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Tuesday, 23 Oct 2018

Written Answers Nos. 488-505

Healthcare Infrastructure Provision

Questions (488)

Bernard Durkan


488. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Health when approval will issue for the next phase of development of Naas General Hospital; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43938/18]

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As the Health Service Executive is responsible for the delivery of healthcare infrastructure projects, I have asked the HSE to respond to you directly in relation to this matter.

Primary Care Centres

Questions (489)

Bernard Durkan


489. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Health the degree to which he remains satisfied regarding the extent to which the public health sector is catered for in primary care centres already in operation; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43939/18]

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The Government is continuing to deliver Primary Care Centres (PCCs) in line with our commitment to expanding primary care services. There are now 124 PCCs in operation, with another 83 sites at various stages of development from early planning to construction.  

I have visited many of these centres and have seen first-hand the excellent work being undertaken and the myriad of services being delivered to communities. PCCs help to support the interdisciplinary delivery of care and can enable the seamless and joined up provision of care to patients. In addition to the core GP, nursing and therapy services delivered by Primary Care Teams, a range of additional services are available from PCCs, including child health developmental clinics, counselling services, oral health care, diabetes clinics and much more besides. I would also note that a number of  Community Intervention Teams operate from primary care centres.

In addition, the centres can facilitate community engagement and participation through the provision of meetings rooms or group spaces, while the centres also fulfil a key role in terms of facilitating meetings and training for HSE and other public service staff. Clearly, the range and scale of services being provided by and within PCCs is helping to bring care closer to home and is having a positive impact on patient health. The effective utilisation of PCCs will be integral to the future organisation and operation of community-based services envisioned by Sláintecare. 

Harbours and Piers Funding

Questions (490)

Michael Healy-Rae


490. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if funding will be provided for a slipway (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43203/18]

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My Department owns, operates and maintains six designated State-owned Fishery Harbour Centres, located at Castletownbere, Dingle, Dunmore East, Howth, Killybegs and Ros An Mhíl under statute. In addition, my Department also has responsibility for the upkeep and maintenance of North Harbour at Cape Clear, as well as the maintenance of a small number of specific piers, lights and beacons throughout Ireland, in accordance with the 1902 ex-congested Districts Board piers, lights and Beacons Act.

Coornagillagh pier, Tuosist, Co. Kerry is owned by Kerry County Council and responsibility for its maintenance, repair and development rests with Kerry County Council in the first instance.

My Department does provide limited funding to assist coastal Local Authorities in carrying out small scale projects for the development and repair of Local Authority-owned piers, harbours and slipways under the annual Fishery Harbour and Coastal Infrastructure Development Programme, subject to available Exchequer funding and overall national priorities. I have allocated over €2.2m for these purposes under this year's Programme.  

Records indicate that my Department did not receive a funding application under the 2018 Programme for Coornagillagh Pier. Should an application be submitted by Kerry County Council in relation to this pier under future programmes, it will be given due consideration taking account of the terms and conditions of the scheme, the priority attached by the Council and available funds.

Land Parcel Identification System

Questions (491)

Michael Healy-Rae


491. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the position regarding a person (details supplied) who has received a letter in relation to an overclaim on two parcels; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43226/18]

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The over claims in this case were identified as part of the standard review of land details contained in the Land Parcel Identification System.

As part of the review process, officials in my Department requested the submission of supporting evidence to determine the eligibility of the land in question. This new information has been received and the resulting review is now complete. The original eligible area has now been restored, and this will be reflected when the balancing payments under the Basic Payment Scheme issue later this year.

Common Fisheries Policy

Questions (492)

Richard Boyd Barrett


492. Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the regulations in place for fishermen trawling and-or dredging for mussel seeds on the foreshore, off the coast and in areas of special conservation; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43236/18]

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While all Irish sea-fishing activities operate in the context of the Common Fisheries Policy and its regulations, the fishing of seed mussel by Irish sea-fishing boats is controlled primarily by the following national legislation:

- Sea-Fisheries and Maritime Jurisdiction Act 2006 (No 8 of 2006): Section 13 of this Act provides the Minister with powers to grant authorisations to the owners of fishing boats to fish for fish stocks and to determine for which fish stocks an authorisation is required.

- Determination (No.28) of the Need for an Authorisation for Certain Fish Stocks: This Determination restricts access to certain fish stocks, including mussel seed, to those fishing boats that hold an authorisation for that stock.

