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Internet Safety

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 10 May 2018

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Questions (265)

Alan Farrell


265. Deputy Alan Farrell asked the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment his views on the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Children and Youth Affair's Report on Cyber Security for Children and Young Adults; the action his Department is taking to implement the recommendations of this report; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [20665/18]

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I welcome the publication of the report to which the Deputy refers and I commend the work which the Committee on Children and Youth Affairs carried out in preparing it and considering the subject of online safety. As the Deputy is aware, I hosted an Open Policy Debate on Online Safety on 8 March 2018, which was officially opened by An Taoiseach. This event was coordinated with and supported by five other Ministers and Government Departments including the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation; the Department of Justice and Equality; the Department of Children and Youth Affairs; the Department of Education and Skills, and the Department of Health.  

In opening the event, the Taoiseach announced that it was the Government's intention to prepare an Action Plan on Online Safety, which will contain an integrated set of measures to support Online Safety at all levels. The Department of An Taoiseach is coordinating the preparation of this plan, and my Department is actively contributing to its preparation. A report of the Open Policy Debate, and the Report of the Joint Oireachtas Committee is being considered by all relevant Departments in the preparation of the Action plan.
