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Health Strategies

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 15 May 2019

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Questions (212)

Bernard Durkan


212. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Health the degree to which he expects to be in a position to implement the recommendations of the Sláintecare report in 2019 and following years; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [21152/19]

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As the Deputy is aware, a detailed Sláintecare Action plan for 2019 was completed and published on March 13th 2019. The Action Plan sets out detailed deliverables and timeframes for 239 deliverables that are to be progressed in 2019 as part of the implementation of the Sláintecare vision and firmly establishes a programmatic approach to the delivery of the Sláintecare Strategy.

In the first quarter of this year the Sláintecare Programme Implementation Office (SPIO) team has been mobilised to support and drive the implementation of these projects working in partnership with the Department units, the HSE and other partners. During the first quarter of 2019, the Sláintecare Executive Director and SPIO team have continued to engage with citizens, stakeholders and frontline staff across the health and social care service to ensure that these voices are involved in the design and delivery of the Sláintecare vision. A number of workshops, site visits and engagement events have taken place around the country with frontline clinicians. Two briefing sessions have been held with members of both the Joint Committee on Health and the former Committee on the Future of Healthcare. The Citizen Engagement and Empowerment Programme continues to be rolled out, with two regional events taking place in Quarter 1.

I refer the Deputy to the actions completed in Quarter 1 of this year, detailed in the Quarter 1 progress report published on the Department of Health website on 3rd May 2019. Detailed below is the activity of the Sláintecare Programme Implementation office to date. I'm happy to report that all deliverables for Q1 2019 are 100% on track.

Sláintecare Programme Implementation Office Activity for Q1 2019

- The Action Plan for 2019 was compiled and published on March 13th following review by the SIAC.

- The dedicated Sláintecare Programme Implementation Office (SPIO) staff of 15 have been mobilised and are now actively working with stakeholders and colleagues to progress the 2019 deliverables.

- The Sláintecare Integration Fund was published on 22nd March 2019, with applications being requested by 18th April 2019. A significant number of application have been submitted.

- The second Sláintecare Implementation Advisory Council (SIAC) meeting was held on 27th Feb. Dr Tom Keane is the Chair of the Advisory Council.

- Four stakeholder workshops were held jointly with the Chief Clinical Officer of the HSE, covering topics on chronic diseases and older persons.

- A Citizen and Staff Engagement and Empowerment Programme has been initiated to ensure the voice of service users is heard in the design of the reform programme.

- Content to support a pro-active communications programme for 2019 is in development.

- First quarter progress report 2019 completed and all 28 (100%) deliverables are on track.

Key Sláintecare Advancements since September 2018

- The DOH, the HSE and the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) reached consensus on a major package of GP contractual reforms which will benefit patients and make general practice a more attractive career option for doctors (April 2019).

- The 2019 Healthy Ireland campaign has been announced (April 2019).

- The Smile agus Sláinte National Oral Health Policy has been launched with a commitment to elements of universal healthcare to be implemented between 2020 to 2026 (April 2019).

- The HSE Board has been appointed (January 2019) on an administrative basis and HSE Director General has been appointed (April 2019).

- A reduction in prescription charges and a decrease in the threshold for the Drugs Payment Scheme was announced (March 2019).

- The Scheduled Care Access Plan 2019 has been published (March 2019).

- The Oversight Group to implement new model of public health medicine has been established (March 2019).

- The Independent review group on the role of voluntary organisations (Catherine Day Report) has been published (February 2019).

- The joint policy statement “Housing Options for our ageing population” has been launched (February 2019).

- The Independent Patient Advocacy Service contract has been awarded (December 2018).

- The Healthy Ireland Outcomes Framework has been launched (December 2018).

- The National Patient Experience Survey 2018 was published. 86% were happy with the service they received (November 2018).
