Department of Defence.

The Army Pensions Board comprises 3 members: a chairman, a civilian medical doctor and an officer of the Army Medical Corps. There have been two appointments to the Army Pensions Board since March 2011. A male officer was appointed to the position of Army Medical Corps member of the Board in December 2011 and a female civilian doctor was appointed as ordinary member in November 2013. The civilian doctor vacancy was advertised on my Department’s website and the Public Appointments Service website.

There have been no appointments to the Board of Coiste an Asgard since 2009. In the context of settling the Estimates for the Department of Defence for 2010, the Government decided that the national sail training scheme operated by Coiste an Asgard would be discontinued as recommended in the Report of the Special Group on Public Service Numbers and Expenditure. The formal wind up of the Company including voluntary strike off with the Companies Registration Office was completed in early 2013.

National Internship Scheme Placements

Questions (612)

Mary Lou McDonald


612. Deputy Mary Lou McDonald asked the Minister for Defence if he will provide in tabular form year on year the number of JobBridge interns taken on in his Department in 2013. [1389/14]

View answer

Written answers

The JobBridge National Internship Scheme is a key part of the Government’s Jobs Initiative and has been set up with a view to giving job seekers the opportunity to take part in a quality internship with a host organisation.

Since the launch of the National Internship Scheme the Department of Defence and the Defence Forces have worked to identify and progress a number of internship opportunities, and a total of 9 jobseekers commenced their internships with the Defence Forces in 2013. In addition, 3 internships were completed in the Department in 2013.

Single Payment Scheme Applications

Questions (613)

Sean Conlan


613. Deputy Seán Conlan asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the reason persons (details supplied) in County Monaghan have not received single payment scheme and disadvantaged areas scheme payments. [55200/13]

View answer

Written answers

An application under the 2013 Single Payment scheme was received on 15 May signed by the persons named. However the entitlements established by the first person named and paid on in 2012 have to be transferred into the names of the two persons concerned before payment may issue.

My Department received a 2013 Transfer of Entitlements application on 8 January 2014 requesting a change to the registration details on the above herd number from the name of the first person named into the names of both persons named.

The requested change to registration details has now been completed and I expect that payment under the Single Payment Scheme will shortly issue. Payment under the 2013 Disadvantaged Areas Scheme issued directly to the nominated bank account of the persons named on 8 January 2014.