- S.I. No. 311 of 2006 – Mussel Seed (Fishing) Regulations 2006: These Regulations set out the conditions that must be complied with by any boat operating in the mussel seed fishery.

- S.I. No. 261 of 2008 – European Communities (Health of Aquaculture Animals and Products) Regulations 2008: These Regulations give effect to Council Directive 2006/88/EC of 24 October 2006 on animal health requirements for aquaculture animals and products thereof, and on the prevention and control of certain diseases in aquatic animals.

- S.I. No. 290 of 2013 – European Union (Birds and Natural Habitats) (Sea-fisheries) Regulations 2013: These Regulations provide for Fisheries Natura Plans for wild fisheries that may impact on Natura 2000 sites, the appropriate assessment of those plans, a process of public and statutory consultation and for the Minister to accept, reject or amend such plans. It provides powers for the Minister to control fishing via a permit system and Fisheries Natura Declarations and further provides for offences and penalties.

- Fisheries Natura Declaration No. 2 of 2018 (Mussel Fishing): This Declaration makes conditional and prohibits fishing for mussels in a number of Natura 2000 sites around the Irish coast.

- Fisheries Natura Declaration No. 1 of 2017 (Castlemaine Harbour): This Declaration sets restrictions on the fishing of mussel seed in Castlemaine Harbour.

- SI 369 of 2018 – Sea-Fisheries and Maritime Jurisdiction (Mussel Seed) (Opening of Fisheries) Regulations 2018: Statutory instruments are used to allow or prohibit fishing for mussel seed. SI 369 of 2018 allows fishing for mussel seed to take place in the exclusive fishery limits of the State from 17 September up to 21 December 2018 inclusive.

Further information concerning sea-fisheries interactions with Special Areas of Conservation and other Natura 2000 sites can be found online at

Areas of Natural Constraint Scheme Payments

Questions (493)

Timmy Dooley


493. Deputy Timmy Dooley asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine when a farmer (details supplied) in County Clare will receive an ANC payment; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43266/18]

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An application under the Areas of Natural Constraints Scheme was received from the person named on 23 April 2018. The processing of this application has been completed and payment will issue to the nominated bank account shortly.

Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme

Questions (494)

Joe Carey


494. Deputy Joe Carey asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine when a payment will issue to a person (details supplied) in County Tipperary for the targeted agricultural modernisation schemes, TAMS II, scheme; the reason for the delay in payment; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43301/18]

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No payment can be made to this applicant as he has not yet submitted his payment claim. This has to be submitted on the online TAMS system. As the approval in place will expire on the 25 January 2019 it is important that the claim for payment is submitted prior to this date.

Teagasc Data

Questions (495)

Charlie McConalogue


495. Deputy Charlie McConalogue asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the number of students enrolled in level 5 and 6 green cert in agriculture in each of the years 2010 to 2017 and to date in 2018; the student numbers in each agricultural college in each of the years 2010 to 2017 and to date in 2018, in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43307/18]

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The details requested by the Deputy are an operational matter for Teagasc who deliver the Green Cert. 

The Deputy’s question has been passed on by my Department to Teagasc who have been requested to respond to the Deputy within 10 days.

Basic Payment Scheme Payments

Questions (496)

Pat Breen


496. Deputy Pat Breen asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine when payments will issue to a person (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43319/18]

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An application under the 2018 Basic Payments Scheme was received from the person named on 15 May 2018. Application for the Areas of Natural Constraints (ANC) scheme is integrated into the Basic Payments Scheme application form and in order to apply for the ANC scheme applicants must tick the appropriate box on the online application form. My Department's records show that in the case of the person named no such tick or indication of application for the ANC scheme was made. 

An official from my Department will contact the person named directly in relation to the appropriate next step.

The processing of the Basic Payments Scheme application by the person named has been completed and the advance payment of 70% has issued to his nominated bank account. 

Basic Payment Scheme Payments

Questions (497)

Pat Breen


497. Deputy Pat Breen asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine when payments will issue to a person (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43335/18]

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The person named submitted a 2018 Basic Payment/Areas of Natural Constraint schemes application on the 12th March 2018. EU Regulations governing the administration of these schemes require that full and comprehensive administrative checks, including in some cases remote sensing (i.e. satellite) inspections, be completed before any payments issue. The application of the person named was selected for a Remote Sensing eligibility inspection.

