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Hospital Facilities

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 15 September 2020

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Questions (56)

Denis Naughten


56. Deputy Denis Naughten asked the Minister for Health the status of the 50-bed ward block development at Portiuncula hospital, Ballinasloe, County Galway; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [23276/20]

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Portiuncula Hospital Ballinasloe aims to deliver a patient-centred, quality-driven focused service and provides a wide range of diagnostic and support services. The 50 Bed Ward Block is an important project for the hospital.

The Health Service Executive is responsible for the delivery and management of healthcare infrastructure and has advised that a contractor was appointed for the enabling works contract and commenced work on the 11th August 2020. The 50 Bed Ward Block enabling works project is programmed for completion on the 25th May 2021. It is intended to advertise for contractors for the construction of the 50 Bed Ward Block in Q4 2020 with a view to commencing works on-site in mid-2021. The Radiology Flouroscopy room refurbishment and equipment replacement is running in tandem, it is programmed for completion February 2021.

All capital development proposals must progress through a number of approval stages, in line with the Public Spending Code, including detailed appraisal, planning, design and procurement before a firm timeline or funding requirement can be established.

The final decision to proceed with the construction of a project cannot be made until the tender process has been completed and the costings reviewed to ensure the proposal delivers value for money and remains affordable, and that sufficient funding is available to fund the project to completion, including equipping and commissioning costs.

The delivery of capital projects is a dynamic process and is subject to the successful completion of the various approval stages, which can impact on the timeline for delivery.
