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Broadcasting Charge

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 24 April 2018

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Questions (465)

Michael Harty


465. Deputy Michael Harty asked the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment his views on the public service contribution of local media in County Clare and elsewhere in the ongoing review of the existing broadcasting licence fee; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17633/18]

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I recognise the important role that broadcasters, including independent and community radio stations, play in our society and the service they provide. A healthy and diverse media sector is critical to any democracy.

I also recognise the financial difficulty that all broadcasters are facing. As the Deputy will be aware, I obtained Government approval to proceed with the drafting of a number of legislative amendments to the Broadcasting Act, 2009 including amendment of the provisions of the Act relating to the broadcasting levy to alleviate the burden on broadcasters, and exempting community broadcasters from the levy altogether. The proposals provide that a portion of the licence fee receipts will be paid to BAI to help defray their administrative costs. This will reduce the overall levy to be paid by the sector and would be applied evenly across all broadcasters.  The amount of the reduction would be contingent on the overall level of licence fee receipts.

The proposals also provide for the introduction of a new funding scheme to offer bursaries to journalists working in local or community radio stations.  In addition, I announced my intention to seek Government approval to remove hourly limits on advertising for commercial radio stations. These measures will contribute to alleviating the financial challenges faced by broadcasters.