Processing of this inspection necessitated the verification of the position on the ground by means of a field visit. This field visit has been completed and the results are currently being processed to finalisation with the intention of issuing any payments due as soon as possible. In the event that any queries arise officials in my Department will be in contact with the person named.

Agriculture Scheme Appeals

Questions (498)

Eamon Scanlon


498. Deputy Eamon Scanlon asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the status of appeals lodged by farmers on Killery, Crossboy, Dromore and Castleore mountains with respect to land eligibility and burnt land for the purpose of the basic payment scheme 2018 payments; if the lands burnt in 2017 are eligible for the 2018 basic payment scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43349/18]

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The appeals mentioned relate to the eligibility of the burned land under the 2017 Basic Payment Scheme (BPS). 

For the 2018 scheme year, all BPS applications were required to be submitted through the Department's online application system. The land details and maps available to BPS applicants on the online system were updated to show the most up to date information available for 2018. 

All things being equal the lands in question are eligible under BPS in 2018.

I understand that any appeals received by the Agriculture Appeals Office concerning the mountains mentioned have either been assigned to an Appeals Officer or are in the process of being assigned to an Appeals Officer. I am advised that the oral hearings of those appeals are currently being arranged with the first appeals due for hearing on 24th October. On completion of the appeal process, a comprehensive decision letter will issue to each appellant.

Animal Welfare

Questions (499)

Kathleen Funchion


499. Deputy Kathleen Funchion asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the reason a person (details supplied) has had a departmental official assigned to their farm; the purpose of the placement of this official on their farm; and the reason they have been instructed to make the official aware of activity on the farmland prior to carrying out those activities. [43362/18]

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The farm in question is currently under an on-going Animal Health & Welfare notice, further comment at this time on the matter would not be appropriate.

Ministerial Meetings

Questions (500)

Mattie McGrath


500. Deputy Mattie McGrath asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the details of engagements, meetings or correspondence that he has had with a person (details supplied) in the past three years; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43385/18]

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I wish to advise the Deputy that neither I nor the staff of my Department have had any engagements, meetings or correspondence with the named person (details supplied) in the past three years.

Basic Payment Scheme

Questions (501)

Charlie McConalogue


501. Deputy Charlie McConalogue asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine when an ANC payment will issue to a person (details supplied); if this will be issued as soon as possible in view of the circumstances; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43439/18]

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 The person named submitted a 2018 Basic Payment/Areas of Natural Constraint Schemes application on the 20th April 2018. EU Regulations governing the administration of these schemes require that full and comprehensive administrative checks, including in some cases remote sensing (i.e. satellite) inspections, be completed before any payments issue.

The application of the person named was selected for a Remote Sensing eligibility inspection. This inspection is currently being processed with the intention of issuing any payments due as soon as possible. In the event that any queries arise officials in my Department will be in contact with the person named.

Areas of Natural Constraint Scheme Payments

Questions (502)

Robert Troy


502. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if an ANC payment will be issued to a person (details supplied) without further delay; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43460/18]

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An application under the Areas of Natural Constraints Scheme was received from the person named on 26 March 2018. The processing of this application has been completed and payment has issued to the nominated bank account.

Brexit Issues

Questions (503)

Pat the Cope Gallagher


503. Deputy Pat The Cope Gallagher asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the contingency plans he has drafted in the event of a no-deal Brexit; the interactions and negotiations he has had to date with EU coastal partners on this important matter for the fishing sector here; the engagements he has had to date with the fishing and marine sector specifically on the matter; the further actions he plans to undertake in order to have a robust contingency plan in place should a no-deal scenario result from the Brexit negotiations; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43492/18]

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It is still Government’s view that a ‘no deal’ outcome remains unlikely but we are planning for all scenarios. Ireland’s contingency and preparedness planning is well advanced. Government has launched a new Getting Ireland Ready public awareness campaign, with information on the Government’s latest preparedness and support measures. Outreach events have already taken place this month in Cork, Galway and Monaghan, with a further event to follow in Dublin (25 October).

I am hopeful that progress can be made in the short-term on both the Ireland-Northern Ireland back-stop and on the framework for the discussions on the future EU-UK relationship, so that they can be incorporated into a Withdrawal Agreement that will provide for a transition period.    

