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Invalidity Pension Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 31 May 2018

Thursday, 31 May 2018

Questions (238)

Billy Kelleher


238. Deputy Billy Kelleher asked the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection further to Parliamentary Question No. 456 of 8 May 2018, if the figures for invalidity pension are built into the existing fiscal base or if they represent an additional cost to the Exchequer for the five-year period ahead. [24191/18]

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The deputy is referring to the extension of Social Insurance Benefits to the self-employed as set out in the Actuarial Review of the Social Insurance Fund .

Projections of Social Protection expenditure are on a ‘no policy change’ basis and include only demographic pressures, as set out in the IGEES paper, ‘Budgetary Impacts of Changing Demographics 2017 – 2027.’ Demographic costs for the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection are inclusive of Pensions, Children and Disability and Carers. Any changes to payment rates or eligibility criteria would be considered a policy decision and thus are not included in current projected costs.
