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Carer's Allowance Applications

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 30 May 2019

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Questions (32)

Joe Carey


32. Deputy Joe Carey asked the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection the reason the file of a person (details supplied) has not yet been received from the carer's allowance section two months later; when it is expected that the carer's allowance section will forward the file; the length of time it will then take for a decision on the appeal once the file is received; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [22785/19]

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Carer's Allowance (CA) is a means-tested payment, made to a person who is habitually resident in the State and providing full-time care and attention to a child or an adult who has such a disability that they require that level of care. 

Full-time care and attention is defined as requiring from another person, continual supervision and frequent assistance throughout the day in connection with normal bodily functions or continuous supervision in order to avoid danger to him or herself and likely to require that level of care for at least twelve months.

An application for CA was received from the person concerned from the person concerned on 10 August 2018.

The evidence submitted in support of this application was examined and the deciding officer decided that the evidence did not indicate that the requirement for full-time care was satisfied.

The person concerned was notified on 1 November 2018 of this decision, the reasons for it and of his right of review and appeal.

A review of this decision was requested on 14 November 2018, a deciding officer re-examined the evidence, including that submitted to support this review.

The outcome of this review was that the decision remained unchanged.  The person concerned was notified of this outcome on 18 January 2019. 

My Department were notified on 20 February 2019 that the person concerned had appealed this decision to the Social Welfare Appeals Office (SWAO).  On foot of this a deciding officer re-examined all the evidence, including that submitted in support of this appeal.

As a result the application was awarded to the person concerned on 10 May 2019, first payment issued to his nominated bank account on 16 May 2019. 

Arrears of allowance due from 16 August 2018 to 15 May 2019 have also issued.

The person concerned was notified on 10 May 2019 of this decision, the reason for it and of his right of review and appeal.

Question No. 33 answered with Question No. 7.