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Hospital Waiting Lists Action Plans

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 8 February 2018

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Questions (88)

Aindrias Moynihan


88. Deputy Aindrias Moynihan asked the Minister for Health the steps he will take to reduce waiting lists for gynaecological services at the Cork University Maternity Hospital; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [6296/18]

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Reducing waiting times for patients is one of the Government's key priorities.

Data from the National Treatment Purchase Fund indicates, that as of 29 December 2017, there were 3,790 people waiting for Cork University Maternity Hospital (CUMH) gynaecology outpatient services and 425 people waiting for gynaecology inpatient/daycase services. Of this number, approximately 48% (202 people) were waiting less than 6 months for outpatient services and 46% (1,746 people) were waiting less than 6 months for inpatient/daycase services.

In 2017, I identified that particular focus should be placed on the gynaecology waiting list in the South/South West Hospital Group (SSWHG). In this context, an initiative which continues to be rolled out, was supported and funded through the NTPF. The SSWHG has developed a phased approach to improving waiting times for gynaecology services at CUMH. This includes the establishment of the SSWHG Women and Children's Services Directorate last year, which I expect will ensure better coordination and utilisation of maternity gynaecological resources across the group. I understand that additional funding is being made available for Cork University Hospital in 2018, including for gynaecology services.

Moreover, October's Budget announced a total allocation of €55m for the NTPF for 2018. This significant increase in funding more than doubles the 2017 total allocation of €20m. The NTPF and HSE are in the process of finalising Waiting List Action Plans and Initiatives for 2018. This will include ambitious targets for both the HSE and NTPF to reduce the overall number of patients waiting for treatment. I expect to publish the 2018 Inpatient Day Case Waiting List Action Plan by the end of February.

Question No. 89 answered with Question No. 25.