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Brexit Issues

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 24 November 2016

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Questions (244)

Timmy Dooley


244. Deputy Timmy Dooley asked the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment if his Department has established a specific Brexit preparation unit to prepare for the opportunities and threats of a British exit from the European Union; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [36783/16]

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The Government’s Brexit Contingency Framework sets out that all Departments should identify a senior official to oversee Brexit matters and to create a Top Management sub-committee to deal specifically with the implications of Brexit for their areas of work.

My Department nominated an Assistant Secretary to take lead responsibility for Brexit matters. Under the chairmanship of this Assistant Secretary a sub-committee, consisting of Principal Officers representing the various work areas covered by my Department, has been convened. 

This sub-committee has 11 members including the Chair reflecting the broad remit of my Department. The sub-committee will continue to meet regularly to ensure that my Department is prepared for the possible implications of Brexit. I would add that I as Minster participate in the Cabinet committee on Brexit and my Department is also represented on the Interdepartmental Brexit Group. This ensures a ‘whole of Government’ approach when dealing with Brexit.

Brexit is a standing item on the Agenda of my Department's Management Board which generally meets weekly and which is chaired by the Secretary General of the Department. It is also on the Agenda of my monthly meetings with the Management Board which examines progress on priority issues being addressed by the Department.

Question No. 245 answered with Question No. 241.