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Broadcasting Sector

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 30 June 2020

Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Questions (623)

Duncan Smith


623. Deputy Duncan Smith asked the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment if he will use his power under section 156(3) of the Broadcasting Act 2009 to ensure that the sound and vision fund can award another round of funding in September 2020 at a minimum to screen content and radio content, respectively as per the sound and vision 4 scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12943/20]

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The Broadcasting Fund, which is administered by the BAI, is funded by 7% of net licence fee receipts and supports the Archiving and Sound and Vision schemes. €7m of funding was allocated earlier this year in round 34 of Sound and Vision to 126 projects. In addition, the BAI agreed to  put in place a Covid 19 funding round (Round 35) under the Sound and Vision Scheme of €2.5m for commercial radio stations. 32 applications were received from independent commercial radio stations and evaluated according to the COVID-19 Fund assessment criteria. All 32 applications are being allocated funding. The BAI expect that most of these awards will be paid by the end of June.

The BAI will operate a round specifically for community radio stations of €750,000 over the summer months (Round 36), with funding expected to be in place by early September.

Later this year, a separate round 37 for the commercial and community television broadcasters and public service broadcasters, including RTÉ radio services will be launched and it is envisioned this will also be funded by 7% of net licence fee receipts.  Details of this round will be announced by the BAI in due course. 
