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Tuesday, 1 Jul 2014

Written Answers Nos. 261-281

Commemorative Events

Questions (261)

Pearse Doherty


261. Deputy Pearse Doherty asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the way immediate family members, sons and daughters of the men and women who fought in 1916 can be added to potential invitee lists for commemoration events in 2016. [27916/14]

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The commemorations for the centenary of the Easter Rising will acknowledge the service and achievements of the personnel involved, with a special consideration to include their descendants and relatives. I have clearly stated my view that this should be the case and, indeed, have consistently supported projects which recognise the importance of the relatives of people who fought in 1916. In a recent press release, I again emphasised the importance I attach to the inclusion in the commemorative arrangements of the families of the personnel of the Rising. I invited such relatives to send in expressions now of their interest to attend at commemorations in 2016. Their timely responses will be of great assistance in planning for the centenary commemorations. I will be very grateful to hear from people in this regard and to receive any comments or suggestions they may provide in relation to the commemorations.

Communications can be addressed to: Commemorations Unit, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Kildare Street, Dublin 2, Expressions of interest to attend at centenary commemorations may also be sent directly to the Department of Defence. That Department has responsibility for the care and management of the service records and archives relating to the personnel of the Easter Rising. For many years, it has maintained a register in relation to invitations to commemorative events. Contact with the Department of Defence can be addressed to:- Executive Branch, Department of Defence, Station Road, Newbridge, Co. Kildare,

Turf Cutting Compensation Scheme Applications

Questions (262)

Michael Healy-Rae


262. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the position regarding compensation under the cessation of turf cutting compensation scheme in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Kerry. [28167/14]

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An application for compensation under the cessation of turf cutting compensation scheme has been received by my Department from the individual referred to in the Deputy's Question. The application was received on 23 June 2014. I have been advised that this application will be assessed and my Department will be in contact with the applicant once this assessment has been completed.

Údarás na Gaeltachta Funding

Questions (263)

Derek Nolan


263. Deputy Derek Nolan asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht if he will protect the budget of Údarás na Gaeltachta in the forthcoming budget in view of the fact it has seen a considerable cut in its funding since 2007; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28436/14]

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I wish to refer the Deputy to my reply to Question No. 388 of 17 June 2014 regarding this matter. As I indicated in that reply, as Minister of State with responsibility for the Gaeltacht, I very much appreciate the importance of job creation in helping to retain sustainable communities in Gaeltacht areas. In that context, I wish to acknowledge the very important enterprise and employment function of Údarás na Gaeltachta as the regional economic agency for the Gaeltacht. Údarás na Gaeltachta's end of year statement for 2013 indicated that the rate of job losses in its client companies had reached a record low. This was very welcome news indeed. However, while the level of job losses has stabilised, I am very cognisant of the ongoing difficult challenge in creating a sufficient number of new jobs to maintain, and indeed increase, employment levels in the Gaeltacht.

I met recently with Údarás na Gaeltachta and discussed its strategic proposal to increase its capital budget over time from the present level of €5.687m to €12m per annum. I am very aware and supportive of the case advanced by the organisation that such an increase in funding would enable it to create an additional 300 jobs per annum.

As the Deputy is aware, it was announced as part of Budget 2014 that comprehensive reviews of both current and capital expenditure would be undertaken by all Government Departments during 2014. These reviews underpin the Government's multi-annual budgetary framework and are conducted periodically to re-set Departmental expenditure ceilings in line with emerging Government priorities. The reviews are currently ongoing and will be considered by Government later this year with a view to underpinning expenditure ceilings for 2015 and beyond, as well as clarifying policy options and informing prioritisation decisions arising from the expenditure ceilings. Clearly, the capital allocation for Údarás na Gaeltachta for 2015 will be informed by the outcome of those reviews and within the framework of the Budgetary and Estimates processes later in the year.

