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Wednesday, 30 Sep 2015

Written Answers Nos. 133-139

National Asthma Programme

Questions (134)

Tom Fleming


134. Deputy Tom Fleming asked the Minister for Health if he will provide funds for the immediate implementation of the Health Service Executive national clinical programme for asthma in the forthcoming budget, which will provide equitable access to treatment for everyone; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33557/15]

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Primary Care funding requirements for 2016 are currently being considered in the context of the estimates process and the HSE's National Service Planning process. In the context of overall competing demands for health service funding, it would be inappropriate for me to comment further at this stage.

Medicinal Products Prices

Questions (135)

Tom Fleming


135. Deputy Tom Fleming asked the Minister for Health if he will make provision in the upcoming budget for a reduction in the cost of medication for those persons with asthma, as the cost of medication is prohibitively high; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33560/15]

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The Health Service Executive (HSE) has statutory responsibility for decisions on pricing and reimbursement of medicinal products under the community drug schemes in accordance with the provisions of the Health (Pricing and Supply of Medical Goods) Act 2013. The Minister for Health has no power to control the price of specific medications or groups of medications for asthma or any other condition.

Under the Drugs Payment Scheme, no individual or family is required to pay more than €144 per calendar month towards the cost of approved prescribed medicines. This scheme significantly reduces the cost burden for families and individuals incurring ongoing expenditure on medicines.

Hospital Appointments Status

Questions (136)

Michael Lowry


136. Deputy Michael Lowry asked the Minister for Health if he will provide an update on the case of a person (details supplied) in County Tipperary; when this person can expect an appointment for a magnetic resonance imaging, MRI, scan at University Hospital Limerick; if he is aware this facility is working to full capacity, which has contributed to longer waiting times; if a strategic and workable plan has been put in place to resolve this issue; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33561/15]

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Under the Health Act 2004, the Health Service Executive (HSE) is required to manage and deliver, or arrange to be delivered on its behalf, health and personal social services. Section 6 of the HSE Governance Act 2013 bars the Minister for Health from directing the HSE to provide a treatment or a personal service to any individual or to confer eligibility on any individual.

The scheduling of appointments for patients is a matter for the hospital to which the patient has been referred. Should a patient's general practitioner consider that the patient's condition warrants an earlier appointment, he or she should take the matter up with the consultant and the hospital involved. In relation to the specific case raised, I have asked the HSE to respond to you directly. If you have not received a reply from the HSE within 15 working days please contact my Private Office and my officials will follow the matter up.

Health Insurance Data

Questions (137)

Billy Kelleher


137. Deputy Billy Kelleher asked the Minister for Health the number of persons availing of private health insurance from age 0 to 17; 18 to 29; 30 to 39; 40 to 49; 50 to 59; 60 to 69; 70 to 79; and 80 years and over. [33562/15]

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The total number of people with health insurance is now 2,118,624. These figures include those serving waiting periods and members of the Restricted Membership Undertakings (RMU's). The latest available data from the Health Insurance Authority shows that the numbers insured in each age category at end-June 2015 excluding RMU's and those serving waiting periods was as follows:

Age Group

End June 2015

Aged 17 and under


Aged 18 to age 29


Aged 30 to age 39


Aged 40 to age 49


Aged 50 to age 59


Aged 60 to age 69


Aged 70 to age 79


Aged 80 and over




Ambulance Service Response Times

Questions (138)

Brian Walsh


138. Deputy Brian Walsh asked the Minister for Health if he is satisfied with ambulance response times in the Connemara area of County Galway; his plans to provide additional resources to improve these times; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33563/15]

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As this is a service matter, I have asked the HSE to respond to you directly. If you have not received a reply from the HSE within 15 working days please contact my Private Office and my officials will follow the matter up.

Services for People with Disabilities

Questions (139)

Róisín Shortall


139. Deputy Róisín Shortall asked the Minister for Health if he will assist a person with special needs (details supplied) in Dublin 11 in accessing day-centre facilities; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33564/15]

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Each Local Health Office area in the Health Service Executive (HSE) has a dedicated Disability Manager to coordinate the delivery of services to people with disabilities. It is open to the individual and their family to pursue this matter with the Disability Manager for their area who can be contacted at Ground Floor, Unit 4 & 5, Nexus Building, Block 6A, Blanchardstown, Corporate Park, Dublin 15, telephone 01-8975185.

As the Deputy's question relates to service matters, I have arranged for the question to be referred to the HSE for direct reply to the Deputy. If the Deputy has not received a reply from the HSE within 15 working days, she can contact my Private Office and they will follow the matter up with the HSE.
