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Family Reunification Policy

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 28 November 2018

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Questions (177)

Maureen O'Sullivan


177. Deputy Maureen O'Sullivan asked the Minister for Justice and Equality if he is satisfied that sufficient funding and resources are available for family reunification; and if his attention has been drawn to difficulties faced by families utilising the programme. [49799/18]

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I am advised by the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) of my Department that there is a range of immigration pathways open to non-EEA nationals seeking to reside in this State on the basis of family reunification. I am further advised these include, claims of entitlement as the family member of an EU national exercising the right of free movement in this State, cases where the sponsor is a beneficiary of international protection in Ireland and family members of Irish Nationals and EEA nationals pursuant to the Policy Document on Non-EEA Family Reunification.

I understand that each application examined on its individual merits and in accordance with relevant immigration policy, national and EU laws as appropriate. This can require a significant period of time to process in view of the complexities involved. Every effort is made to process such applications as quickly as possible. In that regard I am advised that the allocation of resources to these areas is kept under regular review and additional resources have been allocated to these areas over the past year.

In addition, the Minister has announced an International Humanitarian Admissions Programme (IHAP). This is a humanitarian admissions programme which gives persons granted International Protection in the State, and Irish citizens, the opportunity to apply to bring family members, who are nationals of one of the top ten major source countries of refugees, as listed in the UNHCR Annual Global Trends report, to this State.