Irish Language

Questions (264)

Derek Nolan


264. Deputy Derek Nolan asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht if he will ask the European Council to end the derogation on the status of the Irish language; his position on the issue; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28439/14]

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As I indicated in my replies to a number of recent Parliamentary Questions on this matter (Question Nos. 316 and 319 on 24 June 2014 and Question No. 114 on 26 June 2014), a decision on whether or not to extend the derogation for the use of Irish in EU institutions for a further period of time is required by December 2015 at the latest. In this context, my Department, in conjunction with the Department of the Taoiseach, is engaged in discussions with various stakeholders, including the EU institutions, in order to formulate specific proposals on the optimal approach to the derogation. This matter will be brought forward for consideration by Government in due course.

Furthermore, as part of the Government's strategy to ensure that a sufficient number of qualified personnel are available to meet the needs arising from the recognition of Irish as an official and working language of the EU, my Department continues to provide substantial funding for a range of specialised third-level courses and for the development of Irish language terminology for the EU terminology database, InterActive Terminology for Europe (IATE).

Waterways Ireland Staff

Questions (265)

Tony McLoughlin


265. Deputy Tony McLoughlin asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht if his attention has been drawn to any plans or proposals by Waterways Ireland to close its regional office based at Carrick-on-Shannon, County Leitrim, and reallocate the existing 15 staff members; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28042/14]

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I am informed by Waterways Ireland that it is currently conducting a review of all its offices and depots with a view to determining what its business requirements will be in future years, having regard to any relevant changes in the environment in which it operates. I am further informed by Waterways Ireland that it has not finalised any proposals regarding future office or depot requirements at this time.

Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla

Questions (266)

Robert Dowds


266. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Robert Dowds den Aire Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta an ndéanfaidh sé Bille na dTeangacha Oifigiúla (Leasú), 2014 a leasú chun (a) foráil nua a chur san Acht go mbeidh ar a laghad deich faoin gcéad de na fostaithe sa státseirbhís in ann cumarsáid shásúil a dhéanamh leis an bpobal trí Ghaeilge, agus (b) foráil nua a chur san Acht go mbeidh faoi dheireadh 2016 gach seirbhís ar fáil do phobal na Gaeltachta trí Ghaeilge; agus an ndéanfaidh sé ráiteas ina thaobh. [28142/14]

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Tar éis an athbhreithnithe ar Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla 2003, d'fhoilsigh mo Roinn Cinn Bhille na dTeangacha Oifigiúla (Leasú) 2014 i mí Aibreáin. Déantar foráil i gCeann 6 den Bhille beartaithe do leasú ar alt 13 den Acht. Is é a bheidh i gceist leis sin ná fo-alt nua a chur isteach in alt 13(2), ina ndeirtear go sonrófar i scéimeanna teanga na poist i gcomhlachtaí poiblí a bhfuil riachtanas inniúlachta Gaeilge ag gabháil leo. Léirítear leis an leasú sin cinneadh Rialtais an 30 Deireadh Fómhair 2013 i ndáil le deireadh a chur le marcanna bónais a bhronnadh as oilteacht Ghaeilge in earcaíocht agus comórtais ardaithe céime na Státseirbhíse agus córas nua bunaithe ar inniúlacht a chur ina áit, a mbeidh sé mar aidhm aige an líon dátheangach feidhmiúla sa Státseirbhís a mhéadú. Ina theannta sin, ba chóir a thabhairt faoi deara go sonrófar i bpleananna fórsa oibre Ranna agus Oifigí Rialtais amach anseo na poist/réimsí oibre ina mbeidh gá le baill foirne atá in ann feidhmiú sa dá theanga oifigiúil. Ag féachaint do chur i bhfeidhm Acht na Gaeltachta 2012, iarrtar ar Ranna aird ar leith a thabhairt ar phoist atá lonnaithe i gceantair Ghaeltachta nó ag freastal ar na ceantair sin.

