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Tuesday, 8 Apr 2014

Written Answers Nos. 722 - 744

Road Safety

Questions (722)

Róisín Shortall


722. Deputy Róisín Shortall asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the way advice on stopping distances as contained in much road safety documentation has been determined; the publications or research relied upon to determine minimum stopping distances; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16508/14]

View answer

Written answers

The collection, analysis and publication of information on road safety issues, including stopping distances is the responsibility of the Road Safety Authority.  I have therefore referred the question to the Authority for direct reply.  I would ask the Deputy to contact my office if a response has not been received within ten days.

National Roads Authority Projects

Questions (723)

Dominic Hannigan


723. Deputy Dominic Hannigan asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the current situation regarding the Slane bypass; the last communication his Department had with Meath County Council regarding same; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16519/14]

View answer

Written answers

As Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport, I have responsibility for overall policy and funding in relation to the national roads programme.  The planning, design and implementation of individual road projects is a matter for the National Roads Authority (NRA) under the Roads Acts 1993 to 2007 in conjunction with the local authorities concerned.  

Within its capital budget, the assessment and prioritisation of individual projects is a matter in the first instance for the NRA in accordance with Section 19 of the Roads Act. I attended a meeting with Meath County Council and the NRA in May 2013 regarding the traffic situation in Slane.  The conclusion from that meeting was that Meath County Council would produce a Traffic Management Plan for Slane.

Sports Capital Programme Applications Data

Questions (724, 740)

Dominic Hannigan


724. Deputy Dominic Hannigan asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the number of sports capital applications received for County Meath in tabular form showing the number of applications made for less than €50,000, the number made for €50,000 to €100,000, the number made for €100,000 to €150,000, the number made for €150,000 to €200,000 and number greater than €200,000; when the announcement of successful applications will be made; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16520/14]

View answer

Denis Naughten


740. Deputy Denis Naughten asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the number of applications under the sports capital programme 2014; the total value of grant aid sought; the corresponding figure for each county; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16737/14]

View answer

Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 724 and 740 together.

I intend to publish a list of all applications received under the 2014 Sports Capital Programme on the Department’s website in the near future.  I hope to announce allocations later this year.


National Roads Authority Projects

Questions (725)

Niall Collins


725. Deputy Niall Collins asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the position regarding the major road development works at Newlands Cross Dublin 22; if he will confirm the schedule being followed; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16557/14]

View answer

Written answers

As Minister for Transport, I have responsibility for overall policy and  funding in relation to the national roads programme. The construction, improvement and maintenance of individual national roads, is a matter for the National Roads Authority under the Roads Acts 1993 to 2007 in conjunction with the local authorities concerned. Noting this I have referred the Deputy's question to the NRA for direct reply.  Please advise my private office if you don't receive a reply within 10 working days.

National Roads Authority Remit

Questions (726)

Jack Wall


726. Deputy Jack Wall asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the waiting time for a person (details supplied) in relation to a CPC test; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16561/14]

View answer

Written answers

Operation of the CPC testing system is the statutory responsibility of the Road Safety Authority, and I have no role in individual cases.  I have therefore referred the question to the Authority for direct reply.  I would ask the Deputy to contact my office if a response has not been received within ten days.

Rail Services Provision

Questions (727)

Dessie Ellis


727. Deputy Dessie Ellis asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport his plans to improve transport links for the town of Killucan including the proposed reopening of Killucan train station as included in the Rathwire-Killucan Development Plan 2004-2010 and backed up by research by AIT for Westmeath County Council in 2007 which found there was sufficient demand to make the reopening viable. [16565/14]

View answer

Written answers

As Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport I have responsibility for policy and the overall funding of public transport. Matters relating to the re-opening of railway stations, such as at Killucan, are a matter for Iarnród Éireann in the first instance. Likewise, issues relating to public transport links and services to particular towns are a matter for individual transport operators, in conjunction with the National Transport Authority, as appropriate. Iarnród Éireann has not made any proposal to my Department to re-open Killucan station.  As the Deputy will be aware, CIE is in a difficult financial position and is dependent on continued bank funding.  It has no resources of its own available to fund new projects and there is no funding in the current capital plan for Killucan station.  The lifetime of the Government's current capital investment plan runs to 2016 and with the available funding  the priority is to protect the operational network and maintain safety standards, rather than the opening of new stations.

Consideration of a new capital investment plan to 2020 will begin shortly. Prioritisation of individual rail projects for funding will depend on the overall funding made available to transport for all modes, and within that, the funds made available for heavy rail. The priority for heavy rail post 2016 will be, as at present, the protection of the operational network and the maintenance of safety standards. If there are additional funds after that, and this is not certain, there will be competing demands between the opening of new lines, the improvement of existing lines, rolling stock upgrades, the upgrade of in use train stations, as well as the opening of new train stations in different parts of the country. All of these competing demands will be subject to robust analysis and will require strong business cases justifying their value and demonstrating how they will significantly increase patronage on the rail network.

