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Medical Card Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 15 October 2019

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Questions (387)

Stephen Donnelly


387. Deputy Stephen Donnelly asked the Minister for Health the number of persons that will benefit from the changes to the income thresholds for the over 70 years of age medical card; the cost in 2020 of this measure; and the four-year cost of same. [41897/19]

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As announced in Budget 2020, medical card gross income limits for those over 70 will be increased to €550 per week for a single person aged over 70 (currently €500 per week) and to €1050 for a couple aged over 70 (currently €900 per week).

It is estimated that up to 56,000 persons aged over 70 may be eligible to benefit from the increased medical card income limits which will apply from July 2020.

The cost of this measure will be dependent on a number of factors, including the number of additional applications made to the HSE, the timescale within which these are made and the number of applicants who are deemed eligible. Funding in respect of the measure has been provided for within the Budget 2020 package of family friendly measures, which amounts to €45m in total.