Tuigtear dom ón Aire Caiteachais Phoiblí agus Athchóirithe go raibh sé ar intinn triail a bhaint as na socruithe nua sa chomórtas earcaíochta Oifigigh Feidhmiúcháin (OF). Mar gheall go bhfuil áit tosaíochta á tabhairt anois do chomórtas Oifigigh Chléireachais (OC), áfach, agus nach mbeidh an comórtas OF á reáchtáil go dtí tráth níos faide anonn sa bhliain, tá na socruithe nua á dtriail sa chomórtas OC atá ar siúl faoi láthair ag an tSeirbhís um Cheapacháin Phoiblí. Tá sé beartaithe go mbunófar fo-phainéal de dhaoine atá dátheangach atá feidhmiúil sa Ghaeilge, a dhéanfaidh suas céatadán, suas le 6%, den phainéal OC foriomlán. Ní mór do na hiarrthóirí a cheapfar ón bpainéal seo raon iomlán seirbhísí a chur ar fáil i nGaeilge.

Ní miste a chur in iúl chomh maith go n-éilítear ar chomhlachtaí poiblí, de réir alt 13(d) d'Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla 2003, agus a bpleananna teanga á n-ullmhú acu, a chinntiú go gcomhlíonfar na riachtanais Ghaeilge faoi leith a bhaineann le seirbhísí a sholáthar sa Ghaeltacht.

Arts Council Funding

Questions (267)

James Bannon


267. Deputy James Bannon asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht if he will ensure the Arts Council is adequately funded to support an organisation (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28203/14]

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Primary responsibility for the promotion of the arts at all levels throughout the country is devolved to the Arts Council as the national agency for funding, developing and promoting the arts in Ireland. This year, the Arts Council will receive a total allocation of €56.9 million. Although, the Arts Council is funded by my Department, it is statutorily independent in its day-to-day operations as provided for in the Arts Act 2003. This specifically includes independence in its decisions on who it funds and the amounts it allocates.

I am making arrangements for officials of my Department to meet representatives of the organisation in question.

Special Protection Areas Designation

Questions (268)

Joe Carey


268. Deputy Joe Carey asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the position with respect to the SPA designation of hen harrier protected area and the afforestation programme as administered by the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28393/14]

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The 1979 Birds Directive requires each Member State of the European Union to classify suitable areas as Special Protection Areas (SPAs) for the protection of endangered species of bird, including the Hen Harrier. Ireland's suite of 6 SPAs for Hen Harrier were publicly proposed for designation in 2007 and, following the conclusion of a two stage appeals process, have all now been formally designated by Statutory Instrument. The 6 sites in question are the Slieve Bloom Mountains, Stack’s to Mullaghareirk Mountains-West Limerick Hills and Mount Eagle, Mullaghanish to Mushermore Mountains, Sleivefelim to Silvermines Mountains, Slieve Aughty Mountains and Slieve Beagh.

Article 6 of the EU Habitats Directive, which applies to SPAs, requires Member States to prevent the deterioration of these sites. Furthermore, public authorities may only consent to projects, including afforestation, where it is clear that such projects will not lead to an adverse impact on the integrity of the site. The issuing of consents for afforestation in these sites is a matter for the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, and must be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the EU Habitats Directive.

Inland Fisheries

Questions (269)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn


269. Deputy Pádraig Mac Lochlainn asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht further to Parliamentary Question No.73 of 11 June 2014, if he will offer a detailed response to the question that was posed, that is, if he is satisfied that no actions have been taken by Inland Fisheries Ireland or its predecessor organisations over the past 15 years which have been damaging to the conservation status of the freshwater pearl mussel; if he is satisfied that all the actions taken by IFI or its predecessors over the past fifteen years in their management of rivers for fish conservation or angling promotion have been consistent with the State’s duty to conserve the freshwater pearl mussel. [28443/14]

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As the Deputy is aware, all public authorities are obliged to comply with EU legislation, including the Habitats Directive. Broadly speaking, public authorities are directly responsible for ensuring that they are in compliance with the law when undertaking activities that may have an impact on Natura sites. My Department, where necessary, provides guidance and expertise. As the Deputy is also aware, I have no statutory responsibility in relation to Inland Fisheries Ireland, which is a matter for my colleague, the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural resources.

As I have outlined previously, close co-operation and active engagement continues between my Department and Inland Fisheries Ireland in regard to the issue referred to by the Deputy. If the Deputy is aware, however, of any specific activities of concern, he may wish to convey such information to my Department, which will seek to follow up appropriately.

