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Magdalen Laundries

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 6 November 2018

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Questions (436)

Catherine Connolly


436. Deputy Catherine Connolly asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the status of an application by a person (details supplied) to the Magdalen restorative justice ex gratia scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45595/18]

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The application in respect of which the Deputy has provided details, falls to be dealt with under a recommendation made by the Ombudsman in his November 2017 report on the administration of the Magdalen Restorative Justice Ex Gratia Scheme.

That recommendation concerns the application of the scheme to women who worked in the relevant 12 Magdalen Institutions but who resided in one of 14 adjoining institutions. I have set out in detail in two other Dáil Questions today - numbers 435 and 449 - how my Department is seeking to implement that recommendation. That answer explains that an addendum to the terms of the scheme will make it clear how the scheme will apply to those covered by the Ombudsman's recommendation. Officials in my Department are working closely with the Office of the Attorney General and the addendum will be finalised imminently. It will then be published and processing of applications, including that of the person referred to in this question, will commence.
