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Children in Care

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 28 November 2018

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Questions (248)

Anne Rabbitte


248. Deputy Anne Rabbitte asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if Tusla or another agency within her Department offers access to DNA testing services for children within State care. [49690/18]

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DNA testing services, if required, are considered as part of the care planning process for a child in care. I am informed by Tusla that when a child is taken into care, social workers ensure that an assessment of need is undertaken to support the development of the child’s care plan. In line with the Child Care (Placement of Children in Residential Care/in Foster Care/with Relatives) Regulations, 1995 this assessment identifies the needs of the child from an emotional, psychological, medical and educational perspective. This process determines any additional needs.

Such comprehensive assessments are undertaken in consultation with the child, their family and/or foster carers and any significant others. If deemed appropriate, a multi-disciplinary assessment will be required. It is during this process that a requirement for DNA testing would be considered. A determination is made based on the best interests of the child.

The resulting written care plan will be maintained on the child’s file as per the Child Care (Placement of Children in Residential Care/in Foster Care/with Relatives) Regulations, 1995.