Maoiniú Chraoltóirí Seirbhíse Poiblí

Questions (270)

Robert Dowds


270. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Robert Dowds den Aire Cumarsáide, Fuinnimh agus Acmhainní Nádúrtha an ndéanfaidh sé bonn maoinithe leanúnach ilbhlianta a chur faoi TG4 anois mar atá faoi RTÉ; agus an ndéanfaidh sé ráiteas ina thaobh. [28143/14]

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Faigheann RTÉ maoiniú trí Dheontas i gCabhair do chuid de na hadmhálacha ó tháillí ceadúnais teilifíse agus tríd an ioncam tráchtála a ghineann sé. Faigheann TG4 maoiniú trí Dheontas i gCabhair, admhálacha ó tháillí ceadúnais teilifíse agus ioncam tráchtála. Déantar maoiniú ar bhonn bliantúil don dá Chraoltóir Seirbhíse Poiblí. Maidir leis an tslí go díreach a shocraítear leibhéal na táille ceadúnais, tá seo leagtha amach in Alt 124 den Acht Craolacháin 2009. Cuireann sé ar chumas Údarás Craolacháin na hÉireann (BAI) go háirithe, moladh a thabhairt i dtuairisc domsa mar Aire, maolú bliantúil a dhéanamh maidir leis an táille don cheadúnas teilifíse.

Tá an moladh seo bunaithe ar athbhreithniú bliantúil maidir le cé chomh maith agus a chomhlíon an dá Chraoltóir Seirbhíse Poiblí a ngealltanais maidir lena spriocanna seirbhíse poiblí mar atá ráite ina ráiteas bliantúil faoi gealltanais feidhmíochta don bhliain airgeadais sin agus cé chomh maith nó nach bhfuil, maoiniú poiblí chun cur ar chumas na gcorparáidí na spriocanna seirbhíse poiblí sin a bhaint amach.

Bunaím mar Aire, aon chinneadh a d’fhéadfainn a dhéanamh i gcomhar leis an Rialtas maidir le leibhéal reatha na táille teilifíse nó eile, ar mholadh an Údaráis.

Chomh maith leis an riachtanas reachtaíochta d’athbhreithniú bliantúil de chraoltóirí seirbhíse poiblí, ní mór don BAI faoi Alt 124 (8) den Acht Craolacháin 2009, athbhreithniú fadtéarma 5 bliana chun tosaigh a dhéanamh ar chomh maith nó nach bhfuil, maoiniú do chraoltóirí seirbhíse poiblí. Thosaigh an BAI an chéad athbhreithniú 5 bliana in 2013 agus beidh sin ina chabhair maidir le cinntí faoi bheartas a d’fhéadfainn a dhéanamh faoi mhaoiniú poiblí de chraoltóirí seirbhíse poiblí amach anseo.

Inland Fisheries

Questions (271)

Seamus Healy


271. Deputy Seamus Healy asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if he will reverse the decision to close the River Suir indefinitely to snap net fishermen from 2014; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28531/14]

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I am advised by Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) that the Salmon Conservation Limit (CL) in any river is the number of spawning salmon required to maintain a sustainable population and is used to indicate the number of salmon in a river system above which a harvestable surplus can be considered. Salmon conservation limits are set similarly for all of Ireland’s salmon rivers. The main criteria used are the size of the river (wetted area) and the latitude. In addition factors specific to each river are used such as the proportion of one sea winter salmon and multi sea winter salmon in the population and the average weight of these salmon. Other inputs to calculating conservation limits nationally are proportions of male and female salmon and the average numbers of eggs per female fish.

The independent Standing Scientific Committee (SSC) for Salmon revised the conservation limits for all rivers for the 2013 scientific advice. The SSC advice for the Suir for 2013 was that the river was meeting its CL and had a surplus of 2,371 salmon. On the basis of this advice a Snap net fishery was open, although with a restricted season to facilitate rational exploitation for the smaller surplus of Salmon in that river.

