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Thursday, 3 Jul 2014

Written Answers Nos 81-101

Departmental Funding

Questions (81)

Finian McGrath


81. Deputy Finian McGrath asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he will support Early Childhood Ireland in its funding needs for 2014-2015 (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28959/14]

View answer

Written answers

I would like to assure the Deputy that the inclusion of children with additional needs at all levels of the education system is a key tenet of Government policy. Early Childhood Ireland are looking for a funding stream of €36 million for the provision of SNAs for pre-schools. I'm not in a position to re-direct €36 million of my budget and I am not convinced that there is sufficient evidence that the provision of SNAs is the most effective means of supporting pre-school children with additional needs. There is a commitment in the Children and Young People's Policy Framework to develop a plan for the inclusion of children with a disability in mainstream pre-school and Early Years settings. The Department of Children and Youth Affairs has lead responsibility and will be working closely with my Department and the Department of Health. The expected deliverables from this body of work should include an agreed framework for the allocation of resources for the inclusion of pre-school children with additional needs in main-stream early years settings.

Pupil-Teacher Ratio

Questions (82)

Michael Healy-Rae


82. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Education and Skills his views on correspondence (details supplied) regarding class sizes; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28966/14]

View answer

Written answers

The key factor for determining the level of staffing resources provided at individual school level is the staffing schedule for the relevant school year and pupil enrolments on the previous 30 September. The configuration of classes and the deployment of classroom teachers are done at local school level.

My Department publishes annual statistics on class size data for each school. Statistics for the 2013/14 school year were published recently. The national average class size is 24.8 pupils. However, with over 21,000 classes in over 3,100 primary schools throughout the country there will always be variations in class sizes at individual school level. My Department's guidance to local school management is that such variations should be kept to the minimum.

The staffing schedule includes the provision whereby schools experiencing rapid increases in enrolment can apply for additional permanent mainstream posts on developing grounds, using projected enrolment for September 2014. In addition, the staffing appeals process at primary level has been extended for the coming school year to allow schools that are not gaining an additional teaching post under the developing schools criterion to submit an appeal to the Primary Staffing Appeals Board. This appeal criterion is targeted at those schools that make a significant contribution to the provision of school places and so assist the response to demographic growth within their area and, as a result, are under significant pressure on their class sizes at infants level. Circular 0007/2014 provides details for schools wishing to make an appeal.

The purpose of my Department's School Transport Schemes is, having regard to available resources, to support the transport to and from school of children who reside remote from their nearest school. Under the terms of my Department's Primary School Transport Scheme children are eligible for transport where they reside not less than 3.2 kilometres from and are attending their nearest national school as determined by the Department/Bus Éireann, having regard to ethos and language. The terms of the school transport schemes are applied equitably on a national basis.

Budget Targets

Questions (83)

Bernard Durkan


83. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the degree to which he continues to monitor the performance of all Departments and State or semi-State agencies with a view to maximisation of their contribution toward economic recovery; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28940/14]

View answer

Written answers

Ensuring the sustainability of the public finances is a pre-requisite for our economic recovery.  This Government is committed to restoring economic stability and growth and has pursued a determined deficit reduction strategy in order to reduce the General Government Deficit below 3% of GDP by the target date of end-2015.  This is a challenging target and one that is set against a difficult economic background which has required fiscal corrections in the form of significant consolidation to voted expenditure. 

In setting Budgetary allocations, the Government balances the requirements of bringing sustainability to the public finances, promoting and supporting economic recovery and protecting the most vulnerable in society.  Each Minister and Department is responsible for ensuring that their Vote-level allocations are adhered to while at the same time ensuring that they continue to provide essential public services, and deliver on the commitments in the Programme for Government and their organisation's Statement of Strategy.  Across Government there is regular reporting of progress and achievements under various policy programmes - for example, the Action Plan for Jobs, and the Public Service Reform Plan - and each Department also has a statutory requirement to provide annual progress reports on the implementation of its strategy statement.

My Department is responsible for policy on allocating public funds across each area of Government spending and it monitors and reports regularly throughout the year on the drawdown of funding by Government Departments and Offices.  In recent years, the Revised Estimates Volume (REV) published annually by my Department has been expanded so that now each Department and Office also reports in the REV about key performance information relevant to their area of operation.  The purpose of this is to show what services are being purchased with public money and the impacts of these services for Irish citizens and for Irish society in general. This performance information is intended to support the Dáil Select Committees in their examination of the Estimates. The data is also published on the Ireland Stat website ) and this source of useful information to the citizen is now being extended to include performance information from all Government Departments and Offices.

