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Residency Permits

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 13 November 2018

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Questions (265)

Bernard Durkan


265. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the progress to date in updating stamp 4 in the case of a person (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [46679/18]

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I am advised by the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) of my Department that the person concerned has applied for the renewal of their permission to remain which expired on 01 November 2018. That application is under consideration at present. Such applications are examined having regard to, among other things, the relevant applicant’s compliance with the conditions attaching to their earlier permission to remain which include: that they have obeyed the laws of the State; that they have not become involved in criminal activity; that they have made every effort to gain employment and not be a burden on the State and that they have resided continuously in the State, allowing for reasonable periods of absence from the State for holidays, exceptional family circumstances or commitments outside the State arising from business or employment carried on within the State. Such factors will also be considered in the context of the case of the person concerned.

Once a decision has been made on this application – to renew or to refuse to renew their permission to remain – this decision will be conveyed in writing.

Queries in relation to the status of individual immigration cases may be made directly to the INIS of my Department by e-mail using the Oireachtas Mail facility which has been specifically established for this purpose. This service enables up to date information on such cases to be obtained without the need to seek information by way of the Parliamentary Questions process. The Deputy may consider using the e-mail service except in cases where the response from the INIS is, in the Deputy’s view, inadequate or too long awaited.
