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National Cancer Strategy Implementation

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 9 July 2015

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Questions (45)

Michelle Mulherin


45. Deputy Michelle Mulherin asked the Minister for Health if he will request the steering group which is charged with developing the new national cancer strategy 2016 to 2025 to review the operation of Galway University Hospital as a centre of excellence for cancer treatment; and to address the delays some oncology patients in Mayo General Hospital are experiencing in getting a bed and receiving appropriate treatment under a specialist oncology team in a timely manner at Galway University Hospital; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27374/15]

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The Cancer Strategy Steering Group, which I established to provide guidance and advice to my Department on developing a new National Cancer Strategy for the period 2016-2025, will submit a draft Cancer Strategy for consideration by me before the end of 2015 with a view to a new strategy being in place from 2016.

Models of care, designated cancer centres and workforce planning are among the broad range of issues being considered by the Steering Group with the aim of having the optimum structures in place to tackle cancer across all regions of the country for the next 10 years.