The SSC advice for the Suir for 2014 was that the river was below its CL and had a deficit of 2,449 salmon. The opening of a Snap net fishery on the River Suir can only be considered if there is a suitable surplus of salmon (in excess of conservation limit) available for harvest. Any future decision on a fishery can only be taken in the context of the river being above its conservation limit. Ireland must be particularly careful to ensure that all national and international legislation and other obligations are met in any future management regime.

Bord Gáis Privatisation

Questions (272)

Michael Lowry


272. Deputy Michael Lowry asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the costs that will be incurred as a result of changing the name of Bord Gáis Éireann to Ervia; the reasons for this name change; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28024/14]

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The cost associated with the change of name from Bord Gáis Éireann to Ervia is an operational matter for the company and not one in which I have a function. However, I did request that the company to ensure that any associated rebranding costs would be minimised and that any publicity campaign is appropriate and focussed on avoiding any potential negative safety implications arising from the name change for the company.

As regards the reasons for the change of name, the Bord Gáis Energy brand is an important element of value in the sale of the energy business of Bord Gáis Éireann.  As part of the sale agreement, Bord Gáis Éireann will no longer use "Bord Gáis" in the name or brand of either its group or network businesses.

In December 2013 the Government approved the change of name of Bord Gáis Éireann to "Ervia".  Provision to give effect to the name change was included in the ESB (Electronic Communications Networks) Act 2014 (No. 5 of 2014).  The name "Ervia" was selected by Bord Gáis Éireann to reflect the new mandate for the company, being responsible for the strategic national gas networks and water and waste water infrastructure.

Telecommunications Infrastructure

Questions (273, 274)

Patrick O'Donovan


273. Deputy Patrick O'Donovan asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the reason a town (details supplied) in County Wexford was not included in the metropolitan area network roll-out when towns similar in size were included; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28208/14]

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Patrick O'Donovan


274. Deputy Patrick O'Donovan asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the criteria used when locating metropolitan area networks; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28209/14]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 273 and 274 together.

Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) are State owned, open access, underground telecommunications networks, linking the main commercial and public buildings to "co-location centres" where service providers locate their telecommunications equipment and access the network. MANs are available to licenced telecoms providers to enable them offer high-speed broadband to their retail customers without having to build their own networks.

88 MANs, covering 94 towns, were constructed under the MANs Programme, at a cost of approximately €176m. The MANs were built in two phases – 28 MANs were constructed in Phase I between 2002 and 2004 and 60 MANs covering 66 towns were constructed during Phase II between 2006 and 2009.

A Value For Money and Policy Review of Phase I of the MANs Programme in 2007 concluded, inter alia, that the MANs model was not suited to all locations and recommended that towns of a significant size or those that had been earmarked for development under the National Spatial Strategy (NSS) should be prioritised for future investment under the MANs Programme.

In 2008, an evaluation was carried out on 81 towns with a population in excess of 1,500 persons (with reference to the 2006 census figures). These towns included 28 towns that were originally planned for inclusion in Phase II, which was paused in December 2007, and the 29 towns planned for inclusion in Phase III of the Programme. Enniscorthy was one of the towns considered for Phase III of the Programme. Each location was evaluated following consultation with telecoms operators, Regional Authorities and the IDA and by reference to such criteria as:

- NSS status (hub or gateway town);

- Population;

- Customer demand;

- Regional Authority prioritisation;

- Interconnectivity to other networks.

The towns that were deemed to be strongest candidates for a MAN were then selected for a more detailed analysis, including a capital appraisal. Enniscorthy was not among the towns selected for further analysis.

The Deputy may wish to note that Enniscorthy is already served by a number of commercial operators, providing broadband services over a diverse range of technology platforms, including fixed, wireless and fibre technology. Details of broadband services available in each County, including County Wexford, can be found on a number of websites, including ComReg's website at, as well as the websites of individual commercial operators.