Departmental Staff Redeployment

Questions (84)

Terence Flanagan


84. Deputy Terence Flanagan asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the process involved regarding the transfer of staff from one Department to another; the role his Department plays; if there is a backlog of applications from various Departments; if he will provide in tabular format if there is a backlog and to estimate as to when it will be dealt with; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28748/14]

View answer

Written answers

There are no formal arrangements in place within the Civil Service to facilitate requests for transfers to other locations/employments, except in the case of grades represented by the Civil & Public Services Union.

Transfers for these (mostly Clerical and Staff Officers) are arranged in accordance with formal procedures agreed with the Staff Side at General Council under the Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme for the Civil Service.

Transfers between other grades in the Civil Service can be arranged on an informal, head-to-head, basis. Such transfers are arranged between the officers seeking to move and the relevant Personnel Units and require the agreement of both Personnel Officers.

As arrangements for the transfer of specific individuals are a matter for the employer concerned the detailed information requested by the Deputy in his question is not collected on a routine basis by my Department. 

The Public Service Agreements (PSAs) covering the period 2010-16 (the Croke Park and Haddington Road Agreements) provide for agreed redeployment arrangements to apply in the Civil Service and in other parts of the Public Service.  The Agreements facilitate the transfer of staffing resources from organisations where activities have assumed lesser priority arising from changing business needs, or as a result of the rationalisation, reconfiguration or restructuring of public service bodies, to organisations that are facing increasing demands for its services and consequential resource pressures.

A "Redeployment Toolkit" setting out the background and the detailed processes involved has been agreed with the staff unions and is available at

Commercial Rates

Questions (85)

Pat Deering


85. Deputy Pat Deering asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform further to Parliamentary Question No. 229 of 24 June 2014, the form of wording that is necessary to prove that this child care facility has as its main object or objects a charitable purpose in order that it can qualify for the exemption. [28754/14]

View answer

Written answers

Further to my previous answer to the Deputy, I must reiterate that the Commissioner of Valuation is independent in the exercise of his functions under the Valuation Act, 2001 and I, as Minister, have no role in decisions in this regard.

The position regarding claims for exemption is that in order for a property occupied by an organisation to be exempt from rates under the terms of Schedule 4 - paragraph 16 of the Valuation Act, 2001, that organisation must be a charitable organisation that uses the land, buildings or part exclusively for charitable purposes and otherwise than for private profit. The organisation claiming charitable status for the purpose of qualifying for exemption from rates must satisfy the definition of "charitable organisation" in section 3 of the Valuation Act, 2001.

Notwithstanding the form of wording used by the organisation in its Constitution, Deed of Trust, Memorandum of Association or Articles of Association in relation to its object or objects, the determining factor on which exemption is granted is the Commissioner of Valuation's satisfaction that the property is occupied by a charitable organisation, is used exclusively for charitable purposes and otherwise than for private profit, as stated in the Act. If an occupier is dissatisfied with a determination of the Commissioner, there are representation and appeal avenues, provided for in the Act, to the Commissioner and the Valuation Tribunal and to the Courts on a point of law.

Appointments to State Boards

Questions (86)

Ged Nash


86. Deputy Gerald Nash asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform if he will provide in tabular form the details of the names and occupations of each member of the board of the SEUPB from 2010 to 2014; the dates on which each member was appointed to the board; if he will provide a list, in tabular form of all expenses paid to individual members of the board on an annual basis for each of the years since their respective appointments; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28809/14]

View answer

Written answers

The Special EU Programmes Body is a North South implementation body established under the British-Irish Agreement Act, 1999 which implements the Good Friday Agreement.  The Body works under the auspices of the North South Ministerial Council (NSMC).  The SEUPB does not have a Board.

In 2013, on foot of the review of the St Andrew's Agreement, the NSMC examined the question of whether or not the SEUPB should have a Board and concluded that the existing arrangements provide appropriate oversight for the Body.

Departmental Staff Sick Leave

Questions (87)

Barry Cowen


87. Deputy Barry Cowen asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform if he will outline in tabular form the total number of sick days taken by staff in his Department in 2011, 2012, 2013 and to date in 2014 further broken down by uncertified, certified and long-term absence leave. [28834/14]

View answer

Written answers

I wish first to assure the Deputy that the management of sick leave is taken most seriously in my Department.