When opening a new station on an existing line, consideration must be given to both the benefits of gaining new passengers and also the downsides of the cost of constructing and running the new station, and also the risk of losing other passengers due to increased journey times.


Public Transport Provision

Questions (728)

Dessie Ellis


728. Deputy Dessie Ellis asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport his plans to provide a bus service between Killucan, Kinnegad and Enfield in County Westmeath; and the rationale behind recent cuts to services in the area. [16570/14]

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Written answers


The issues raised are matters for the National Transport Authority (NTA) and I have forwarded the Deputy's question to the NTA for direct reply.  Please advise my private office if you do not receive a reply within ten working days.

Parliamentary Questions Costs

Questions (729)

Joan Collins


729. Deputy Joan Collins asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the costs to his Department to process and respond to a priority, an oral and a written parliamentary question. [16599/14]

View answer

Written answers

The work involved in answering Parliamentary Questions, be they Priority or Ordinary Oral Questions or Written Questions, is a key part of my and my officials' work. Given the range of questions asked by Deputies, the work required will vary greatly from question to question as therefore will the cost.  To provide an estimate of average cost would need a detailed time and resource analysis over a significant time period.  No such analysis has been carried out in my Department and I do not propose that such work be carried out.

Departmental Agencies Board Appointments

Questions (730)

Clare Daly


730. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if it is appropriate that a former Garda Commissioner is serving as the chair of the Taxi Advisory Council. [16635/14]

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Written answers

The current Chairperson of the Taxi Advisory Committee was first appointed on 4th November 2003 and his current term ends on 31st July 2015. As with all members of the Advisory Committee, he is not paid a fee in that role.  

He has given valuable service to the work of the Committee during the past 10 years at a time of immense change in the taxi industry. He has proved a very effective Chairperson during that time and both Minister Varadkar and I have every confidence in him in continuing in that role.

Coast Guard Services

Questions (731, 732)

Charlie McConalogue


731. Deputy Charlie McConalogue asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will provide an update on his plans for Malin Head coastguard's staffing arrangements in preparation for upcoming retirements; if he will replace all positions on a panel basis; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16636/14]

View answer

Charlie McConalogue


732. Deputy Charlie McConalogue asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the exact allocation Malin Head coastguard will receive from his Department for the upgrade of its technology systems; the equipment that will be upgraded and developed at the station; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16640/14]

View answer

Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 731 and 732 together.

The Deputy will be aware from a series of earlier replies to his representations and Parliamentary Questions, that consideration was given to the resource requirements of all three Coast Guard rescue co-ordination centres following completion of the Value for Money Report into the operation of the Irish Coast Guard in 2012. In reviewing the overall situation, all relevant factors were identified including known retirements.  There is now an authorised complement of 40 Radio Officers Grade III in respect of the three centres. As indicated in my earlier responses, there are currently two vacancies in the RO III grade. A competition was advertised on on 21st March 2014 with a closing date for receipt of applications of 18 April, 2014.  On completion of basic training officers will be assigned as required to any of the 3 marine rescue centres. The two existing vacancies will be filled from this competition and a panel will also be formed to fill other vacancies as they arise in order to maintain the authorised complement at 40 officers. In relation to the upgrade of the technology systems at Malin head, the operations room at the centre has recently been completely refurbished and new equipment fitted as part of the Coast Guard upgrade of its communications and ancillary infrastructure at the three rescue co-ordination centres.  In addition, my Department will be introducing an integrated incident logging system in the three centres to facilitate interoperability and improved services.  The tender process for this is almost complete and it is anticipated that work will commence later this year.


Departmental Funding

Questions (733)

Brendan Smith


733. Deputy Brendan Smith asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if specific funding has been allocated to Cavan County Council in respect of a project (details supplied); the level of funding provided for 2014; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16648/14]

View answer

Written answers

The improvement and maintenance of regional and local roads is the statutory responsibility of each local authority, in accordance with the provisions of Section 13 of the Roads Act 1993. Works on those roads are funded from local authorities own resources supplemented by State road grants.  The initial selection and prioritisation of works to be funded is also a matter for the local authority.  

The Specific Improvement Grants Scheme is being curtailed from 2014 onward in order to maximise the funding available for repair and strengthening work.  In lieu of the Specific Improvement Grant Programme, applications were sought for minor bridge repair works (which is a subset of the current Specific Grant Programme) for 2014. Cavan County Council applied for funding for eleven projects under this grant category, two of which were approved for funding, including Corroneary Bridge with an allocation of €150,000 for same in 2014. It is also important to reiterate that the role of Exchequer grants for regional and local roads is to supplement Councils like Cavan County Council in their own resources spending in this area. 

