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Ambulance Service Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 10 June 2014

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Questions (565)

Denis Naughten


565. Deputy Denis Naughten asked the Minister for Health further to Parliamentary Questions Nos. 242 of 15 May 2014 and 121 of 29 May 2014, if he has received a response from the national ambulance service; if so, the steps he will take to address the situation; if he has not received a reply to date, the reason for same in view of the fact that the national ambulance service has had such reports for up to six months; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [24735/14]

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As indicated in my response to the Deputy's most recent parliamentary question on this matter, No. 121 of 29 May 2014, I forwarded the relevant documents to the National Ambulance Service (NAS) for investigation.

Having reviewed the documents, the NAS has indicated that the issues raised are largely operational matters. The range of issues includes; control reconfiguration, roster reviews, advanced paramedic development, deployment of resources to new stations (Tuam, Mulranny, and Loughlynn) and dynamic deployment protocols for existing resources. I am informed that all of these issues will be managed via the normal pathways within the service for staff and management discussion. In that regard I have been assured that NAS is committed to working with staff associations to resolve any issues raised.
