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Pension Provisions

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 18 December 2018

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Questions (470)

Michael Lowry


470. Deputy Michael Lowry asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if a new pension scheme for workers of companies (details supplied) that was agreed with management and unions of the Coillte-owned facility earlier in 2018 will be finalised; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [52750/18]

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Coillte are required, under Section 44 of the Forestry Act 1988, to submit schemes for the granting of pensions, gratuities and other allowances on resignation, retirement or death in respect of members of its staff, to me for approval with the concurrence of the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform. I can confirm that a draft pension scheme for employees of the first named facility was accordingly submitted. This is currently under consideration after which I expect a consent request will be finalised in early 2019, subject to the scheme proposal being in order.