Sick leave absences and any patterns emerging are monitored and analysed and, as per the guidelines set out in Circular 06/2014 - Arrangements for Paid Sick Leave local managers are supported by the HR Strategy Unit to ensure that sick leave review meetings and resumption of work meetings are held with staff as appropriate.  It should also be noted that all long-term sick leave cases, i.e. absences greater than four weeks, are automatically referred to the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for advice on how to proceed with the management of those cases.  The services of the Employee Assistance Service are also available to all staff in my Department to assist them with any medical (or related issues) for which they may require support.

In terms of the data presented below, the Deputy will be aware that my Department was only formally established on 6 July 2011, and the sick leave statistics are therefore presented for the subsequent months of that year.   In addition, it is important to recognise that as part of the rollout of our essential reform agenda, my Department numbers now include staff in the Shared Services Offices (PeoplePoint and Payroll Shared Services) as well as the Office of Government Procurement. 

The table below is based on the latest information available from the Human Resource Managment System   


2011 - (Aug-Dec)



2014 - (to 30 June)

Self-certified Sick Leave





DPER Policy





Shared Services Offices





Office of Gov't Procurement





Certified Sick Leave (> 28 days)





DPER Policy





Shared Services Offices





Office of Gov't Procurement





Certified Sick Leave (< 28 days)





DPER Policy





Shared Services Offices





Office of Gov't Procurement





Total Certified Sick Leave





DPER Policy





Shared Services Offices





Office of Gov't Procurement





Total Sick Leave





DPER Policy





Shared Services Offices





Office Gov't Procurement





Grand Total





Consultancy Contracts Data

Questions (88)

Barry Cowen


88. Deputy Barry Cowen asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform if he will provide in tabular form per annum all external consultant reports commissioned by his Department since March 2011; the costs per report; the company involved; the title of the report and the publication date. [28849/14]

View answer

Written answers

In response to the Deputy's question the following table outlines the total amount spent on external reports commissioned by my Department since its inception in 2011:

Name of External Report


Date of Commission

Date or Expected Date of Publication

Name of External Consultant

Independent verification of savings arising under the Public Service Agreement


16 May 2011

June 2011

MKO Partners Ltd

Report on Reasons Behind Voter Behaviour in the Oireachtas Inquiry

Referendum 2011


23 November 2011

January 2012

Red C Research and Marketing Ltd.

Options for the next National Lottery licence

€615 (including VAT)

7th February 2012

2 March 2012

Davy Corporate Finance

Independent verification of savings arising under the Public Service Agreement


23 March 2012

13 June 2012

Grant Thornton

Capacity and Capability Review of Central Procurement Function


May 2012

6 September 2012


ICT-MF Executive Assessment


August 2012

November 2012

Innovation Value Institute, NUIM

Independent verification of savings arising under the Public Service Agreement


4 February 2013

3 July 2013

Grant Thornton

Debt Management Final Report

€110,000 plus VAT

Q2 - 2013

Awaiting Government Decision


Report of a Consultation with Civil Society Representatives and

Citizens on Ireland's Participation in the Open Government Partnership



Funding of €25,735.25 was provided to Transparency International Ireland in 2013 following a competitive tender process to support a public consultation with civil society and the preparation of a report of their recommendations and proposals for potential inclusion in Ireland's Open Government Partnership National Action. Plan.

10 June 2013

Published on 2 October 2013

Transparency International, Ireland


Capacity and Capability Review of the Estate Portfolio function of the Office of Public Works (excluding Heritage Services)

€130,000.00 + VAT

12 November 2013

Report has been received by the Office of Public Works and circulated to staff


Concerto Partners LLP

Open Data project:

Best Practice Handbook

Data Audit Report

Roadmap for Open Data

Evaluation Framework

Open Data Publication Handbook


3 March 2014

July 2014

Insight Centre for Data Analytics, NUI Galway

Development of Training and Organisation Development


March 2014

July 2014

(date is approximate, relates to draft Report)

Baker Tilly Ryan Glennon.

Trinity House, Charleston Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6

Value for Money Report of Dublin Castle's Conference Facilities

€4,674.00 Incl Vat.

7 April 2014

Qtr 3, 2014

Newmarket Consulting

In the course of its normal business activity, the Office of Public Works engages technical consultants on many of its projects, primarily architectural and engineering.  The costs of these consultants would be included in the overall project costs and are not included here.

