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General Medical Services Scheme Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 15 October 2019

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Questions (388)

Stephen Donnelly


388. Deputy Stephen Donnelly asked the Minister for Health the cost in 2020 of the GMS prescription charges for over 70 years being reduced by 50 cent to €1; and the full-year cost of same. [41898/19]

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As part of Budget 2020 I made a number of announcements in relation to reducing the cost of medicines for individuals and families. These measures are in line with commitments given in the Programme for Partnership government and under Sláintecare.

From the 1st July 2020 prescription charges will be reduced by 25% for all medical card holders.

The cost to reduce the charge to €1.00 with a monthly cap of €10, for over 70s is expected to cost €7m in 2020. The full year cost of this measure is estimated at €12m.