Some mitigation measures are already in place while future potential measures have been identified. The implementation of these measures will depend on the outcome of the negotiations. 

The Government has introduced a range of measures to deal with the short-term impacts of Brexit. In terms of dealing with Competitiveness issues, my Department introduced a €150 million low-cost loan scheme and increased funding under the Rural Development and Seafood Development Programmes in the 2017 Budget. In Budget 2018, I, along with my colleague, the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, introduced a new €300m “Brexit Loan Scheme” to provide affordable, flexible financing to Irish businesses that are either currently impacted by Brexit or who will be in the future - at least 40% of which will be available to seafood businesses. 

I have followed up these measures with further initiatives as part of Budget 2019, which contains a €78 million Brexit package for farmers, fishermen, food SMEs and to cover additional costs in my Department. €7 million has also been provided to support Brexit preparedness work within my Department, namely, to meet the staffing and IT costs associated with the additional import control and export certification requirements arising from Brexit.   

In line with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade-coordinated  ‘whole of Government’ approach to Brexit, my Department is planning for an orderly Brexit which involves, inter alia, a transition period. It is very welcome that the European Council has proposed that the whole of the EU acquis - including the Common Fisheries Policy - will apply to the UK during the transition.

Our enterprise agencies are continuing to work with seafood companies to help them to deal with Brexit through making them more competitive, diversifying market exposure, and up-skilling teams. 

In recent months, I have continued to have positive, regular meetings with my European colleagues, especially those from the group of 8 Coastal Member States whose fisheries are potentially most impacted by the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. I am also working closely with key stakeholders in the Irish fishing industry and am pleased at the level of unity on these key issues. The results of my engagement with the Barnier Task Force, in close collaboration with the Tánaiste are evident in the agreed EU position on fisheries. 

My priority has been, and remains, to maintain existing levels of access to waters and resources. However, in a worst case scenario of a disorderly departure in March 2019 those reciprocal arrangements could be endangered. Such issues could not of course be dealt with in isolation from the overall scenario of a disorderly Brexit and any measures taken would have to be carefully considered by ourselves in partnership with relevant Member States, the Task Force and stakeholders.

The actual agreement on a future relationship can only be finalised and concluded once the UK has become a third country, that is, after it leaves the EU on 29 March 2019. This is why a status quo transitional arrangement is so important.  

Forestry Sector

Questions (504)

Charlie McConalogue


504. Deputy Charlie McConalogue asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if a carbon credit can be claimed against forestry (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43633/18]

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At present, removals of greenhouse gases by forests in Ireland are not linked to meeting our emissions reduction targets up to 2020. In addition, greenhouse gas removals from Irish forests are not included in the Emissions Trading Scheme. Therefore there are no carbon credits associated with forestry that can be traded formally either within Ireland or the EU as a whole.

Knowledge Transfer Programme

Questions (505)

Niamh Smyth


505. Deputy Niamh Smyth asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if his attention has been drawn to problems with issued knowledge transfer payments particularly for partnership farms (details supplied); the steps he will take to rectify the situation; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43696/18]

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Knowledge Transfer (KT) is one of a suite of measures included under the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 and involves the formation of knowledge transfer groups across the beef, dairy, equine, sheep, tillage and poultry sectors. Farmer participants attend group meetings and produce a Farm Improvement Plan in consultation with their KT Facilitator. For each year of the three year programme participants receive a reimbursement in the amount of €750 for a primary sector and €375 for a secondary sector where all requirements of the programme have been met.

Payments for Year One of the knowledge transfer (KT) programme commenced in late October 2017.

In the initial stages of the payment phase for this programme an issue arose in relation to participants who were in Registered Farm Partnerships. This issue related to the requirement to match the data in  the Farm Improvement Plan to the individual farmer participants in the Registered Farm Partnerships. Officials in my Department have since rectified this issue.

To date, over 19,070 out of approximately 19,100 farmer payments, amounting to approximately €12.5m, have issued across all 6 KT Sectors.  

The persons named were partners in a Registered Farm Partnership with both participating in the Knowledge Transfer Dairy Programme. The partnership was dissolved in July 2017 impacting on processing of their payments for Year One with part payment issued to one of the persons named. Work is ongoing to finalise this case and issue a balancing payment to the persons named.