Inniúlacht sa Ghaeilge sa Státseirbhís

Questions (89)

Éamon Ó Cuív


89. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Éamon Ó Cuív den Aire Caiteachais Phoiblí agus Athchóirithe cén líon daoine a earcaíodh don státseirbhís le trí bliana anuas atá inniúil ar a gcuid oibre a dhéanamh trí Ghaeilge; agus an ndéanfaidh sé ráiteas ina thaobh. [28857/14]

View answer

Written answers

Mar is eol don Teachta, tá cur chuige nua chun tacú le cumas Gaeilge sa Stát Seirbhís ceadaithe ag an Rialtas in áit an chórais faoina dtugtaí marcanna breise le haghaidh cumas Gaeilge i gcomórtais earcaithe agus ardú céime don Stát Seirbhís. 

De réir an chórais nua, tá beartais á dtabhairt isteach chun an líon daoine atá cumasach sa dá theanga a mheadú faoi chur chuige maidir le earcú agus, mar is cuí, arduithe céime atá bunaithe níos mó ar riachtanais an phoist. 

Mar chéad chéim, tá na socraithe nua á gcur i bhfeidhm ar bhonn trialach do chomórtas do oifigigh chléireachais  atá á reachtáil faoi láthair ag an Seirbhís um Cheapacháin Phoiblí.

Severe Weather Events Expenditure

Questions (90)

Éamon Ó Cuív


90. Deputy Éamon Ó Cuív asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the spend to date by his Department in 2014 in repairing damage arising out of the storms and floods of 2014; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28863/14]

View answer

Written answers

The Government decided on 11 February to allocate up to €69.5 million for repair and remediation of public infrastructure that was damaged by severe weather in the period 13 December 2013 to 6 2014 January.

Of the figure of €69.5 million, up to €19.6 million was allocated for repair by local authorities of existing built coastal protection and flood defences in the affected areas, based on estimates submitted by them to the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government. This funding is being made available to the local authorities through the Office of Public Works (OPW) on the basis of approved programmes of works. The commencement and progression of the works is a matter for the local authorities.

Disbursement by the OPW of the approved funding is made on foot of requests for drawdown of funding from the local authorities. The OPW has informed the local authorities that in order to assist them in a practical way and to avoid any potential cash-flow issues, it will consider requests for advance funding of up to 80% of the estimated cost of approved projects once a contract for works has been made.

To date, the local authorities have not requested any draw downs of funding from the OPW. The local authorities are progressing with works on the basis of the approved funding and it is expected that most of the requests for drawdown of funds will be made from September onwards.

Of the €69.5m allocated in the Government decision of 11 February, a sum of €1.2 million (separate to the €19.6m for local authorities) was allocated for repair of coastal infrastructure that is owned and maintained by the OPW. Firm figures on the amount of the €1.2m allocation spent to date are not available. It is expected however, that this allocation will be expended in full.

Proposed Legislation

Questions (91)

Heather Humphreys


91. Deputy Heather Humphreys asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform if he will provide an update on the Valuation Bill; when he expects to bring it before Dáil Éireann; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28892/14]

View answer

Written answers

The Government published the Valuation (Amendment) (No.2) Bill, 2012 on 3rd August, 2012 as part of its legislative programme. The Bill proceeded through its second stage in Seanad Éireann on 11th October 2012. The primary purpose of the Bill is to accelerate the national programme of revaluing every commercial and industrial property in the country which is being undertaken by the Valuation Office.

Since the second stage debate was taken in Seanad Éireann, officials in my Department and the Valuation Office have engaged in an extensive consultation process on various aspects of the Bill with a range of stakeholders. The legislation is quite complex and every effort is being made to expedite the passage of the Bill. I am currently  considering  draft final  amendments to the Bill  for proposal at committee stage and I would hope  to see the Bill returning for Committee Stage in the Seanad shortly after the Summer recess.

National Monuments

Questions (92)

John McGuinness


92. Deputy John McGuinness asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the reasons for the delay in rebuilding and repairing the boundary wall of Kilkenny Castle along the canal walk; the time frame for the work to be completed and for the temporary fence to be removed; if he will expedite the matter; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28944/14]

View answer

Written answers

I am advised by the Commissioners of Public Works that due to ongoing concerns regarding the safety of the embankment along this section of the Canal Walk this area is being closely monitored by the Engineering Services of the OPW and their engineering colleagues at Kilkenny Co Co. While some minimal soil movement was detected it is now considered safe to remove the barriers/hoarding from this area of the Canal Walk.

