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Departmental Staff Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 18 December 2019

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Questions (68)

Mattie McGrath


68. Deputy Mattie McGrath asked the Taoiseach the number of new staff recruited to his Department from January 2019 to date; and the title of each employment position. [53650/19]

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The information requested by the Deputy regarding new staff recruited in my Department from January 2019 to date is outlined in the following table.

My Department uses workforce planning and succession planning to ensure that there are sufficient staffing resources in place to deliver the Department's strategic goals. Staff are recruited to fill vacancies which arise on an ongoing basis due to staff retirements, promotions and staff availing of mobility opportunities and career breaks.

Staff requirements also arise as a result of additional responsibilities being assigned to my Department. Recent examples include additional responsibilities relating to Brexit, climate action, national security, policing reform, and Citizens' Assembly.

In the main, staff are recruited to my Department through the Public Appointments Service (PAS) by way of competition and also by way of secondment from other Government Departments.

Vacancies are also filled by way of mobility through the Civil Service Mobility Scheme, or by promotion.



Assistant Secretary


Principal Officer


Assistant Principal/Assistant Principal equivalent


Higher Executive Officer


Administrative Officer


Executive Officer


Clerical Officer


*Table excludes politically appointed staff.

** Staff numbers reflect headcount rather than whole time equivalent.