Broadband Service Provision

Questions (275)

Catherine Murphy


275. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the reason broadband service of at least 100 mbps is not available to businesses and consumers in the north-eastern Kildare area; the measures that are being rolled out to address this issue; if he will provide an update on the progress of the exemplar network; if the scheme will be expanded beyond the Dublin area; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28281/14]

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Since market liberalisation, the provision of telecommunications services, including broadband services are delivered in the first instance through private sector operators who operate in a fully liberalised market, regulated by the independent regulator, the Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg). The market has developed into a well-regulated market, supporting a multiplicity of commercial operators, providing services over a diverse range of technology platforms. Details of broadband services available in each County can be found on a number of websites, including the websites of individual commercial operators.

The National Broadband Plan, which I published in August 2012, aims to radically change the broadband landscape in Ireland by ensuring that high speed broadband is available to all citizens and businesses. This will be achieved by providing:

- a policy and regulatory framework that assists in accelerating and incentivising commercial investment; and

- a State-led intervention for areas where it is not commercial for the market to invest.

Since publication of the Plan, investments by the commercial sector are underway and in some instances have been accelerated in both fixed line and wireless high speed broadband services. Commercial operators combined have either invested, or committed to invest, over €2 billion in their Irish networks, delivering high speed broadband to homes and businesses.

As a result of this accelerated investment the addressable area required by the State-led intervention has been reduced by 30% since the National Broadband Plan was launched. While the commercial developments are welcome the acceleration of investment is largely contained to cities and towns. Consequently, the speeds that are available in these areas are demonstrably better than those that are available in more rural areas.

On 25 April last, I signalled the Government's commitment to a major telecommunications network build-out to rural Ireland, with fibre as the foundation of its investment, as part of the State-led intervention under the National Broadband Plan. This commitment is a clear expression of Government's determination to address the connectivity challenge in rural Ireland in a meaningful and sustainable way.

Central to the strategy will be a long term, future proofed infrastructure build with next generation backhaul infrastructure (likely to be primarily fibre based) as the key component underpinning whatever access technology delivers the service (fixed or wireless). This infrastructure build will extend to locations in every county in the State identified as having no existing or planned enabling fibre network. It will be part of an end-to-end strategy that will address all parts of Ireland that cannot access commercial high speed broadband services

A comprehensive mapping exercise is underway in my Department which will identify those areas that will require a State intervention. I have published a county-by-county list of towns and villages which have already been identified for a fibre build-out. This list is available on my Department's website, Currently, a total of 18 areas in County Kildare have been identified as requiring an intervention. This is an indicative list and is subject to the completion of the mapping exercise. Further locations may be identified as this process continues. Similarly, it may be determined that some locations on the list will be addressed by the commercial sector and will therefore not require State intervention. I expect that this mapping exercise will be concluded in the autumn.

I would point out that the EU Commission's guidelines on State aid for high speed broadband infrastructure preclude Member States from intervening in regions in which private investors have demonstrated plans to roll out their own infrastructure within the following three years. In this regard, I understand that at least one network operator has published a programme to roll out 39 fibre-based broadband networks in County Kildare, by July 2016.

In tandem with the completion of the mapping exercise, intensive design and planning work is ongoing in my Department with a view to producing a detailed end to end strategy for the State led intervention. It is my intention to conduct a full public consultation on the outcome of the mapping process and the proposed strategy. EU State aid clearance will also be required for the intervention once finalised. This will be followed by a detailed procurement process with a view to commencing construction of the fibre network and provision of services in identified areas as quickly as possible.

In 2009, with the publication of the Technology Actions to Support the Smart Economy report, my Department identified the possibility of significant economic potential from first mover use of new types of flexible networking technology in a research context. To this end it put in place the first phase of the Exemplar programme, a test bed facility based on one such new and advanced Irish technology - Optical Packet Switching and Transport (OPST) from Intune Networks. My Department continues to engage with researchers on an ongoing basis on research projects employing the OPST technology.

The Exemplar test-bed is available to research institutions and commercial companies throughout Ireland who have been using it to develop and trial new technology and innovations, with one leading to the establishment of a new enterprise, FAZ Technologies. The test-bed has also been used for several large EU funded research projects including FINESCE, ENVIROFI and ADDONAS. The build-out of a network was always intended as a commercial development by private industry, rather than one funded by the State and while a new network has not evolved, researchers and industry continue to make valuable use of the test bed facilities.

