The most recent available figure for the number of civilians working in An Garda Síochána is for 31 May 2017, at which point there were 2,110 civilian staff members working throughout the organisation carrying out senior management, administrative and technical roles. The figures for the number of civilians working in An Garda Síochána on the corresponding dates of 31 May 2015 and 31 May 2016 are 2,054 and 2,066 respectively.
As part of its Five Year Reform and High-level Workforce Plan for An Garda Síochána, the Government has agreed an overall vision for a Garda workforce of 21,000 personnel by 2021 to include 15,000 Garda members, 2,000 Garda Reserve members and 4,000 civilians. The projected 4,000 civilians will effectively double the current figure and represents a medium-term target of a Garda organisation 20% comprised of civilians. The 20% target will be achieved through a twin-track approach of, firstly, a “civilian by default” policy to be adopted in relation to the filling of all new posts other than operational policing posts and for non-operational policing posts that become vacant and, secondly, the redeployment of Gardaí and backfilling by suitably qualified civilians where necessary.
Funding for the recruitment of up to 500 civilians has been provided in Budget 2017 to facilitate the Commissioner in addressing capacity and critical skills gaps across the organisation including in corporate supports, change management, human resources and financial management at the national, regional and Divisional level. These appointments are intended to facilitate deeper civilianisation in the coming years.
To date, the Policing Authority (with the consent of the Department of Justice and Equality and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform) has approved 137 of these positions including two new senior posts of Executive Director Strategy and Change Management and Executive Director Legal and Compliance. The Government has also agreed in principle to the positions of a Chief Information Officer. The majority of the positions sanctioned are in the areas of ICT, Human Resources, Governance and Strategy, Legal and Compliance, and Finance. 43 of the initial 137 sanctioned posts will go towards back filling vacancies created by the redeployment of Garda members to policing duties. Garda management has indicated that some 163 of the total 500 civilians to be recruited this year will lead to redeployment opportunities. This level of commitment in the first year is very welcome and it is expected that the quantum of redeployments will increase in 2018 and beyond.
The Garda Commissioner has statutory responsibility for recruitment and is working with the Public Appointments Service to fill these sanctioned posts. In addition there is ongoing engagement between Garda management, the Policing Authority, my Department and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform in relation to sanctioning further posts to meet identified business needs across the organisation and draw down the funding that is available for up to 500 additional civilians this year.