Public Transport Provision

Questions (734)

Robert Troy


734. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will examine the possibility of rerouting the Cavan to Athboy bus service on a pilot basis to accommodate Clonmellon; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16649/14]

View answer

Written answers

 The issue raised is a matter for the National Transport Authority (NTA) and I have forwarded the Deputy's question to the NTA for direct reply.  Please advise my private office if you do not receive a reply within ten working days.

Local Improvement Scheme

Questions (735)

Robert Troy


735. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will consider reintroducing the LIS as this was of major benefit to families in rural Ireland living in cul-de-sac roads in poor condition. [16690/14]

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Written answers

The Local Improvement Scheme has been reviewed and improved in 2014. This Scheme provides funding for road and laneways that councils have not taken in charge.  However, the maintenance and improvement of these roads is, in the first instance, a matter for the relevant landowner.

As indicated to all local authorities on 24 January 2014, the Local Improvement Scheme was reinstated but with no separate allocation for this grant category.  Instead, local authorities may use up to 15% (up from 7% in 2013) of their initial Discretionary Grant towards local improvement schemes should they wish to do so (€10.5 million is available in 2014 for LIS). The local contribution for these schemes remains at 20% of the total cost of the project and the same eligibility rules apply for these schemes. 

For example, under the enhanced provision for LIS in 2014 it would be open to Longford and Westmeath County Councils to assign €170,407 and €232,920 respectively from their Discretionary Grants to Local Improvement Schemes. 

Furthermore, it is open to local authorities to supplement the percentage of their Discretionary Grant that they can use for the local improvement schemes with their own resources.

Public Transport Provision

Questions (736)

Róisín Shortall


736. Deputy Róisín Shortall asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will ensure that plans for Metro North are not abandoned in view of the new bus rapid transit proposals, in view of the importance of Metro North for the future of the Swords area; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16703/14]

View answer

Written answers

The National Transport Authority (NTA)  has statutory responsibility for developing public transport infrastructure in the Greater Dublin Area (GDA) including Metro, Rail and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) projects.  

The NTA has proposed a BRT Scheme as an interim solution to the short term demand needs of the Swords/Airport corridor.  BRT would be a fast and efficient form of public transport in some parts of Dublin and would be cheaper to build, operate and maintain than rail.

I fully share the view that BRT will not on its own replace rail based solutions where a higher capacity solution is required in the long-term, such as on the Swords/Airport corridor. For this reason,  the NTA is undertaking a technical consultancy to assess the long term rail transport requirements of the North Dublin/Fingal corridor, extending from Finglas to Malahide and including Dublin Airport and Swords.  This review will examine existing proposals including Metro North as well as other options for a rail-based transport solution to meet the area's needs in the long term. I expect to have a report on the outcome of this review by the end of the year.

Under the current capital plan to 2016, funding is available for the initial design and route selection of a small number of BRT schemes. Funding for delivery of these  schemes, of which Swords/Airport has been identified as a priority, will be examined as part of the recently announced review of  the medium term capital envelope to take account of priorities to 2020.  My Departments key priority to 2020 will be, as under the current plan,  to protect investment made to date and to maintain safety standards. If  additional funds are available,  which is not certain,  there will be many competing transport projects from all modes in all regions.  Only projects for which there is a clear need,  which are affordable, have a sound business case  and add value to  existing infrastructure will be prioritised  for funding to 2020. 

Sports Capital Programme Applications

Questions (737)

James Bannon


737. Deputy James Bannon asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will provide an update on the application in respect of sports funding (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16721/14]

View answer

Written answers

I can confirm that an application has been submitted by the organisation referred to by the Deputy under the 2014 Sports Capital Programme and the Deputy's interest in the project is noted. I hope to announce allocations later this year.

Sports Capital Programme Applications

Questions (738)

James Bannon


738. Deputy James Bannon asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will provide an update in the application in respect of sports capital funding (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16722/14]

View answer

Written answers

I can confirm that an application has been submitted by the organisation referred to by the Deputy under the 2014 Sports Capital Programme and the Deputy's interest in the project is noted. I hope to announce allocations later this year.

National Roads Authority Projects

Questions (739)

Robert Troy


739. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will now provide funding to the National Roads Authority to allow them grant an application made by Westmeath County Council to install public lighting for the length of a entire village of Tang in County Westmeath. [16729/14]

View answer

Written answers

As Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport, I have responsibility for overall policy and funding in relation to the national roads programme.  The planning, design and implementation of individual road projects is a matter for the National Roads Authority (NRA) under the Roads Acts 1993 to 2007 in conjunction with the local authorities concerned.  