Irish National Petroleum Company

Questions (276)

Michael Colreavy


276. Deputy Michael Colreavy asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the functions of the Irish National Petroleum Corporation; the funding it receives from the State; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28289/14]

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Irish National Petroleum Corporation (INPC) is the State company which previously ran the Whitegate refinery and Whiddy Island oil terminal facility. It has never received Exchequer funding. The refinery and oil terminal facility were sold by the State in 2001 and it has had no Chief Executive or employees since then. The refinery and oil terminal facility are currently owned by Phillips 66.

INPC currently has a Board comprising three non-executive directors. The Board meets regularly, usually on a bi-monthly basis. There were 7 Board meetings in 2013.

Any activities undertaken by INPC are currently funded by the balance remaining from the sale. Arising out of the proceeds of the 2001 sale, the 2002 INPC Report and Accounts include a dividend of €20m to the Exchequer. Payment of the remaining balance arising from the sale is a matter for decision by the INPC Board having regard to its obligations under the Companies Acts to retain sufficient assets to meet potential liabilities (chiefly environmental claims).

The management of INPC is undertaken by the management of the National Oil Reserves Agency (NORA) under a service agreement between NORA and INPC. The principal activity of the company is the management of the retained assets, liabilities, rights and obligations arising from the sale of its business and subsidiaries in 2001 in accordance with the Sale & Purchase Agreement (SPA) entered into.

Public Service Obligation Levy Increase

Questions (277)

Robert Troy


277. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the action he will take regarding the proposed increase in the PSO charges which is having crippling effects on the cost of electricity; his views that these increases are putting Irish businesses at a competitive disadvantage and are putting jobs at risk; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28290/14]

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The Public Service Obligation (PSO) levy has been in place since 2001 and is the overall support mechanism for generation constructed for security of supply purposes (including peat generation), and for the development of renewable electricity. The levy is designed to compensate electricity suppliers for the additional costs they incur by purchasing electricity generated by these producers.

The Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) determines the PSO levy which is a charge on all electricity customers without exception. The legal basis for the PSO levy and its method of calculation are set out in Regulations made under the Electricity Regulation Act 1999 (S.I. 217 of 2002). The proposed annual PSO levy amount for 2014/2015 is €327.7 million. This equates to €63.01 per annum for residential customers, €215.94 per annum for small to medium sized business customers and €33.38/kVA for medium and large customers.

The biggest driver for the proposed levy rise for 2014-15 is the lower predicted wholesale market electricity price, which is currently estimated to be around 10% lower than last year. This results in lower predicted market income for the PSO plants and, therefore, a higher levy is required to cover the allowed costs. The lower wholesale electricity price is currently being driven by the lower international gas prices in evidence since spring 2014. This drives up the proposed PSO levy. However, if these lower gas and wholesale prices are sustained for the coming months, it should help to reduce the wholesale cost of electricity that suppliers pay and, in turn, should enable those suppliers to reduce their retail prices and potentially offset the PSO levy increase.

The increased costs to industry and households arising from the PSO levy are of concern to me and I have contacted the CER in this regard. As the main reason for the increase in the levy is a decrease in wholesale electricity prices, I have asked the CER to be vigilant in its market monitoring and to focus particularly on the impact that the reduction in the wholesale price of electricity has on retail prices.

Bord Gáis Privatisation

Questions (278)

Mattie McGrath


278. Deputy Mattie McGrath asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the costs associated with the change of name of Bord Gáis Éireann to Ervia; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28315/14]

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The cost associated with the change of name from Bord Gáis Éireann to Ervia is an operational matter for the company and not one in which I have a function. However, I did request that the company ensure that any associated rebranding costs would be minimised and that any publicity campaign is appropriate and focussed on avoiding any potential negative safety implications arising from the name change for the company.

