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Hospital Beds Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 15 May 2019

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Questions (213)

Bernard Durkan


213. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Health the extent to which the number of hospital beds throughout the public health sector needs to be augmented in keeping with demographics; the timescale for such implementation; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [21153/19]

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In January 2018, I published the Health Service Capacity Review which made clear that we need additional capacity across nearly all areas of the health service over the next decade. The review acknowledged the demographic challenge facing the Irish health service in the near future due to our growing population, with our over 65 population set to increase by nearly 60% and the over 85 population set to double. These latter two groups are high users of health servicers and it is important that we invest in order to provide safe and timely care to the whole population.

It is also clear we should not plan investments in the health service as it is currently configured. Investment and reform should go hand in hand with each driving the other. The Capacity Review acknowledged the need for reform of the health service and provided projections based on reform scenarios that align with the Sláintecare vision and reform programme.

Arising from the findings of the Capacity Review, the Government committed to investing in an extra 2,600 beds in our hospitals and 4,500 more community beds in the National Development Plan over the period to 2027.

These increases have already started. Since 2017, an additional 241 beds have been opened. The Capacity Programme for 2019 provides for the following increases to capacity, as set out in the National Service Plan 2019:

- 78 additional beds, including a 40-bed modular build in South Tipperary General Hospital, and a 30-bed ward in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Drogheda;

- 75 acute beds and 70 community beds as part of the Winter Plan, of which 60 acute beds and 19 community beds have already opened;

- preparation of 202 beds by quarter 4 2019 with a view to bringing this extra capacity into operation in the first quarter of 2020;

- preparation of the proposed opening of a 60-bed modular build in University Hospital Limerick.