Within its capital budget, the assessment and prioritisation of individual projects is a matter in the first instance for the NRA in accordance with Section 19 of the Roads Act.

Noting the above position, I have referred the Deputy’s question to the NRA for direct reply.  Please advise my private office if you don’t receive a reply within 10 working days.

Question No. 740 answered with Question No. 724.

Cycling Facilities Provision

Questions (741)

James Bannon


741. Deputy James Bannon asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport his plans for the development of the banks of the Royal Canal from Mullingar to Clondra in County Longford for cyclists; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16742/14]

View answer

Written answers

Both Westmeath and Longford County Councils have submitted proposals under the National Cycle Funding Programme 2014-2016 for the development of greenways along sections of the Royal Canal or feeder canals to the Royal Canal.  While neither application incorporates the development of the section to Clondra, the proposal from Longford County Council relates to the development of 15.2km of existing towpaths of the Royal Canal from the county boundary to Clonbrin, Abbeyshrule to Longford Bridge, Drinan, Ballymahon.  This proposal would be along the route to Clondra.

Separately,  I am aware that Longford County Council are in the process of developing a large section of the Royal Canal towpath from Longford Town to the River Shannon at Clondra and that this will provide a further 13km of Royal Canal Towpath for recreation and tourism use. An announcement of the results in the current NCN funding programme is expected shortly.

Road Projects Status

Questions (742)

Michael McNamara


742. Deputy Michael McNamara asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if, in view of his recently expressed opinions on the future operations of the Limerick tunnel, he will reconsider his support for the distributor road around Limerick city which professes to relieve pressure on the existing river crossings in the city; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16758/14]

View answer

Written answers

The improvement and maintenance of regional and local roads in its area, is a statutory function of each road authority in accordance with the provisions of section 13 of the Roads Act, 1993.  It is important to note that works on such roads are a matter for the relevant local authority to be funded from its own resources supplemented by State road grants.  Phase 2 of the Limerick Northern Distributor Road project was proposed by the local authority concerned, Clare County Council and supported by the Limerick Councils.  The planning of the project, including route selection, is therefore a matter for Clare County Council in association with the Limerick Council.   Grant funding was provided by my Department to facilitate the route selection phase of the project and the €140,000 allocated this year will bring this phase to a conclusion.    My understanding is that this work is being undertaken to enable the Councils to take decisions on the preservation of a route corridor for the northern distribution as part of the long term future planning for the city.  Realistically, given the overall cost of the proposed project which is in the order of €120 million and the scarce resources available for investment in roads for the foreseeable future, this project is unlikely to progress any further than route selection for some time.  If and when the local authority decides to proceed to construct this road, it will have to submit its plans to An Bord Pleanála for consideration.  As part of this process, an Environmental Impact Statement would be required which would consider a wide range of issues and impacts. 

Roads Maintenance

Questions (743)

Tom Fleming


743. Deputy Tom Fleming asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will request the National Roads Authority to immediately resurface the Iveragh Road, Killorglin, County Kerry from the roundabout in the vicinity of Bunker's bar and restaurant out to J.P.O'Sullivan Park; if he will request the National Roads Authority to take into consideration that one of the worlds leading financial services headquarter is located adjacent to this road and the fact that this section of road on the Ring of Kerry is the gateway to the Iveragh peninsula and forms part of Ireland's premier tourist route; if he will also accept that the condition of this national secondary route is hindering investment in business and tourism in south Kerry; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16827/14]

View answer

Written answers

As Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport, I have responsibility for overall policy and funding in relation to the national roads programme.  The planning, design and implementation of individual road projects is a matter for the National Roads Authority (NRA) under the Roads Acts 1993 to 2007 in conjunction with the local authorities concerned. Within its capital budget, the assessment and prioritisation of individual projects is a matter in the first instance for the NRA in accordance with Section 19 of the Roads Act.

Noting the above position, I have referred the Deputy’s question to the NRA for direct reply.  Please advise my private office if you don’t receive a reply within 10 working days.

Departmental Correspondence

Questions (744)

Luke 'Ming' Flanagan


744. Deputy Luke 'Ming' Flanagan asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will ensure that when a communication in relation to wrongdoing is received in his Department that the communication will be deemed to have come to his attention; if he will confirm that, while he is not expected to personally exercise the function of dealing with wrongdoing, he is responsible for ensuring that the function is exercised;; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17111/14]

View answer

Written answers

Correspondence must be brought to my attention in order for it to be so deemed.  The question does not define “wrongdoing” and the term could be applied to relatively minor matters which would not be of public concern. The Secretary General of my Department takes responsibility for ensuring that, where correspondence is received relating to wrongdoing of such significance that it should be drawn to my attention, I am duly informed of the correspondence and consulted as appropriate on the follow-up action. 