The OPW has passed the surveyors report to Kilkenny Co Co engineers with a recommendation that the barrier/hoarding can now be removed. Monitoring of this section will continue on an annual basis.

Departmental Bodies

Questions (93)

Ged Nash


93. Deputy Gerald Nash asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation if he will provide in tabular form the details of the names and occupations of each member of the board of InterTrade Ireland from 2010 to 2014; the dates on which each member was appointed to the board; if he will provide a list, in tabular form of all expenses paid to individual members of the board in each of the years since their appointment; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28808/14]

View answer

Written answers

Attached in tabular format is the information requested by the Deputy in relation to the Southern-nominated members of InterTradeIreland’s Board.

By way of background, InterTradeIreland (ITI) is co-funded by my Department and the Northern Ireland Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment. It has twelve Board members, including Chairperson and Vice Chair, six of whom are nominated by my Department and six by the Northern Ireland authorities i.e. the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment. The Board is actually appointed by the North South Ministerial Council. The term of appointment to ITI’s Board is four years. The current Board was appointed on 13 December 2011.

I am very committed to the work of this cross-border body who, despite the very challenging financial climate we have faced for the last few years, have tailored their suite of programmes to reflect the needs of business and offer an innovative range of programmes to businesses on both sides of the border which are very successful.

Nominated to InterTradeIreland Board by Government of Ireland








Board Member



Occupation at appointment

John Fitzgerald



Dublin City Manager



Brendan Butler





Director IBEC




Ray Doherty







Sean Gallagher





Rosaleen Doherty



Food Scientist

Padraig MacLochlainn



County Councillor



Martin Cronin



Former Chief Executive of Forfás

Kevin Norton



Chief Executive of Basta Parsons Limited




Mairead Sorensen



Chairman of Butlers Chocolates



Patricia McKeown




Terri Scott





Rosemary Delaney



Multi-media Managing Director








Question No. 94 withdrawn.

Departmental Staff Sick Leave

Questions (95)

Barry Cowen


95. Deputy Barry Cowen asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation if he will outline in tabular form the total number of sick days taken by staff in his Department in 2011, 2012, 2013 and to date in 2014 further broken down by uncertified, certified and long term absence leave. [28832/14]

View answer

Written answers

The information sought by the Deputy is set out in tabular form below .

Sick Days




2014 (to 30th June)

Total Number of Sick Days















Long Term Absence (20+ days)





Consultancy Contracts Data

Questions (96)

Barry Cowen


96. Deputy Barry Cowen asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation if he will provide in tabular form per annum all external consultant reports commissioned by his Department since March 2011; the costs per report; the company involved; the title of the report and the publication date. [28847/14]

View answer

Written answers

The names of external consultant reports commissioned by my Department since March 2011; the costs per report; the name of the external consultant; the title of the report and the publication date are as follows:-

January to end June 2014

Name of external


Report Title

Cost of Report

Publication Date

Ward Solutions

ICT security reviews


Internal ICT security assessments – not for publication

January to December 2013

Name of external


Report Title

Cost of Report

Publication Date

First Choice Financial Services Ltd and AJS Financial Advice Ltd

Credit Guarantee Scheme “Findings and Recommendations”


To be published shortly

Janet Hughes

Labour Court Review of Joint Labour Committees


1 October 2013

Tom Martin and Associates /TMA

Youth Unemployment

A review of wage costs and other factors which may affect the employment of young people in Ireland.


Presented to the Troika in line with the terms of the Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policy which is a component of the Memorandum of Understanding, September 2013, as part of which the Irish Government undertook to present a report in December 2013.

RSM McClure Watters

The evaluation of the Workplace Relations Pilot Early Resolution Service


27 September 2013

Ward Solutions

ICT security reviews


Internal ICT security assessments – not for publication

Copenhagen Economics

Study to Examine the Economic and Other Impactson Ireland of a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and Related Potential


200,000 (excl. VAT and other costs)

To be decided following consideration of the finalised report and its submission to Government, when the report is finalised.

HM Ventures

Innovative pathways to jobs and growth – Entrepreneurship, Access to Finance and Internationalisation of SMEs


May 2013

January to December 2012

Name of external


Report Title

Cost of Report

Publication Date

Ward Solutions

Security reviews of ICT systems


Internal ICT security assessments – not for publication

Version 1

ICT systems review – Patents Office Ptolemy System


Internal technology review – not for publication

Fitzpatrick Associates

Comparison of Export Licensing Procedures with selected EU Member States


Under consideration

Achilles Procurement Services Ltd.