As regards the reasons for the change of name, the Bord Gáis Energy brand is an important element of value in the sale of the energy business of Bord Gáis Éireann. As part of the sale agreement, Bord Gáis Éireann will no longer use "Bord Gáis" in the name or brand of either its group or network businesses.

In December 2013 the Government approved the change of name of Bord Gáis Éireann to "Ervia". Provision to give effect to the name change was included in the ESB (Electronic Communications Networks) Act 2014 (No. 5 of 2014). The name "Ervia" was selected by Bord Gáis Éireann to reflect the new mandate for the company, being responsible for the strategic national gas networks and water and waste water infrastructure.

Inland Fisheries

Questions (279)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn


279. Deputy Pádraig Mac Lochlainn asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if he is satisfied that all projects carried out with financial assistance from Inland Fisheries Ireland's salmon conservation fund over the period from 2007 to 2013 were the subject of the required screening statements and or full appropriate assessments where the projects in question were located in or adjacent to areas or rivers designated under the Natura 2000 environmental regulations; where these statements and assessments may be viewed; if they are not published and publicly available, if he will state the specific public interest for withholding them from publication; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28331/14]

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I am advised by Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) that the Salmon Conservation Fund commenced in 2007 in which IFI were requested to prepare and undertake suitable qualifying projects for the rehabilitation of wild Atlantic Salmon stocks. This process was opened up to contributors to the fund in 2010 (anglers and commercial fishermen). The current protocol for all suitable qualifying projects is to check whether all qualifying projects are contained within a Natura 2000 site. The Deputy will appreciate that projects proposed and undertaken under the Salmon Conservation Fund are undertaken throughout the country, often by small angling clubs and local communities, and that IFI strives to achieve full compliance by clubs and communities with relevant regulations in projects while avoiding an unreasonable regulatory burden.

Any proposed project deemed to be impacting within a Natura 2000 site is requested by IFI to submit project proposals to the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) for that body to ensure any works proposed are not impacting on Europe's most valuable and threatened habitats and species. Screening statements and / or full appropriate assessments are undertaken only if instructed by the NPWS.

Such screening statements and/ or full appropriate assessments are not routinely published but are available on request from IFI.

Inland Fisheries Ireland Staff

Questions (280, 281)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn


280. Deputy Pádraig Mac Lochlainn asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources further to Parliamentary Question No. 92 of 11 June 2014, and in view of his admission that Inland Fisheries Ireland is not in a position to edit or control the content of direct posts to its Facebook page, if in his view the hosting of such posts on the IFI Facebook page has exposed his Department and the State to undue legal and financial risk, having regard to the intemperate and potentially defamatory nature of much of the material displayed. [28332/14]

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Pádraig Mac Lochlainn


281. Deputy Pádraig Mac Lochlainn asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if he is satisfied that the hosting by Inland Fisheries Ireland of directs posts, created by staff members of IFI and containing comments regarding issues in respect of which IFI has a statutory function, is in accordance with the provisions of the Ethics in Public Office legislation; his views that this practice by IFI and its employees has gone some way towards undermining their public standing and by extension the standing of his Department and himself; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28333/14]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 280 and 281 together.

I refer the Deputy to the reply provided to Question No. 92 of 11 June 2014. The position remains as set out in that reply. IFI has a remit, inter alia , to promote inland fisheries. IFI, in common with a range of State Agencies and other organisations, participates in social media in order to engage individuals and organisations in its core business areas. IFI posts on its Facebook page news and information on events and developments of interest to anglers and other stakeholders. It also posts commentary from Regional and National media on matters of interest.

I am advised that IFI have over 4,900 'Likes' on their Facebook page each of which, in accordance with the manner in which social media works, then becomes a potential gateway to the Facebook page of the individual or organisation which posted the 'Like' in the first instance. IFI or indeed any public body is not in a position to edit or control the content of these external Facebook pages and cannot take responsibility for the content of private social media pages.

I would like to refer the Deputy to the IFI Facebook Comment Policy and confirm that all posts on the IFI Facebook page are in accordance with this policy. I am advised that IFI would welcome the opportunity to discuss any specific issues directly with the Deputy.
