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Child and Family Agency Remit

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 28 November 2018

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Questions (247)

Anne Rabbitte


247. Deputy Anne Rabbitte asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if it is within Tusla’s remit and-or duties to assist a child in foster care that is seeking to identify their birth parents; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [49689/18]

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Tusla social workers in consultation with the children, their families, foster carer and others who play a significant role in the life of the child, draw up a comprehensive written care plan that is actioned and maintained on the child’s file as per Child Care Placement of Children in Foster Care (or Relative Foster Care) Regulations, 1995.

The care plan is prepared before the child is placed in foster care or, in the case of an emergency, within 14 days. The social worker ensures that contact is maintained with family members and friends and the details in relation to this are set out in the care plan.

Tusla informs me that in circumstances whereby a child does not know the identity of his or her parents the details relating to the case will be considered in the care planning process and plans will be made to manage the situation. Each case is different and the circumstances of each child varies. However, the welfare of the child is the paramount consideration in the care planning process and in relation to any decision arrived at in managing issues of parental identity.