Recommended Procurement Strategy for a Customer Relationship Management System (CRMS)


July 2012


Feasibility Study: Making Ireland an International Centre for Intellectual Property



March to December 2011

Name of external


Report Title

Cost of Report

Publication Date

Capital for Enterprise Ltd.

Design of Temporary Partial Credit Guarantee Scheme


Internal Report - not for



Dr. Frank Walsh

Review of ERO and REA Wage Setting Mechanisms


May 2011


ICT Security


Internal ICT security assessment – not for publication

Maxima Ireland

Computer Server Virtualisation Strategy Review


Internal technology review – not for publication

For information I attach below a similar question answered previously that provides information on work undertaken by consultants for the period 2008 – 2010
To ask the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation the total amount of expenditure on consultancy by his Department in 2008, 2009 and 2010 the numbers of consultants engaged by his Department in those years; the names of the consultancy companies awarded contracts; and the steps which have been taken to reduce the expenditure on consultancy and the reliance on consultants by his Department in these years and for the future.
- Joanna Tuffy.
* For WRITTEN answer on Tuesday, 22nd May, 2012. Ref No: 25549/12
R E P L YDetails of the information on consultancies requested by the Deputy for the period from 2008 to 2010 are set out in the tables below. My Department has, in line with Government policy, taken measures to reduce the level of expenditure on external consultancies. The number of consultancies undertaken has been significantly reduced and are undertaken on the basis of necessity and in instances where it is not possible to conduct the work in-house having regard to the nature of the work and the skills required.
Ref No: 25549/12

Work Permit Applications

Questions (97)

Bernard Durkan


97. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation if a person (details supplied) in County Tipperary may renew their work permit in view of the fact that they previously worked in this jurisdiction for more than three years; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28922/14]

View answer

Written answers

There is no record in my Department of a work permit application in respect of the person named by the Deputy. There is no record of a work permit having previously been held by this person.

Work Permit Applications

Questions (98)

Bernard Durkan


98. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation the work permit status in the case of a person (details supplied) in County Longford; if their spouse and child are deemed to be their dependants or vice versa; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28924/14]

View answer

Written answers

My Department is responsible for the issuing of employment permits.

The person named by the Deputy holds a current work permit valid from 4 November 2013 and is valid for an unlimited period. In addition the person held employment permits from 3 November 2006 to 3 November 2013. I understand that on foot of this permit history the person was issued with an immigration stamp 4 that allows for employment without the requirement to hold a current employment permit.

The Deputy’s question regarding the named person’s spouse and child falls within the remit of my colleague the Minister for Justice and Equality.

Work Permit Applications

Questions (99)

Bernard Durkan


99. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation if temporary restoration of a work permit will be facilitated in the case of a person (details supplied) in County Kildare who was under the impression that they could no longer work after the 15 May 2014 while awaiting the review of the decision to revoke their work permit; if the reinstatement of the work permit might be allowed pending the final outcome with particular reference to the hardship suffered in the interim; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28932/14]

View answer

Written answers

A notification of a decision to revoke the employment permit in accordance with Section 16 (2) of the Employment Permits Act 2006 issued to the person named by the Deputy and to his employer on 15 May 2014. This letter informed them that the decision to revoke the permit could be submitted to the Minister for review within 28 days. Under Sections 16 (3) of the Act a decision to revoke an employment permit shall, if such decision has not been submitted to the Minister for review, take effect on the expiration of the 28 day period from the date of the notification of the decision. Furthermore under Section 16 (4) of the Act where such a decision is submitted to the Minister for review the revocation of the employment permit concerned shall not take effect until the review is determined or the submission of the decision for review is withdrawn.

The outcome of the review may be to either confirm or cancel the decision to revoke the permit.

In this case the decision has been submitted for review and is currently under consideration. The employee is not required to cease employment unless and until the decision to revoke the permit is confirmed if such is the outcome of the review.

The letter dated the 15 May 2014 stated that the decision to revoke the permit would not take effect until the expiry of a 28 day period following the decision to revoke i.e. the 12 June 2014. In addition the employer in this instance was advised by my Department on 27 June 2014 that the person named by the Deputy was permitted to work pending the outcome of the review of the decision.

Question Nos. 100 and 101 withdrawn.